





初めに少しだけ最近起こったことについてお話しします。既にみなさんには伝えたと思いますが私は陸上部に所属しました。先日陸上シーズンが終わってしまいました…。今回いい結果は残せませんでしたが、このシーズンは私にとってとてもいいジーズンになりました。なぜなら、とても素晴らしいチームメイトに出会えたからです。私は彼女達になら私の素を見せられます笑 陸上は好きではありませんでしたが…。なぜなら、走ることってただ自分を疲れさせるだけでしかないと思うんです笑 バスケの為に走るのと陸上の為に走るのは全然違いました。気持ちの面でもです‼︎とにかく陸上部に入れたことをとても嬉しく思います。練習や試合がない日にはファミリーと映画を見に行ったりいました。”Miracle from Heaven”という映画をみなさんにオススメします。この映画は実話で私は4回ほど泣いてしまいました笑





何度アメリカに北星バスケ部を連れて来て一緒に住めたらと考えたことでしょう。もし、みんなを連れてこれるのであれば今まで私が負けた全チームと戦って負かしたいです笑やはり、負け続けるのは気持ちが良くありません。彼女達なら Stateチャンピオンになれるでしょう‼︎








Hi how’s it going everyone? This is Mayuko. 9 months has passed since I came to America and this is going to be my last report so I’m going to write my opinions and feeling through a year of American life not just 2 months since last report. 


First, I’m going to write about lately. I’ve already told you I had participated track team at school. The season is finally over these days. I can’t tell you good result to you but I think that was so good season for me because I could meet wonderful teammates. I love them because I can show myself I don’t like track though because I think running is just make myself tired lol It is different that run for basketball and run for track. I’m so glad to participate in track team. When I didn’t have track meet or practice I went to movie theater with my host family few times and I watched “Miracle from Heaven” and “Captain America: Civil War”. You guys should watch Miracle from Heaven. That was impressive movie and it is nonfiction. Incidentally, I cried 4 times lol 


By the way, I’ll stop writing about my life then I’ll start writing about my opinions and my feelings. If you are interested in study abroad I would say you should do it and if you are worried your friends or your daughter who want to study abroad or who are going to study abroad please let them do that and support them because there are tons of things that we can learn from studying abroad more that learning English. My English haven’t improved very much but I have learned so many things and I have experienced a lots more than learning English. For example, how much wonderful is Japan I like America too though, how much I am blessed with environment in Japan. When I had such a hard time they helped me a lot. Also, my basketball teammates who have spent time together more than own family. They are working hard to make our dream come true for me. I can get energy from their hustle. I can’t wait to see them.


I don’t want to leave here but I really want to go back to Japan because I have a reason that I have to back to Japan it is make dream come true with my basketball teammates. So how many times I have thought if I could take them here and live together. If I can do that I want to beat every basketball team that beat me in America with my Japanese basketball teammates. 


I wanted to tell you something that good for you  guys who are reading my report but I have experienced too many things so I don’t know what should I tell and what I want to say. But I can tell you that you should study abroad before you die lol It is going to be best memories and best experiences ever. If you have questions about studying abroad you can ask me whenever you want. Also, I’m from Hokusei girls’ school since junior high so junior high school students can ask me too!! Anyway, thank you for reading my repot. Let me write lastly, nobody has same experiences in America or Canada. Some people really don’t want to back to Japan because they had such a good time with their family or friends but also some people want to back to Japan because they had such a hard time for whole time in their country that they are staying. Then I’m going to tell you who are going to study abroad if you heard our experiences it mostly will not going to happen to you. It might happen harder things. So please prepare for any difficulty and believe yourself. Studying abroad will be absolutely best experience.


P.S. I will send to you some pictures. Those are a character cake that I made in Food class, when I went to shopping with my host mother and sister, and when we had a party.