とにかく、私は素晴らしいファミリーとこうして一緒に過ごせることを本当に嬉しく思っています。なので、是非彼らの素晴らしさを皆さんに伝えさせてください!私は、これまで本当に沢山の思い出を彼らと作ってきました。そして、一緒にいろいろな所に行きました。特に、フロリダにはもう4回も行きました。私のホストファザーはパイロットで、自家用ジェット機を持っているので、他の州に行くことが多くあります。それに、彼らは本当にフロリダが大好きで、別荘まで持っているので、フロリダに行く機会が多いのはそういう理由なんです。また、私のこれまでの一番印象深いイベントは、もちろんクリスマスです。私は、ファザーとマザー両方のたくさんの親戚と会って、一緒に美味しい料理を食べたり、いろんなことを沢山話したり、apples to applesというゲームをしたりして楽しい時を過ごしました。そして私の一番のお気に入りのシーンは、もちろんプレゼント交換です。私が思っていた以上に沢山のプレゼントをサンタクロースを含めた沢山の人からもらいました。私は、この歳になってサンタさんからプレゼントがもらえるなんて夢にも思っていなかったので、とても興奮していました(笑)さらに、私のホストファミリーは、私が彼らに伝えていなかった欲しいものまで知っていたので、もらった時はとても驚きました。とても素敵だと思いませんか?今回が初めての日本以外で過ごすクリスマスで、日本のものより遥かに豪華でした!来年から毎年クリスマスはアメリカで過ごしたいくらいです。彼らには、感謝の気持ちを伝え切れることはありません。私は、自分が世界中の留学生の中で一番幸運だと本気で信じています!もう既に彼らと離れることを考えるととても悲しいですが、2年後にシスターのスクールトリップで家族で日本に来る予定なのと、私が北海道の魅力を沢山伝えてしまったので、私達はまた必ず会うことができると信じます!
Hi, guys! How’s it going? I’m sorry to be way too late to send my first (&second) report. I know Mr. Tanabe is mad at me…he is such a gentleman, so I hope he is not. It’s completely my fault though. I’d like to send it with Japanese translation
as a token of my apology.
Anyways, there were too many things what happened to me to write. I’m pretty sure this report will be so long and can’t tell you everything about the past 5 months. I hope I can tell you most of all though.
First of all, I’m going to tell you about having changed host family. I changed it at the beginning of September, so the time to spend with my first host family in Indiana was pretty short. The reasons why are they moved their house and I got into troubles with one of my host sister. However, I felt so sad because they were nice and treated me like a true member of the family. Also I loved the time to spend watching movies at every Friday night with them. However, if I didn’t change it, I couldn’t meet my present family.
Anyways, I’m so glad to be able to stay with such a sweet family, so let me tell you how wonderful they are! I have way too many memories with them so far. We went many places in particular Florida. My host father is a pilot and has private airplane so it’s easy to go other states. Also, they have an another house in Florida and love there, so that’s why we go there many times. My most memorial event so far is obviously Christmas. I met many of their relatives and they all were so nice to me. We ate many special food, talked a lot of things, and played Apples to Apples together. My most favorite part of the Christmas was exchanging gifts. I got many present more than I expected from many people including Santa Claus. I didn’t expect I can get gifts from Santa Claus at my age, so I was so excited. Also, my host family knew what I want even I didn’t tell them. That’s so sweet of them, isn’t it? It was my first time to spend Christmas in outside of Japan and so much better than Japanese one! It was really nice so as to want to spend every Christmas in the U.S. from next year. There’s no way to tell my all of appreciation to them. I’m the luckiest exchange student in the world ever I believe seriously! I’ve already felt sad to think I’ll leave from them, but they are going to come to Japan because of my host sister’s school trip 2 years later, and I’ve told them appeal of Hokkaido way too much, so we’ll definitely meet again! Hopefully.
Second of all, I’m going to tell you having switched my school. I switched it the end of the first semester. It wasn’t supposed to be changed, but has changed suddenly. I didn’t like my previous school(not now) because I had really hard time there before. Many students there were mean to me and I was laughed at in some classes on several times. Actually I kind of felt I was discriminated(some people don’t think so though). So I talked to my AC, school, host parents, and one of Japanese friend who is going to my present school. It was really hard to describe the situation and my feeling because they (except my host mother and the friend) didn’t listen to me at all at first. However, I kept talking to them really seriously over and over again, so they was getting to understand me little by little, and finally I could change the school! Actually, it’s not the best timing to change it because my school life was getting better and I was enjoying it day by day. So it was kind of sad, but I’m proud of me about being able to change the school by myself(usually it’s almost impossible) and appreciate them to have worked hard for me. So anyways, I’m going to make effort to enjoy my school life better than before I promise! I’m still nervous, but I’m so excited to go there moreover.
I had kind of hard time for the past 5 months, but it made me grown quite well, and I believe everything what happened needed for me. Everything here gives me valuable experiences. I can’t and don’t want to believe I have only 6 months left. I HAVE TO study, learn, have wonderful time and make awesome memories with my host family and friends, and enjoy it MORE! I don’t wanna miss what I supposed to do here anymore so I’ll keep trying as much as I can do.
Last of all I’d like to say that I’m so appreciating to my family to encourage me don’t matter when if I need their help, and let me have such a wonderful experiences. (and send me baggage which are full of Japanese snacks every time.)
Thank you for reading all of my long report! I couldn’t tell you much about specific what happened but most of my feelings. I hope I could tell you about enjoying school and send you pictures of me who lose weight next time. Hopefully my third report won’t be late…. Take care of yourself! See you soon!