私はオハイオの州都であるコロンバスにオハイオの留学生と共に旅行に行きました。旅行の間はヨーロッパ圏からの英語が上手な留学生4人と一緒に時間を過ごしました。夜ご飯を食べていたときの話ですが、皆で話をしていたのですが、他の留学生が難しい単語を話したり、彼らの国それぞれの強い訛りがあったので、実際は全てを理解することは出来ませんでした。 そんなとき、イタリアから来た子が”もし、混乱してたり、助けて欲しかったらいつでも私たちに知らせてね。アジア圏の言語は英語との違いが大きいでしょ?”っと言ってきました。それを聞いたとき、嬉しかったし幸せでした。他にも、中国、台湾、韓国からの留学生にも会って、悩みを共有し合いました。彼らに会えて本当に本当に嬉しいです。
Hello! It’s Mariko. How are you doing? I passed 6 months since I came to here. I am having fun every day.
I wanted to talk about winter break but I cannot remember details so I’d like to talk a little bit. The Christmas was absolutely awesome. At the Christmas Eve, I went to shopping with my host father for buy host mother’s presents. One of the present, we looked some perfume but I got sick from many kinds perfumes. So I could not go to church. I went to West Virginia State. At the hotel, we were passed by wear the Ohio’s shirt, and my mother said “OH?” and they said “OHIO!” They don’t know how I am impressed. What do you think? It is really awesome isn’t it? I really love this culture. I watched “Star Wars, the force is awake” with host family. I like American theater because we can react for the movie. For example, when I saw millennium falcon on the movie I let out a cry of joy without thinking and other people who love Star Wars ware doing same thing. When I passed a year I spent at my room and really quiet.
I went to Columbus that capital city of Ohio with ASSE Ohio’s exchange students. During this trip, I spent time with 4 friends from Europe and they can speak English. At the dinner, we were talking but honestly I couldn’t understand everything because they are using difficult words and they have strong intonation from countries of themselves. At this time, one of the friends who from Italy said “if you confuse or need some help, let us know we will help you. Asia’s languages are really different with English.” when I heard it, I felt so glad and happy. I met exchange students from China, Taiwan and South Korea in this trip and we have same problem. We shared problems with each other. I’m really really glad to meet them.
I have a project for the graduate in English class. It already started after winter break and I have to talk about my future. My teacher gave us homework every week. It is really hard for us such as have to read a book that have 1000 pages on a week, interview for person who has relation with my future and dream. It’s really hard for I don’t decide my future. The best surprised thing is other classmate already decided what I want to be after the college. Apart from to come true, they are independence and admiration like cool for them. Other class, I don’t know but each class gave me some projects after winter break. This is so hard for me but just do that.
I’m spending full life because have new experiences or to happening something every single day. Happy times and sad times, I couldn’t experience all of these things if I haven’t come to the US, so all of these experiences are good for me.