ホストファミリーを変える際に、状況が特殊でコーディネーターに話すことができなかったため、たくさんの人、学校の先生や友達のお母さんが協力してくれま した。感謝してもしきれません。新しいホストファミリーにYanaも一緒に移動しました。今でも一緒の部屋で生活しています。もう私にとって欠かせない存 在です。
先週から新しいセメスターが始まりました。今期はフィジカルサイエンス、クワイア、スペイン語、応用コミュニケーション(英語)を取っています。この学校 は2学期制なので、このセメスターが終わると私の留学も終わりです…。昨期はオールAを取ることができました。詳しくは次回、表彰の後に書きますね。
I’m sorry to be late to send again. I’m sad because half of the school year was already gone. During this 3 months, I experienced a lot, especially 3 things, to change host family, my birthday, and the new semester started.
When I changed host family, I was in the special situation and I wasn’t able to talk to my coordinator, therefore, a lot of people, who are teachers in my school or my friends’ mothers, cooperated with me. I wouldn’t have succeeded without their help, I have no words to express my gratitude. Yana also moved to new host family, so I live with her still now. She is essential to me!
I was celebrated my birthday by many people. The happiest thing on my birthday was Kathy, who was my host mother in Ohio, made me a phone call! I was so glad to talk to her, and I could have a conversation with her better than in August. I hope my English will improve more till talking to her again.
The new semester started since last week. I take physical science, choir, Spanish, and applied communication (English). We have 2 periods in our school, it means when this semester will finish, the time to go back to Japan…. By the way, I got all As in last semester. We’ll have a commendation ceremony, so I’ll tell you details after that.
On Monday, I presented about Japan front of whole students in my school. I was nervous little bit but I enjoyed doing it. And many students and teachers said me, “Nice job, Mana!”
I have a very very sad and bad news. Last night, a boy who was an exchange student and stayed in a neighboring town passed away to be involved in a traffic accident. Only 3 weeks ago, we went to watch ice hockey game. I’m so shocked…. I just hope he rests in peace.
See you soon. Mana