昨年度のレポートを読んでいただいていた方のなかには、私のホストファミリーを知っている人がいるかもしれません。実は昨年度の留学生の網塚梨奈さんと同じホストファミリーなのです。少し違うのは、一番下の同い年のシスターがドイツに留学してしまったので、兄姉が家におらず、やさしいawesomeファザー、猫好きできれいなマザー、頭がよくてかわいいジョージアとい国から来たシスターとともに暮らしています。彼らはとてもアクティブで、週末になるとよくお出かけします。すでにMedora, ビスマーク(ノースダコタ)、ワイオミング、サウスダコタ、そしてコロラドにいきました。最近はファザーと車の修理をしたり、テレビゲームをしたり、カーレースを見る時間が大好きです。映画館や学校などでボランティアをしたりもしています。ファザーもマザーも料理が上手でついつい食べ過ぎてしまいあと何か月か後のことを考えると少し怖いです。Lol
私は毎日バスに約40分乗って少し離れた小さな町ニューイングランド、のニューイングランドハイスクールに通っています。生徒数はとても少ないですが、今年は私を含め9人の留学生が来ているのです。みんなジュニアで、同じ学年なのですが、驚くことに、ジュニアのほぼ半数を占めています。授業で印象的なのは、1時間目のクリエイティブクッキングの授業と7時間目のウエイトトレーニングの授業です。なんと、私以外のクラスメイトが全員男の子なのです。とても驚きましたし、1年間女子高にどっぷりつかった身としてはきついですね。どう接していいのか、今でも疑問に思います。幸運なことに、時々話しかけてくれることがありますが、まだまだ友達は少ないです。次のレポートを書くときにはもっと友達を増やせているよう努めますねJ そういえば、ついこの間ホームカミングもありました‼とっても楽しかったですJ
p.s. 1か月もたっていないときに、半分英語、半分日本語の夢を見たんです。アメリカに来て初めて見た夢がそれで、それからは疲れすぎてて全く見ていませんが、びっくりしました。全部英語の夢を見たときは、また報告しますねlol
とっても長くて、乱雑な文をここまで読んでいただきありがとうございます。また、提出が遅れてしまって本当にすみません。送ったと思って安心していたら、送っていなかったことに日本にいる友達からお知らせをいただきました; 以後気を付けますJ
– 谷口 裕佳
Hi guys, how are you doing? I heard about typhoon, and my hometown’s really bad situation. I was really worried, and prayed about that. I also heard about sports day, and election of school council, too. Time fly very fast. Its reminds me last election and my vice president of school council life. Now, I’m in Dickinson ND and already spent more than 1 month. I can’t believe it! Anyway, this is the first report for me. I would like to tell you about LCE camp, host family, and daily life.
First of all, LCE camp in Bemidji, Minnesota was awesome! Before I went to there, I thought “why I have to go there”, because my school start day after flight date, and I knew that I’ll miss about 10 days. However, it was so meaningful and exciting time. I was able to meet my host family in Bemidji, many people, and experienced many fun things. I went to many place, and experienced many things. My favorites were swimming in the lake-many times, night fishing, and character challenge course-tried zip line and so on. I’m very lucky to stay and spend time in Bemidji. Also, I’m very glad to my host family and teachers.
I want to talk more about my time in Bemidji, but it will make this report longer and longer, so now I’ll talk about my 1year host family and school;)
If you read last year’s report, some of you guys know my host family. Actually, they hosted last year’s exchange student Rina Amitsuka. Difference between last year is my host sister went to Germany as an exchange student. Other sister and brother were already become adult so, I live with awesome dad, beautiful mom and smart, cute exchange sister from Georgia (country). First time I met them, I was not able to talk, and took about 3 days to talk. They are so active, so in weekends, we go out many times. I already went to Medora ND, Bismarck, ND, Wyoming, Colorado, and South Dakota. Recently, I really enjoy hang out with dad. We repair car, play Mortal Kombat, and watching NASCAR. Both of my parents make really, really good, tasty food. I always eat many so I felt my weight growing. lmao
About school, I ride bus about 40min every morning and after school. My school is in different smaller town -New England, and it’s very small, but it’s good for me. There have 9 exchange students. It’s seems me about half number of junior. About my classes, I take creative cooking as a 1st period and weight training in 7th period. but these class, I’m the only girl in there. Especially for cooking class, it’s very weird. I heard “cooking class has some girls” by coordinator, but it was different cooking class. My cooking class has 4 senior big, yoked boys and me. Furthermore, weight training class has more than 10 yoked boys and me. I miss only girls class. lol Luckily, some of them are tried to talk to me. I got some friends in here. It’s few and I know that I’ve to talk more. This is my tasks. Before in next time, I’d like to make more friends and talk to more about friends and about school. Also I had homecoming night -dance party recently. It was really, really fun!! I went to there with a boy and we danced together but most of time I enjoyed dance with girls.
p.s. I dreamed half English, half Japanese dream already (before 1 month). It’s strange. I’d like to dream full English dream;)
Sorry for too long report and messy paragraphs. Also my too late turn in.
Thank you for read it! See you in the next time.
-Yuuka Taniguchi