1学期が終わり、2学期がスタートしました。今学期から卒業するために必要なgovernmentのクラスを受けています。宿題は自分で教科書を読んでノートを作ること。これがすごく大変で…でも、時間は掛かりますが勉強になります。私の先生は基本ホワイトボードに手書きという授業スタイルなのですが、正直字が綺麗な方とは言えないので「他の先生はパワーポイント使っているのに〜!」と心の中で毎時間嘆いています(笑) 凄く優しい先生なんですけどね!
JAPANESE FOOD DAY‼︎ ということで、この前お好み焼きと稲荷寿司を作りました。ホストファザーとマザーは凄く気に入ってくれましたが、シスターはどちらも口に合わなかったようです(笑) 今度はオムライスを作ろうかと計画中です!…え?誰が食べたいか?それはご想像にお任せします(笑)
Hi, how are you guys doing? About six and a half months have passed since I left Japan. I just noticed it’s already February. Time goes by quickly, doesn’t it? By the way, the temperature was -13°F(-25℃) a couple of days ago in Iowa.
The first semester is already over, and the second semester is starting. I’m taking a government class this semester because I have to take it to graduate Valley High School. Homework is reading the textbook and taking notes ourselves. It’s hard, don’t you think? It takes a long time, but it’s also helpful for learning English. My teacher’s handwriting is hard to read, so I think, “Why don’t you use power point?” whenever he writes something on the board. He is really nice though:)
The other day, I made Japanese food, Okonomiyaki and Inarizushi. The host parents liked them, but host sister didn’t like both though. I’m planning on making Omuraisu next time! Who wants to eat it? “ME” haha
One of the purposes of my study abroad is to find my dream. I still haven’t been able to find it, but I think I’m changing like I started to dream in English. I’ll keep thinking about my future. I also think about myself more than when I was in Japan. I’m trying to find and understand who I am. I think I have to have my own opinions whenever I talk with my host family or friends here. I should think more deeply about things and try to act accordingly.
Even though I experienced many bitter things so far, they are making me grow, so I’m thankful for this study abroad.
I’m enjoying my life in America and glad I’m here!