

アメリカに留学中の大村 芽生さんから第1回目の留学報告が届きました




私8月29日~9月2日はSt Patritcs dayをお祝いする週でした。パジャマdayやcrazy hair day、ビーチハイスクールを象徴する色であるブルー&ゴールドの日など沢山の行事がありました。中でも印象に残っているのはパジャマdayです。この日は全校生徒パジャマで登校しました。日本では絶対に経験できない事ですよね(笑)全てが初めてずくしでとても面白かったです!最終日はフットボールの試合の後にダンスパーティーに行きました。みんなそれぞれ好きなように踊ったり合わせて踊ったりしてとても盛り上がりました!どれも良い思い出になりました!


話が変わりますが、来月モンタナ州でInternational dinnerというイベントが開かれます。そこでは私のようにノースダコタ州に留学している留学生(私を含め10人)がそれぞれの国を紹介をしたり、自分の国の料理を作ってお客さんに振る舞います。そのイベントには300~400人くらいのお客さんが来る予定だと聞いたので、緊張しますが日本の魅力を存分に伝えられるように頑張りたいと思います!次回のレポートではInternational dinnerについても詳しく書きたいと思います。


大村 芽生

Hi! I’m Mei. This is first report for me. How are you doing? I’m pretty good! 1month has passed since I came to the America.

First, I’m going to talk about English camp in Ohio. Of course, I learned English during the camp but I could go to many places. Most of the memories are that we went to the Water Park!There are many attractions. Probably, we got all of the water park attractions! it was so fun and I was able to spend a good time with my friends. Also, I had a very good time with my family. We went to go watch tha soccer game and I made meal with my host mom. I’ve enjoyed each of them. Parting at the airport was sad but we were able to farewell with a smile. They continued to wave until me disappeared complerely from view. Thanks to them,I was able to have the best experience in my life.

Now,I stay in Beach North Dakota, where is small town. First week,I missed Ohio alot. It is because, I couldn’t eat many food and shopping. Also,The environment of the Wi-Fi isn’t complete here, so I can’t use every day. This is my first culture shock. Honestly, It took me a while to adapt my way of life to new circumstances. But I did change my feeling and I decided that I should adapt to my new life. I think that hard experience makes me strong.
Then,I’m going to tell you about school life. My school is Beach High School.I go to walking every day because the distance of about 15 minutes’ walk from my house. Everyone is very kind and friendly to me. They are always concerned about me. When I asked question, they explaind to me until I can understand. Also,class mates change the simple words. Beach high school gives me lots of homework so I’m awamped with homework every day. But my family and friends are helping me. I’m always appreciate them.

From August 29th to September 2nd was celebrated St Patrics day! There were a lot of funny day in that week. for example, Pajama day, Crazy hair day and Blue and Gold day. Especially, Pajama day was so excited for me. This day, I wore a Pajama to school! I think that I can’t experience absolutely in Japan (lol) All things were first time for me. The last day, I went to the dance party after the football game. It was in full swing! Every things became realy good memories for me!

My family is the best family. They are very kind and cheerhul! Septmber 4th, We went to see outside musical in Montana. And last week, we went to Dickinson. I was very happy! becaus I was able to buy a lot of Japanese foods. After the shopping was able to eat rice in the restaurant! It was soooo delicious!

Next mouth, I will join the International dinner! This ivent introduces culture to the many people also we will make traditional dish. I heard that about 300-400 people are going to come this ivent, so I’m nervous but I’ll do my best! I’m going to talk about International dinner in my next report.

I will never forget feelings of gratitude to host family, my family and all of the people who support me. I’ll do my best! Thank you forleading. See you in my next report!

Mei Omura

report (1)