







 来月から二学期が始まります。今取っているクラスを離れなければならないことはとても寂しく思いますが、次の学期の体育のクラスが仲のいい女の子と同じなのでとても楽しみで待ちきれません。しかし、その前に学期末テストがあったり、課題もいくつかあるので今はバタバタしています。最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます。次のレポートも楽しみにしていてくださいね。 五十嵐みなみ


3rd Report Jan 9th, 2016


Hi, how are you doing these days? And how was your Christmas and New years day? In Brandon, it has been unusually warm this winter. 5months’s gone already since I came here on August 7th. I’m pretty sure that the 6 months left is going to be precious time for me. Anyway this report is going to be third one, I’m happy if you don’t become weary and do enjoy it.


After I handed in my second report in November, I had Christmas and New years day, and I went to wedding, Winnipeg with classmate. I went to Winnipeg 3 times during Christmas vacation to visit my host parent’s sons for Christmas, New years day, and just a visit. I was just impressed by Canadian Christmas. I was thinking if I am kid in Canada, Christmas must be so big event for me. We had 20 or 30 presents underneath the Christmas tree, so of course their grandkids were so excited and happy. I was just envying (just kidding). I got many Christmas presents as well. Anyway there were a lot of new nice meetings and many interesting conversations. Actually I learned a lot in there. A lot of people asked me “ Did you find any difference in Canada so far? ”, and I told them that we have a Christmas presents from only our parents and grandparents, so it’s not like Canada, 20 or 30 presents for each kids. But we do celebrate New years day more than Christmas instead of Christmas. It’s true, right? I’m not sure about that… Anyway everybody was just so surprised by the difference, so I was so happy with that. Cause when I was telling them about Japanese culture, they focused and listened me and were interesting in Japan.


In the school, I found it easy to do anything. I had a problem at the math class like I wrote in 2nd report, but now I have no problem. All mark is ok and I’m enjoying all classes. Especially at gym class, I did enjoy volleyball for a while, cause I was belonging to volleyball team when I was in junior high, so I’m good at that. And in my EAL class which is for people who are from other country, I could move up to the higher level class than I was in. Most of people who could move up to the class are living in Canada longer than me, so this happen was good to make sure that my English skill is improving. Actually I don’t feel my English skill’s going up by myself, if people tell me my English is getting better.


Finally I want to talk about resolutions of 2016. Past year, I came to Canada alone as exchange student. I can probably say this happen is going to be the biggest challenge in my life, 16 years. ( Decided to go to Hokusei was also big for me.) I was often thinking about being in Canada past year, but now, I have a distinct resolutions for this year. It is that I’ll find a difference of culture between Canada and Japan. I want to make use of my cross cultural awareness I’ve found in Canada after back to Japan. Actually I’ve already found a lot of strong points and weak points in 5 months I’ve been through till today. At the end of this report, I would like to introduce you this phrase “A future depends on what you do today”. It was written on one of the classroom’s wall. When I saw this, what I thought was “ It’s true.”. To keep trying, learning from the past time, and learning a new thing is the exactly what I should do this year. I swear I ain’t going to give up anything I can try in Canada.


From next month, 2nd semester is starting. I don’t want to believe that I have to leave my current classroom I’m taking, but the most exciting thing is that a gym class I’m going to take for next semester is same class with my favorite girl. We’re just exciting and we can’t even wait. But before that I have to prepare for a final exam and many projects and assignments I’m working on, so I’m spending pretty busy time now. Please wish my success, and thank you for reading till the end. -M


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