

アメリカに留学中の三宮 宝営さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。







Trick or Treat に行って来ました。 お金持ちの住宅街に行って、やって来ました! コスチュームは、ヴァンパイアになりました! とにかく、子供たちが可愛くて可愛くて仕方ないんですよ!笑 やっぱり、アメリカってハロウィンにすごい力入れるんですよ!もらえる量もとんでも無くて、一ヶ月分のスナックはありました笑 でも今年のハロウィン月曜日だったので、次の日はクッタクタでした。


11月7日に、student council のスクールトリップ見たいので、カリフォルニアのディズニーに行って来ました!! 朝、4時半に出発して、そこから閉園まで遊び散らかしました。 日本とフロリダにない乗り物がたくさんあって、とりあえず楽しかったです! でも、カリフォルニアからタワーオブテラーがなくなるんですよ! めっちゃ悲しいです。一番と言ってもおかしくない乗り物だったので、、


次の日は、 election day で学校がなかったんですけど、その次の日の当選したドナルド・トランプを批判したり、悪口がとにかくひどかったです。笑

アメリカの学生は政治にめちゃめちゃ関心があって、下手したら授業1時間全部政治の話で潰れたりします笑 ある意味、みんなの考えてることとかアメリカについてどう思ってるのとか知れて、面白いんですけどね笑

thanks giving の週は一週間全部学校ありませんでした!

新しい発見よりも、食べ物の美味しさがやばくて、Turkey にはまりそうです笑


気づけば、もうすぐ12月で、クリスマスっていうビッグイベントが終わったら、ニューイヤーがきて新しい年になるんですよ! アメリカ来てから、時間が経つのが本当にあっという間で、1日も無駄にしちゃいけないなと改めて実感させられます。



Hey guys! It has been passed 4 months since I came here.

There were a lot of things happen for the past few months. I changed my host family and the new family is really kind. They have 3 kids and it’s always noisy and fun! They have another exchange student from Thailand and she goes to the same school with me. My English is improving everyday and I’m happy that I could feel that! There were a lot of fun thing happened during October and November.

The biggest thing in October is Halloween. It was really fun. We went Trick or Treating at the place the rich people lives. 🙁

The kids were really cute and I got a lot of candy that will last for at least a month!

The Halloween was on Monday so the next day at school I was so sleepy.

November, they have a lot of school holiday and I didn’t really go to school.

On November 7, I went to Disney land for my student council school trip.

It was so much fun and I made new friends. They had a lot of rides that only has in there and I enjoyed that too. By the way did you know that the Tower of Terror is going to be gone in California!? I was really sad hen I first heard that because that is one of my favorite ride. It is a 4hour drive from my place to California, so we will often go there.

The next the was Election day the day after was terrible. Everyone was complaining about the political things. The students in America as a big concern about that kind of thing and they could talk about it for the whole class.

It is a good chance to know about it though…

Thanks giving week, I didn’t have school for the whole week and it made me feel like I couldn’t go to school anymore because I stay up late and get up late.

We didn’t do something special on the thanks giving day but there were tons of delicious food and I got to meet new people again!

It’s going to be December and after Christmas it is going to be a New Year!

I can’t believe that the time past so fast.

I think that I should not waste any time in America and try everything while IM over here.

Will see you guys on the next report!

Have a nice winter break.

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