





それで、今私はアーチェリーチームに所属しています。私はあまり上手ではないのですが、他のチームメイトやコーチが教えてくれるので、練習を頑張らなければいけません。4月に大きな大会があるので、ちょっと緊張しています。同じ4月に「Into the Woods」を上演しますが、どうなるか想像もつきません。もう少しでここを離れるのがとても悲しいです。私だけでなく友達や家族も悲しいと思います。皆が私がいなくなるので寂しいと言ってくれたので、とても嬉しいです。本当はずっと皆と一緒に居たい気持ちです。


<原 文>

Hello. I am Hazuki. I am sorry for being late to send this report. I spend really busy time at here.  I will give you about valentine day.  At first, some students including me were called, and we went to gym this time.  And then I was surprised because gym was full of presents from parents. I got some candy, flowers, and a doll.  I was really happy cuz I realized my host family love me a lot! Next day was real valentine day, I spent it with my best friend.  We went to mall and I gave him shirt and just a little bit surprise, because it’s a valentine day but American valentine day is different. Boys give something to girls.  So I went to a shop and I decide what I want, but he said he will get it for me. I was so surprised.  He is really nice for me always ( I promise we do not have relationship though :p) 


Anyway, I am in archery team now. I am not good player but other teammate and couches help me so I just have to practice.  We have big competition in April. I am kind of nerves. Also I will play “Into the Wood” in April. I really cannot guess how it will be…

I fell so sad for I have to leave here. It is not only me but also my friends and family too. I fell happy for they say they will miss me though I really do not want to miss them. I just want to stay with them forever.


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