お久しぶりです、お元気ですか。こちらは先週1桁だった気温が今日は20度を越しました。もう冷房が入っているんです。まだ3月ですよ! 信じられません。
前回のレポートからこの2ヶ月間が今までで1番成長したように思います。授業にも慣れ、理解できるようになりました。が、慣れるにつれ今度は眠気と毎日戦わなくてはいけなくなってしまいました。特にランチの後は毎日と言っていいほど… …(笑)もう1度気を引き締め直すべきですね。そして、残りの3ヶ月を今までで1番充実したと思えるように、全てのことに意味を持たせながら過ごしていきます。
Hello! How is it going? The temperature was single figures last week, and it was 31℃ today. The air conditioning is already working. It is only March! I do not believe it!
I am leading a full life though there are no events these days. This means I had a good relationship with an exchange student from Germany. We knew each other, and we were good friends when we stayed same house together for 2 weeks. Our height and weight are almost same even before we came here. Nevertheless, appearances are different…. This is what made us go to the gym. We go there 7 times a week, at the most, and at least 3 times a week. However, we eat more than before because we have an excuse that we go to the gym. Therefore, far from losing weight, we are gaining weight. Every weekend, we spend the night at each other’s house, taking turns, so we see each other at least 5 times a week. She does everything better than me. She gives me a lot of good incentive. I have a precious friend.
Of course, I treasure the times with my host family. I try to have dinner with them before I go to gym and also try to go to my room after they go to their room. My host dad has been in the Vietnam War, and he has 3 scars on his body where he was shot. He knows many countries things, so we cannot stop to talk for a while. He has been to Japan a few times, and taught me about what Japan was before I was born. I tell him what I know about Japan. We lighten up when we talk about a difference between old Japan and now. I was also surprised that he always carry 2 guns, I know most Americans have guns, but when I actually saw these, I felt scared. Though, I was surprised at that, he put a gun into his pocket of pants. You are afraid to put a gun into your pocket, aren’t you? If I do, I will not live normal life even for self-defense. But that’s America!
I am sure I spent the best time on my trip to study abroad. It has been 2 months since the last time I turned in a paper. I got used to taking classes and I have come to understand these. However, I also became aware that I have to fight sleepiness every day. Especially after lunch…. I should focus myself again. I will try to spend times that I feel are the best times ever, and I will treasure everything.