さて、学校生活に関しては、二月の中頃にmardi grasという簡単に言うとルイジアナ州のnew orleansというところで開かれるカトリックの祭りみたいなものがあって、それにちなんだダンスパーティーがありました!!友達と8時から11時くらいまで踊ってとても楽しかったです!!DJの人がきてもうみんなすごいノリノリで、どっかのクラブのディスコみたいでした本当に!!(笑)ダンスの他にも、ちょっとしたゲームコーナーがあったり、写真撮る機械、またでかくてその中で飛び跳ねて遊ぶもの(名前がわからない、、、)もありアメリカの校友会みたいな人たちに感心しました。北星がもし公立だったらこういう特別なイベントもあるのかもしれませんが、私的にはアメリカの高校はこういう特別なイベントが多かったり、student governmentという北星でいう学友会みたいな組織にいる人たちが規模の大きいイベントをよく開催しているなと思います。私のシスターがその中の一人で、よく色んな所へシスターの学年が使う資金を集めるために行って活動しています。例えば、この前はパンダエクスプレスという中華料理のファストフード店みたいなところがあるのですが、そこで私の通っている学校の名前を会計の時に言うと20パーセントの収益がやってくるみたいなイベントがあり、そこへ行って頑張って活動していました。こういうイベント結構いいなと思いながらその日の夜ご飯にパンダエクスプレス食べました(笑)あ、あとこの前はpowderpuffという女子がやるフットボールみたいなものがあり、見ているだけでとても楽しかったです!!昨日とかシスターにあなたの英語上手だよって言われたり、友達にもそういうこと言われてうれしいのですが、私的にはでもまだまだやれるしやらないといけないなって本当にしみじみ実感するので、ラストスパートかけてホストファミリーと友達とこの地で楽しみながら頑張ります!!
Hi everyone!! it’s Tamami staying in California. This is my fourth report but I guess it’s gonna be the last one, so I try to make it as useful to read as I can!! It’s already April and half way through into May!! Time flies so fast!! I guess no one in 6G including me have realized that we’re going back to Japan in a couple of weeks seriously!! I really can’t believe it and I don’t want to believe it,,, I really love my host family, school friends, this place, school I go to, everything has given me an opportunity to grow to be more mature person (I’m still immature though) and learn important things. Especially after I changed my host family, so many things happened again and again and I learned that there is at least one thing happening for us in a week lol anyways it doesn’t matter, with this wonderful host family I have spent fun time here and have got closer as if I was my host mother’s another daughter. If I could, I want to spend a senior year here too. I really appreciate my host family and love them so much.
Honestly, I forgot the theme of the fourth report, but anyways let me talk about some events high school in America have!! In the middle of February, there was like a dance party called Mardi Gras. Actually it’s a Catholic festival held in new Orleans, Louisiana, and my sister told me that it’s one of their annual events. I went to the party with my friends and danced from 8pm to 11pm lol That was a long time and I was really exhausted after that, but I could have so much fun with them and thought that maybe high school in Japan should do that too. Oh on that day in French class we could eat a cake called king’s cake which was a traditional food for the festival and it was so delicious. A DJ came to the event and livened up the party!! Also not only dancing but also there were some games, machine for taking pictures, big balloon thing inside which we jump around, food tracks, and it was so much fun and super awesome!! I was really impressed by people who were in student government and planned everything for the event spending lots of time!! If Hokusei were a public school, there might be some special events like this, but anyways at high school in America there are often some special events like this and people who are in student government which is like 学友会 work so hard to make them super fun. My host sister is one of them and I often see her working hard for student government stuff. Last day, there was a fundraiser event for class of 2020 at Panda Express which was by school I go to, so that she had to stay there as a student government. And guess what my dinner on that day was from Panda Express lol I really love fundraiser event, especially held at some fast food stores lol and hope there were some at Hokusei too. Moreover on last Friday, there was powderpuff which is like football for girls and watching their playing was so much fun and because it was unusual to watch for me, it was so interesting and as nice to watch as football.
Yesterday my sister told me that my English was so good and some of my friends have told me that too, but I think I need to work hard at least for 3 years, so keep it up!! Me!! Lol Until my exchange year in America is over, I’ll try to brush up my English having fun with my lovely host family. We’re actually leaving for Chicago tomorrow for four days and I can’t wait for it!!!!! (I’m gonna send some pics from Chicago later) Of course as you know it’s the first time for to visit Chicago!!!!! I haven’t been to other states for a while, so I know that I’m gonna have so much fun with them!! Fun time is coming soon!!!!! Speaking of my host mom, we’re gonna go to a tour about gang in 1920 lol it sounds little bit scary for me, but anyways I’m looking forward to knowing about their lives as well as pizza!! In addition to that, there will be junior prom in next weekend!! I’m really excited and nervous for it, but I really want to make it one of the most valuable and fun events ever happened in this exchange year!! Thank you so much for reading my report and see you guys in Japan!!
そして4月の初めにはみんなが憧れるプロムに行ってきました。プロムの前に写真が趣味であるファミリーの友人がいてその方に素敵な写真を撮ってもらい、プロムでは友達と楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。また、私は野球観戦が趣味で最近マイナーリーグではありますが、野球観戦に連れて行ってもらいました。ここにきたからこそできたことだと思うので、連れてってくれたファミリーに感謝しています。5月にはNiagara Falls, New Yorkにも行く予定なのでそれもまた楽しみです。
Hi, everyone! This is Momona Ogi from Pennsylvania. This report will be my last report. I don’t have any theme this time, so I would like to write about the events that I had March and April and what I feel about my study abroad.
First, in March, I had birthday and my host family take me to the Japanese restaurant. It was little Americanized but it was good. And I also ate cake, and my friend gave me present. I wasn’t expecting a present from my friend so I was very happy about it. On the next day, I went to the state capitol of Harrisburg with other exchange students. I think we can’t see capitol that often and I could see it because I was an exchange student so it became one of my experience. And at the end of March, I did sleepover with other exchange students and we made dishes in our individual countries. So March was satisfying month. And in the beginning of April, I went to prom that everyone wants to go. Before the prom, my host family’s friend who takes good pictures took me some pictures and I also had good time with my friends at the prom. And few weeks ago, my host family took me to the minor league baseball game. My hobby is to watch baseball game so it was fun. I could go there because I came here, so I appreciate to my host family for taking me. In May, I’m going to Niagara Falls and New York so I’m also excited bout them.
So, I would like to finish writing about my events that I had and start writing about what I feel about my study abroad. I met different kinds of people in different kinds of meaning. For example, my friends asked me to eat lunch with them without prejudiced belief like Asian and exchange student. On the other hand, some people laugh at me of my English skill. But the people who laugh at me is just few and like when I go to church, everyone is welcome so people are nice to me. I’m happy that I could study abroad in this surroundings. I also learn different kinds of people’s idea. Even if I think opponent cares, expectedly they don’t care. And even if I think things are normal, it’s different in other countries. I met different kinds of people so that makes me to think each country has their own different ideas.
About my English skill, I think its getting better. Communicating with my host family and friends are getting smooth. But I think it’s still not enough. So I want to make each day count.
I came to Hokusei because I wished this study abroad. When I noticed about this study abroad system of Hokusei, I thought I could make many friends and I could improve my English so I was thinking easily. But when I came here, the image that I imagine was a lot different and I was worried about the lifestyle and the wall of words. I think about why I came here few times. Also, about my friends, I almost had no friends at first and these days, I’m finally talking to some people. It is important things to improve English but it’s not just all about English. I think lifestyle and culture are also important as English. Or much more important. And I noticed that if you don’t work from yourself, nothing won’t start. This study abroad made me think about myself and it is definitely one of the things that changed my life. There are some things that I didn’t like and hard for me, but I’m getting used to here so it makes me sad when I think about to go back to Japan. But this study abroad makes me want to do more challenges from now on and I feel like I can do anything if I could done my study abroad.
Lastly, I want to thank for my family, teacher, members of 6G and others to let me study abroad and support me. I’m looking forward to meet everyone.
Thank you for reading at the end!!!!!
最初は自分以外の周りの人に比べて出来ないことだらけ、知らないことだらけで毎日朝起きるのが不安でした。でもその分自分以外の周りの人よりも沢山努力しました。努力したというよりかは焦りや不安のようなネガティブな気持ちがあったから努力せざるを得なかったのかもしれないですけど。笑 でもそうゆう気持ちがあったから努力して、努力をしたからいい成績や結果をもたらすことが出来たと思っています。まだ学校を体調不良か仮病で休んでないのは自分の中では大きな成長と思います!笑
私はアメリカで大切な友達がいます。私は自分から明るくフレンドリーにするのが苦手で、集団がいると穴に潜りたくなるくらい人見知りなんですけどそんな私でも心を許せる友達に出会えました。彼女の名前はDakotaと言います。私が辛い時に誰よりも沢山側にいてくれて抱きしめてくれました。多分私が泣いてる時はほぼ百パーで隣にDakotaがいました。笑 ファミリーの愚痴も好きな人の話も日本に帰りたいってことも全部相談してきました。笑 バカな事をしてバカみたいなことを言い合って、日本の友達のように一緒にいたらケラケラ笑っていられて本当にDakotaがだいすきです。Dakotaは私があと2ヶ月後には日本に帰ることを知って、寂しいって泣いてくれてそれに私もつられて授業中に2人で泣くっていう。笑 まさか泣いてくれると思ってなくて嬉しかった反面私も会えなくなるのを実感して寂しくなりました。彼女はいつも私を気にかけてくれて笑わせてくれて私にとって友達であり、お姉ちゃんのような存在です。アメリカで心を許せる友達が出来るなんて留学前の私からは全く考えられなかったからすっごく嬉しいし、留学をしていなかったら大好きな人達に出会えてなかったからなんだか感慨深いものがあります。友達の事だけでレポートを埋めることなんてチョチョイのチョイなのでDakotaの話でやめます。笑
多分これが私の留学生活、人生で一番辛かった経験でした。私も人間だから一緒に生活する中で合う合わない、好き嫌いがあります。沢山ファミリーの事で友達や家族に弱音や愚痴を吐いてきたし、毎晩泣いた時期もあったし、家に帰りたくなくて学校で泣いた事もあったし、周りにもホストチェンジしなよって沢山言われたし、私自身も何回も何十回もそうやって思ってました。でも改善する方法は沢山ありました。自分から探せば良いところも沢山あるし逆に自分の駄目なとこにも気付けるし、自分から歩み寄れば良くしてくれてることに気付けたし、自分の気持ちや行動次第でどうにだって感じ取ることも現状を変えることも出来るんだって気づきました。 私はファミリーと過ごす中で、ここは社会ではないけれど社会の厳しさと言うか、人間関係の保ち方や時には我慢する事の大切さ、謝る時は素直に謝るなどの社会に出ていく上で大切なことを本当に沢山学びました。それ以外にも今では家事全般はできると思います!笑 ホストファミリーには沢山成長するきっかけを作ってもらって感謝しています。人に期待するばかりではなく、人に感謝する気持ちを持つことを忘れぬよう日々生活していきます。
私が一番に言いたい事は周りがあっての私、今があるってことです。私は英語を学ぶこと以上に人との関わりの大切さを学びました。沢山英語を話せなくっても沢山笑いを共有することは出来ます。沢山苦しいことがあっても嬉しいこと楽しいことは2倍増しに感じることが出来ます。日本にいる家族の有り難みや苦労を知ることが出来ます。(重要) 辛いことを一緒に乗り越える上で、一生友達で居たいと思える友達に出会うことが出来ます。(日本とアメリカに問わず) 辛い経験、逆に達成した時の喜びを経験したことでまたさらに上を目指そうと思うことが出来ます。だからこの留学は私の人生の分岐点であり、留学をさせてくれた家族には感謝してもしきれません。
今はまだアメリカの友達やファミリーと離れる実感がなく毎日生活することに精一杯なので残り約1ヶ月の留学もベストを尽くします!私の最後のレポート読んでくれてありがとうございました! 6Gのみんな、あと少し一緒に頑張るよ。 5F, 5Gのみんなさん、私たちがここまでこれたってことはみんなも絶対大丈夫! まだちょっと先の事だけどふぁいとです! 本当に本当に沢山応援してくれて支えてくれてありがとうございました。
Hey guys! This is Momo from Colorado,US. (Everyone call me Momo in here) What’s going on? I hope you guys’re doing well! By the way, this is gonna be a my last resort! Which is study about is also gonna end soon! I’m sooo sad and here is a little bit sense of accomplishment. It feels really great! Ok, just you know, I’m not gonna write same thing like Japanese i already wrote here because I don’t wanna use so
much translations. So I’m just putting easily English like when i text my friends.
I’m gonna talk about school first. When I started to study here, there were bunch of things that I don’t know or I can’t do than others. Instead i made a lot more effort than others. Actually, I had no choice but to work hard. But because of feeling like that, I could get good grades in all classes. Oh hey! Here is a good news! I’ve never missed school yet due to sick or something like that! This is part of the growth for me lol
By the way I joined track. I’m not good at running though, I do like track and people! Ofc the practices 6 days a week is really hard, but sports always takes me heart. Anyway i‘ll keep doing my best!
I have a precious friend in America. Her name is Dakota. She’s my trusted friend even tho I am shy, quiet, or very passive.
She was always right beside me and hugged me when I went through rough times. Sometimes (maybe always) I complained about host family to her, sometimes I was be weak to her, sometimes i told her about boy who I crush on lol I do tell everything’s my feelings to her. We always do be stupid together like I do with my Japanese friends. She’s sooo funny and she makes me laugh all of time. She laughs me all of time too. Im so happy cuz I never thought I could make a friend like her before I start to study abroad. Anyway! I really love her.
I enjoy my school life with friends.
Ok I’m gonna talk about host family next.
Maybe. Definitely, this is the hardest part in my study abroad and my whole life. I actually had cried in my room every night lol It was not just a homesick. Because it was not too hard to go to school at that time. I had experienced their unreasonable things and I wanted to change the host many times. But that’s not what I really want to say. I want to say it is possible to change the situation and my mind depend on my actions. If I try to find it myself, i can find their pros, on the contrary, i can also find my own weakness, and if I try to understand them myself,
I can notice that they are nice to me. Everything is up to me. It’s up to you!! Although this is not a society, I learned from them the severity of society. I learned how to keep human relationship, sometimes importance of patience, and the importance of apologizing honestly.
Besides, I learned general household chores. Now I’m like a mom of two children lol I acknowledge them for giving me many opportunities to grow.
I keep in mind to thank people rather than expect people.
What I want to say most is everything is thanks to everyone‘s support. I learned the importance of relationship with people more than learning English. Although I cannot talk with them a lot, I can share laughs with them a lot. Although there is a lot of hard times, I can feel double as much joy and happiness. I could notice the gratitude and hardship of my family in Japan. In overcoming the Hard times
, I met friends who wants to be a friend for a lifetime. (Both of Japanese and Americans) The hard experience, and the joy of achieving it on the other hand, allows me to think above and beyond. So this study abroad is a turning point in my life, and I can’t thank my family enough.
I’m still working hard to live every day so I will do my best rest of 2 months!(And have fun!) Thank you for reading my last report to the end!!! I hope you guys have a good one✳︎.. Im coming to Japan soooon! See you soon in Japan!
でもやっぱり、日本と中国の知識がみんなごちゃごちゃになってて、こないだChinese restaurant, Mt. Fuji(中国料理レストラン、富士山)っていうお店を見つけました(笑)どっちなんだよって
Hi guys! I am Mana Suzuki who is staying in Ellensburg, WA. This is my third report. It’s gonna be about things what I did on this February to April and differences between Japan and US.
I have the thing that I really wanna tell you guys. I’ve started to play softball! People who knows about me well will be really surprised about this fact because I hated playing sports lol I’m working so hard to improve my skills of throwing and hitting the ball and understanding what is going on at the game. They already have strong friendship beause they’ve been playing together since elementary. I was having hard time to make friend there but these days, I’m getting closer with then and having fun! Last week, We went to have ice cream together! It was so much fun! I felt like I could get closer with them.
How was your spring breaks? Hope you guys could spent nice times. I was at Utah during my spring breaks. We did going to aquarium, playing softball with my host sister, going to see falls, getting dinner with my host family’s familes, and eating, eating, and eating…lol This trip was so fun and made me kinda refreshed.
Okay, so let’s talk about defferences between Japanese cluture and American cluture which is this report’s main topic. Many people ask me this question, but I always cannot come up any answers. This is too tough question lol Everything is different, you know? I keep answering “Everything is big, like food, houses, and everything!”.
Firstly, school is so diffrent than ours. Basically, American high schools allow to make up, put earrings on, eat snacks during the class, and go to outside for lunch! I felt so free when I was first time to go to school! Also each school have original mascot and color. The thing that I like the most about American school is relationships between students and teachers. Students are close with teachers which is so awesome! They talk like friends and eat lunch together! Hope Japanese school will be like that someday.
Next, I think American people are stressfree. My host mom always says “Life should be fun!” which helps my mind a lot and I like that phrase! I think Japanese people think too much about studying and friendship. Don’t warry, Be happy right?
Family’s relationship is kinda diffrent. American people always tell “Love you” to family often. I was kinda surprising that teenage’s boy tells “love you” to him mom. If you do same thing in Japan, people will say “Mazakon” right? I would not say Japanese people don’t have enough love for family. They have just diffrent expressions about love. I really like this American people’s culture tho!
Since this year, I sometimes go visit to diffrent high school to participate the Japanese class. They have actual Japanese people as a teacher so I can talk Japanese with her there! It’s so fun to see how people who speak English as a first language learn Japanese and teach Japanese to them.
In my city, there are lots of Japanese people, like Japanese teacher I just talked about, my host father’s friend’s wife is also Japanese, and university student from Japan. In addition to that, there are lots of Japanese learners too! After I came here, I felt Japan is big and developed county many times. I’m proud of my county️
I always think I have to write interesting story in my report. It’s kinda stressful lol Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed my report! Attention to students who is going to stay US for a year, you guys don’t have to worry about getting cluture shock! Of course everything is diffrent, but I didn’t shock about it! I was just like “wow! interesting!” so no worries, just you’ll have great year.
See you in next report! Have a good day
そしてついに私、ホストチェンジをしたんです:)今のホストファミリーは3人のホストブラザーがいます!もともと一番上が私たちの友達で引き受けてくれました。でもこの兄弟、三人ともLAZY ASSESなんですね(笑)まじほんとに(笑)でもそんなおかげで英語を話す環境が増えてうれしいばかり。そしていま私はYouTubeにはまっています!YouTubeで私の大好きなスウェーデンについて学んだり、ファッション系のユーチューバーをみたりして!もちろん英語ですよ、そこは馬鹿にしないで(笑)
そんなこんなで!もう割と話すことがないので、これで終わりにしますね!ラストのレポートはONLY ENGLISHでかっこよく決めたいななんて思ってます、今は(笑)ではみなさん、読んでくださってありがとうございました!また次回のレポートで!Adios amigos:)(遅れてすみませんでした!)
Hey guys! How are you guys all doing? Hope you have been fine with the new grade, and new classmates! I can’t believe I am a senior already ( even though I’m a senior here lol ). 6F has one of the huge event which is an English Play this week! I really want to watch that but I can’t. I’m wishing it is ganna be a really great show. Good luck!
Okay, so this theme is what made you grow up since you got here. If you ask about it, it’s kida difficult for me to answer because I still don’t know what is the right things to do and I feel like I am still in suffer. Hopefully my English has been improving at least. When I first got here, I was so afraid to talk to people (and still) and I thought everyone bullies me because I’m Japanese, and I’m Asian. However, it never happened to me. Lucky me:) Everyone is like “heeeey what’s up guys” so I mean everyone is kind (mainly sometimes not)! Oh, I have learned how to run away, avoid the things that make you suffer. You think you shouldn’t run away from the things that make you uncomfortable? Haha. I think that’s totally wrong. You are not supposed to face it because you might kill yourself and you are burning, hurting your heart by yourself if you do face to them too much. So you need to learn how to avoid it, how to protect yourself. I decided not going to the prom because of that. I wanted to enjoy and experience the prom, but I don’t want myself to suffer. I think I can talk about this when I get back as one of my souvenirs. But I’m happy that I can see 6G members are enjoying and wearing freaking cute dresses.
By the way, I changed the host family and now I have 3 brothers! They are really lazy boys, but they are so funny and good boys so yeh, I guess they are fine! Lol JUST KIDDING. I love them so much. The oldest brother is my friend and he offered to host us. How nice he is !? hahaha. Thanks to them, I have more time to speak English, and I am so glad about this opportunity. AND NOW! Guess what! I’m totally into YouTube and watching something every day. (for sure it is in English) I really like learning about my favorite country SWEDEN and clothes on the YouTube. Anyway, there are nothing to talk about anymore, so I’m just ganna finish this report here. I believe I will write next whole report in English so wish me luck! I thank you all who have read my report and see you guys in next report. Adios amigos:)
Hi! I’m Biei in Oregon. It’s getting warm, so I thought spring was coming. However it is rainy every day here, and it’s flooded some places.
This time, I’ll talk about “what I grew through studying abroad “. It’s my last report, so I’ll be glad, if you read it.
First of all, I feel valued by my family and friends. I didn’t realize that when I was in Japan because I could stay with them every single day. So, I realized how important they are. I regret the thing I did to my family like my attitude and words I said to them. It is really big growth for me.
Also, I really appreciate my host family. They support me anytime which is awesome. I really love them, and I do not want to leave here.
Next, I come to know about Japan. I’ve stayed here for about a year and been to Mexico. When I’m in other countries, I can think of my country very well. For example, I’ll tell you about “water”. You might think what the heck are you talking about, but I was shocked when I realized that. In Mexico, water is really important because they have not enough water. When I ordered food at restaurant, clean plastic bag was covered over plates because they didn’t have to wash the plates and could save water. In addition to, I could not flush the toilet with toilet paper. I had to throw toilet paper away into garbage can. I was shocked. In America (Oregon), we have enough water because of a lot of rain. the toilet and sink are often clogged. On the other hand, in Japan, I had never experienced those things. I thought Japan was amazing. I’ll give you another example. It’s culture. I like American culture, but my friend said “American culture is combined. We stole from other countries’ culture, so we don’t have many own cultures.” After I heard it, I thought of Japanese culture again. We have many own cultures like food, music, language, and buildings. I have been thought of my country since I came here. It is good for me.
I tried two new things during studying abroad. Those are cheer and softball. I had never done cheer and played softball before, and if I were in Japan, I would not do that. However, I wanted to try many things as much as I could that not like me because my life in America is only once. It was difficult and hard to do new sports, but my friends and coach helped me a lot. It was so fun to play new sports. I was really busy during season because I had a practice every single day and games every week even though it was a school day. so I couldn’t have my own time very much, but I gained many things like friends, confidence, and a full life. I am so glad to have played those sports.
Next, I believe my English has gotten better. Last year and when I just came here, I did not understand anything. Now, I still don’t understand some things, but I can talk and text with my friends and family like in Japan, and understand movies. My pronunciation and grammar are still terrible, but my friend told me “Your English has gotten much better.” I want to improve my English for last 2 months.
Next, I started to think of my future. I went to Mexico as missions trip during spring break. I helped people in need. I went to the orphan ages, village disabled old people lived, and the church which needed to be fixed. Those jobs were really worth doing. My life plan was making a lot of money which was working for me. However, after going to Mexico, my life plan is working for people. I changed my mind.
Lastly, I matured mentally. I got strong mentally through studying abroad. When I just came here, I could not understand English and join any conversations at all. Even if I was with my friends, I always felt loneliness because I could not speak anything. I was often said “I totally forgot you were here.” and many words that were like that. Those were heartbreaking. It was really hard. I always thought I wanted to go back to Japan. However my friends were so kind. My host sister and best friend listened to me and cheered me up. I realized it was a waste of time to keep being gloomy, and there was a thing I could do instead of being sad. I am proud of myself because I realized that. You are being sad because of the words that break your heart, but the person who says to you does not remember what she/he says. I do not want to waste my time because of those people. So I decided to be positive any time. The studying abroad made me being strong.
I am so glad to have studied abroad. First of all, I cannot thank my family enough because they keep supporting me and pay a lot of money for me. Also I’d like to tell all of my friends “Thank you very much”. I would not be able to do anything without my Japanese and American friends. I don’t want to leave here, but I want to see my Japanese friends again. I have mixed feeling about leaving here.
I can’t write whole things during studying abroad. I have experienced and felt a bunch of things. I am proud of myself! I want to tell me “Good job, Biei!” lol.
See you soon. Thank you for reading.
皆さんお久しぶりです、山本綾音です。春休み中はハワイに行ってきました、また一人ぼっちになるのではないかと不安でしたが、お友達と仲良く楽しく過ごすことが出来ました。特にHilton hotel は凄くて、部屋までボートや電車を使って行けたり、でっかいプールがあったりして、感動しました。ついこの間はホストブラザーのホッケーの試合を応援しに、テキサスに行きました。なんとアラスカは強豪のテキサスに勝ち、ナショナルチャンピオンになりました!終始興奮する試合でした。さて、今回のテーマは留学で成長したことです。が、まずはホストチェンジの話をします。
Hello, I’m Ayane. I had gone to Hawaii during spring break. I was little nervous because I have a lot of experience of being alone, but actually I could have so much fun with my precious friends. I stayed at Hilton hotel first time, that was awesome. I wish I could live there… Also, few days ago we went Texas to go watch national hockey championship that my host brother charged in goalie. That was fun trip too (there doesn’t have so much stuff to do tho except shopping…) Anyway, I’m gonna talk how I am changed throughout this studying abroad, but let me talk about my host change first.
Before I did host change, I thought it’s normal as an exchange student to cry almost everyday, and think idea to change this circumstance. However, I’ve not cried, not been serious homesick, and been doing what I want to do after I came new house. Then I discovered I’ve sucked too much things up at that time. Of course I thought that I should have done that earlier, but I would be very different person if I compared from now. That’s why I don’t care anymore:)
Let’s continue what I was talking about earlier. First, my English skill. I feel every my classmates improve themselves skill tho haha. When I came here first, I didn’t know even how I can study about English cuz there were too mach confusion. However, trust me you’ll be able to listen English clearly after 3 months when you started living in America. So I could research on google what they said,I tried to use them, and then repeated practicing. That’s how I became able to have little conversation with foreigners. Actually, I expected that my pronunciation will be proved and able to speak very fluently. However, I believe it would never happen in this one year studying abroad. Because, we have been speaking Japanese more, so our tang muscle don’t have to pronounce R or L. So we have really strong accents, it’s very hard to fix. Also, I realized it is an almost impossible to speak English fluently within one year. However, what is the most important is to effort to be close to native speaker.
Next, I’ll talk about my mental growth. I feel it’s more obvious change than English. First, I realized how my family and friends are indispensable. I didn’t think I will cry because of missing them. My family sent bunch of boxes which I waned to get from Japan even it’s so expensive, and they answered phone from me in midnight. I regret not to notice how they are supporting me. In addition, my friends are amazing. I feel like they knew what I want them to say, it’s so wired tho. They are my soul source. I cannot say thank you enough, it’s so incredible that I could meet them. Second, I became able to “give up” easier. I always tried to do my best in Japan, then I did same in America too. Although, it was too much effort that I haven’t realized. I thought that ”if I do my best, I can do everything, so my effort is not enough if I cannot do.” However, I noticed I have something I cannot to do if I do my best. Then I kinda quite to think I have to be able to do that made me so comfortable. I will keep doing my best but not too much;) Third, I became able to have confidence in myself. I always didn’t have confidence that I’m doing although I didn’t know why. Then I became very confused like I didn’t know what I want to do or what I should do especially I was living with ex-host family. However, I became able to have confidence what I’m doing after I did host change. I was always afraid of something, and I’ve thought “my valuable is decided by other people” when I was living there. That is totally wrong, I think. There is only one person who can decide my valuable, it’s me. I had to care myself the best and admire my personality. Then, I’ll be able to do so to my family and friends!
At last, what I think the most important essential to a life is smiling:) No one will be unhappy, smiling makes us happy even just watching. Therefore, I decided I want to be a person whom smile is beautiful, and funny that can make all people laugh:)))
Hello, this is Shino from Colorado. I’m going to Thompson Valley high school. I honestly can’t believe that I only have 1 and a half month till I have to go back home. Not gonna lie I don’t want to go home. Anyway, in this report I will talk about how my life is been going.
During March we had spring break. My host family’s sibling’s family took me to a ski trip because they have a cabin near a ski resort. We stayed there for a week. I woke up at 8 to walk to the ski resort before it opens. I skied until 4 when it close. After that i went straight to the gym to workout. That week was my dream week.
The week after spring break was prom week. A.k.a my birthday week. Prom was on my birthday. This past 12 years I dreamed to wear a pretty dress, get ready and go to a party. I decided to go with my friends. We got together at noon and started getting ready. I love getting ready. I think that’s my most favorite part. My friend is also a exchange student and her father is a photographer and he took a lot of amazing pictures for us. Prom was amazing and I had my best day ever. We went home to change and take off our makeup and we headed to after prom. After prom lasted until 4 in the morning. I was exhausted but it was so much fun.
My school life is been getting better and better and that’s why I don’t want to go back home. Cheer season is over and i’m still really sad but now it’s spring season and I decided to start something new again. Soccer. my mother’s family is a soccer family and it’s kind of crazy how I’ve never done that sport before. Anyways, I went to practices before tryouts with my best friend. I really liked it. However, my best friend decided not to play soccer. I was worried that I’m going to be alone but there were some friends that I knew and they helped me out a lot. Some of them helped me practice after practice and for my first game my coach chose me as a starting player. I really enjoy playing this sports and I will definitely keep playing this when I go back home.
Hello everyone, I’m Kanade from Canada! I’m gonna tell about what I grew up in study abroad. It’s kind of hard because I experienced a lot of things but I tell you as much as I can.
I think I became mentally stronger than I was in Japan. It’s like 100 times. This feeling probably can feel only went to studying abroad. Away from family and friends and live with not blood relaties. Besides. we speak different languages obviously. My body and mind were completely broken because nobody knows what my feelings and the only way to improve English skills was to wait for time passes. But I can tell what I wanna say because
that time. I’m still tough sometimes especially to go to school but the period was really tough period ever in my life. I feel that was very small worries when I was worried something in Japan. This is true lol.
And I’m pretty sure English skill has improved so far. I was thinking that I can make friends soon and don’t have to that worry. I don’t know what I was thinking and wanna hit my face at that time. I realized we don’t understand
without learn the hard way even though many people told me how hard to study abroad. I was scared to talk and I couldn’t make friends at all. I almost forgot how to make friends lol. Obviously, can’t make friends without talking. But I was thinking every day that what should I do even though I can’t speak English at all and also can’t even listening. Got over the difficulty, I can understand what they are saying and respond, I’m finally able to talk now. But I don’t know yet what all of they are saying and sometimes spend quiet time. Watching movies is hard without subtitle. I will do all I can to do at my own pace less than 2 and harf months. What else… oh, I became
positive. I was depressed every day but now I can move on quickly. I’ll keep trying to keep positive thinking after arrived in Japan. I think that’s it. It is mental that grew up the most.
Sorry, I don’t wanna write next paragraph because I am lazy person lol. Anyways, I’m very excited to meet my friends and join the club activity after I came back to Japan. See you in the next report and Thank you for reading!
まじめな感じはここまでにしてここ二か月でもいろんなことがあったのでそれについて話していきますね。先月、バンドのイベントでQueen of Heartっていうのがあったんですけど、1st price になれたんです~。うれし~。いろんな人が私に協力してくれたおかげです。わ~い。
そして、これは私のファミリーのなかでのビックイベントなんですけど、new babyが誕生したんです。もう、かわいくて仕方ない。マザーのひ孫なんですけど、気持ちはもう叔母のようです。赤ちゃん服とか買ってあげたくなっちゃいます(笑) もうみんなのアイドルなので集まりがあればだれかしら抱っこしてます。私はこわくてほっぺつんつんするのが精一杯なんですけど逆にびびってたら抱っこさせられます。こわくて体動かせません。自分からだっこしたいって言ったときはめちゃめちゃ喜ばれました。私なんだと思われているんだろう、、、(笑)
毎回日本語も英語も同じようなことしかかいてないので、三月のことは英語のほうにかきますね。 こんな感じであっという間に3月も終わりです。先輩がたも卒業してしまって次は私たちが6年生なんですね。つい最近入学したばっかりなのに、、、
Hi, i’m Hamoni staying Arkansas. this is my 4th report. I’m really sorry be late to turn in the report. i feel it being close to the day i return to Japan. in this time, i’m gonna talk about how did i grow up (changed) and some event that happened in March! I wrote about some events in February in Japanese report. if you have time, please go read my Japanese one too♡
First, i want to talk about that i grew up but i’m not sure if i grew up. i know i’m getting fat, and my face expanding. lol however, if i tried to consider about inside thing, it isn’t came up. so after i return to Japan please tell me how do you think how did i grow up or changed throughout this year. haha I feel just one thing to i changed. it is that i became to be able to say honestly. Some Japanese thinking it is good things to put in something or don’t tell honesty feeling because others understand without words. Exactly, we can live well as it in Japan and it’s not bad things but it’s different in America. It’s just one thing i realized by myself.
in this English report, i’ll talk about event in March.
i had birthday and turned 17th. my host family planned a trip for Branson in Missouri on my birthday but it was cold so it delayed one week and hold my Birthday party. At the party, boys who my host mon’s great grand-child come run to me and gave me a hug. i was satisfied with it lol i wanna take boys to Japan. i know i can’t do it lol
And next week of my birthday, we visited Branson. I went shopping, bought many clothes, ate delicious food… i really had good time. i ride go-cart and that circuit was like roller coaster. i feel dangerous of my life haha. i appreciate my family to give me good experience.
i’m not sure but maybe it is my last report. I wanna return to Japan to see my family and friends, but i also wanna stay here. Recently, i can’t live here anymore i think and every time i feel sad lol Anyway it limited the day i can stay in this little town with my great friends. I’m gonna keep doing my best. I can’t wait to see you guys again, 6G, Mr. Tanabe and Mr Askew.