帰国するまであと四カ月、ということは私は七カ月もここにいるんですね!前よりも自分に自信を持てている気がするし、人生をもっと楽しくする方法を学んでいるような感じがします。素敵な家族と本当に素晴らしい友達に会ったし、セント・メアリーハイスクールが大好きです。でもそれのおかげで、どれだけ自分が日本の友達と学校のことを好きなのか気づいた気がします。ここに来なかったらこんな考え方絶対にできなかったと思う。マザーと私はいつも「I love my life!」っていいます。I love my life! そこそこ。皆が恋しいです。あと四カ月で帰りますね。五月ごろにまたレポートを書く予定なので、その時まで皆さんさようなら!
The second semester has started from February 1st and everything has changed. Now I’m taking ELA, Native Studies, Gen Tutorial, Food Studies and Graphic Arts. ELA is the class to study how to write correct English. It is pretty hard for me because we need to know lots of terms that I don’t know, but my teacher and my friends help me. In Native Studies, we learn about Indigenous people all over the world. This is my favorite class because one of my best friends is taking this class and we can work together, and I love my teacher. She is an Aboriginal person from Canada and she knows a lot of things about First Nations. I like to learn how people who have different identities see the world, and how they live. I’m excited because we are going to learn about Ainu pretty soon. It is good feeling that when I see the people learning our cultures. In first three days in February I used to have a spare for period 3. But I was called to the office and the teacher said that I couldn’t have a spare because I needed to be in the class to spend more time to use English. So I changed to Gen Tutorial, which is not as much as different from when I had a spare. When the third period begins, I go to the library and just sit anywhere I want to and work on my assignments. That’s what I used to do in the spare! The teacher asks what I’m going to do every time when the class begins, but that’s it. He doesn’t walk around during the class to check whether we’re working on our assignments. It is the easiest class in the classes I’m taking. And then we have a lunch time for an hour. I always have the same lunch every day; a sandwich, a vegetable bag and a soup. It’s like $2.25 for all of these and it’s pretty cheap. I think we need a cafeteria like this school has in our school in Japan so that our moms don’t have to rush every morning. I have taken the Food St. 20 in the last semester, but now I’m taking the 10’s as it seemed to be difficult for me to take 30’s, but I couldn’t take 20’s again. In that class I found my best friend, Meryll. She’s from Philippine and she’s really nice. She speaks English so good and I respect her. Kendra is nice to me too. She likes Japan and she said she might come visit me! I’m so happy that I can find people who like Japan. The last one is Graphic Arts. We’re making the year book in this class. I was mistaken to think that this class is easier than others. I need to take a picture of students, interview people, and decide the layout. I had known my teacher because she was my teacher in Food St. last semester. She helps me a lot and I like her. This is the best timetable ever and I can stay here forever. Just kidding.
I got a kitty from the animal shelter. Her name is Gracie and she has a gray hair with white spot on her neck. I’ll explain how we found her. My mom wanted a dog or cat, because Opie, the dog that we’ve been taking a care of, is going to live with my host sister’s house in a few days. So we went to the animal shelter to find a new pet, and we saw a fluffy puppy in one of the rooms. She was really nice and cute, but unfortunately she had such a shaggy and long hair, that when she pooped, the poop stuck on her butt because of her hair. That smelled so bad. So we gave up adopting her and went the other room. In that room there’re seven or eight cats in there and I saw my favorite one. I have seen her before as I’ve been there several times, and my mom knew that I loved her. So, we fostered her! Why we didn’t adopt her is that if she’s too sick or too bad, we can return her to the animal shelter. So we just foster her to see if she’s ok to live with us. She’s little bit scared of new place, but I think she’ll be ok. She often hides downstairs, but she comes out when I call her. I like her purring.
Four months left until I’ll go back to Japan, which means that I’ve been here for seven months! I feel my English is getting better. Just a little bit. I think I’m more confident about myself than before, and I’m starting to know how to make my life more colorful. I got a wonderful family and adorable friends, and I like St. Mary high school. Those things I’ve got here reminds me how much I love my friends and school in my country. I would never know this point of view if I didn’t come here. I and my mom always say ‘I Love My Life! ’ when we cheer up each other. Yes, I love my life! I miss you guys. Four more months and I’ll see you. I’m supposed to write the other report on May, so until then, good bye folks