

アメリカに留学中の伊達 瞳さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。



私はAnoka high schoolという学校に通っています。2500人ほどの大きな学校です。最初の2週間は教室までの道を覚えられませんでしたが今では最短距離でいけるようになりました。私が取った授業の中で1番大変なのはUS historyです。ノートをとるのが大変なんです。現地の学生も書き取り切れていないのに私にはできません。(笑)私のクラス選択での一番の後悔はActingを取ったことです。1日目からもう変えたいと思っていました。本当に何のための授業なのかわからないほどおかしな演技をするんです。そして先生も面白くて話し方も普通じゃないので結局何について演技するのかわからない時もあります。なので毎回友達に教えてもらわなければいけません。でもどれだけ意味のわからない英語で 演技をしても友達がみんな「今日よかったよ」とか「頑張ったね」と優しく声をかけてくれます。なのであとのこり約1ヶ月頑張ります。








Hello, this is Hitomi.  Two and half months have passed since I came to America.  Time goes so fast!  This time, I’ll talk about my school life and my everyday life.  I study in Anoka high school.  Anoka high school has a student population of about 2500.  First several months, I didn’t possible to remember the way to my classes, but now I became able to go to my classes in the shortest distance.  The most difficult subject is US history because it is harder to take notes.  It’s difficult for local students, so it’s beyond me.  The most regret in my class selection is that I took the acting class.  I don’t know what the point of doing for.  It’s really crazy and weird acting haha.  And teacher is so funny, but his speaking style is little bit weird, so sometimes I don’t understand what to do.  I have to ask my friends what we do every day.  Even if I acted in my weird English, my friends told me that “good job Hitomi”.  So I’ll do my best for about a month.

Including me, there are 7 exchange students in my school.  And 3 in 7 are Japanese.  I decided that I must not get along with these people for myself when I realized about that, but now, we are good friends.  We are also good friend with exchange student from Thailand and we had already sleepover twice.  I’m not good at skiing, but I belong to Nordic Ski club now with exchange student from Thailand, so I’ll try my best.


 By the way, I went to the Mall Of America last week for the first time.  I was able to have a very fun time with my awesome friends.  We went there yesterday too. 


Minnesota is getting cold too.  I cannot sleep without electric blanket.  And I miss winter of Sapporo.  I still cannot speak much English yet, next time, I hope that reader feel interesting for my report. 

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