Hey guys! I’m Nana. I usually try to be fine and write positive thing. This time, I’ll try to tell you what I feel these days. It’s embarrassing to show myself being weak, but I’m going to be honest with you and myself. Though I’m sure that some of other students are also feeling like me, I’ve been homesick more than I’ve ever feel, and I’m still weak to face myself recently.
I’ve skipped class once, I’ve skipped a whole school day few times, and I also have been sick thinking about going to school because I really didn’t want to. It’s not what is supposed to be as a foreign exchange student and a Hokusei girl. Haha I reflect on what I did seriously. I’m not involved in any club, I don’t have many friends, and I’m stacking on my bunch of assignments. Those are big reasons why I don’t want to go to school. I realized I’m not outgoing without my close friend or someone who cares me, I’m a perfectionist, and I’m a kind of dreamer through my life in here. So I don’t feel that I accomplished something, and I don’t have confidence. Then I was getting frustrated with myself, I sobbed suddenly or spent the time idly.
I knew that I have to do something to change that situation. What I did for it was to communicate with everyone who can listen to me. I talked with my host family, called my family and friends in Japan, texted Mr. Tanabe and my area rep. That was only what I came up to do, and those worked well. Every person’s word healed me. I’m still struggling though, I think everything is going to be okay thanks to those people.
In my life in here, things I thought that are going to happen don’t, and things I have not imagined happened. But it’s not too bad. I believe everything is going to be alright with my effort. I’ll keep growing up so people can see brand new me when I go back.
See you soon!
Nana HIrabayashi