
英語科の長期留学レポート  2019.10

アメリカ合衆国 インディアナ州 North Harrison High School に留学中の 吉田 楓さんからの第2回目のレポートです。

















       Hi! This is Kaede staying in Indiana state. This is my second report, so I’ll mainly write about my school life. Also, I’ll tell you this first. I’ve already finished writing my report in Japanese 2 weeks ago, so I’ll tell you the experiences after I wrote the Japanese report in this English report.


       First, I’ll tell you about my classes. Using my dictionary is essential for me during classes. However, I’ve came to be able to take the class little by little without teachers’ help. In addition, I’m doing well at school. To be honest, my grade at NH high school is better than at Hokusei Girl’s high school. lol I’ll do my best to keep my grades from now on.


       Also, I’ll tell you about the club activity. Unfortunately, I sprained my ankle in September, so I couldn’t join practices and games for a long time:(Then, we had the sectional that is big soccer tournament. We won the 3 games in the regional tournament and then became champ. We were so glad for that! A week ago, we had the game with another champ school. We couldn’t win, but we did our best. I’m so glad that I joined this soccer club. I had never played soccer in Japan, but I really enjoyed for 3 months.


       I’ll talk about the school events. My school had homecoming 3 weeks ago, but I didn’t join because I’m not good at crowded places honestly. I’m pretty sure if I joined homecoming, I could enjoy it probably, but I have no regret. Anyway, if you don’t wanna go, you don’t have to go. I just tell it to you guys who will go to study abroad, so I wrote it;) By the way, I recently joined the volunteer work that distributed candies to the children at the zoo. It was limited to senior students, but I gut the permission to join this volunteer from school and then I did it with seniors. I enjoyed it, but I was little bit exhausted because we worked for 4 straight hours. Through this experience, I again realized the job’s difficulty.


       I have a lot of things that I wanna tell you guys about, but it might get long if I wrote all, so I had better stop here now. In my next report, I’ll write about the experiences and the changes that before and after came to the US.


       Thank you for reading my report to the end!

30 楓 #1 30 楓 #2

アメリカ合衆国メーン州 Mountain Valley High School に留学中の 大川 日菜子さんからの第1回目のレポートです。



  とうとう私が留学レポート書いてます……。って書くのが英語科的に憧れだったので、感慨深いですね〜私も5Gになってアメリカ留学してるんですもんね(?)まあとにかく時が経つのって本当に速いです だってもうこっちに来てから3ヶ月くらいになるんですよ?!普通に怖い!!焦る!!3分の1終わった!どうしよ!!





 そして、新しいとこでも自分らしくやっていこ! と覚悟を決めたところでアクシデント(?)が起こります。ホストと学校が、アリゾナ出発の前日くらいになって突然変わったんですよ(笑)


まあ 結局ちょっと調子乗った瞬間にめっちゃ現実見ました!でも留学初期にこうなったお陰で、みんなより一足お先にちょっと強くなれたと思います。まじ一筋縄ではいかないっぽいですよ留学!身をもって実感ですね。




 メイン州は北海道と気候がほぼ一緒です。私は山と谷に囲まれた地域で暮らしてます。帰り道にプリクラ撮ってお買い物して〜何てのは夢です 札幌って都会だったんだなとしみじみしてます。でも夜の星空は涙が出そうなくらい綺麗です。




  学校はめっちゃ楽しいしみんな優しいです!!みんなすぐ ひな!! って言ってくれるの嬉しいし幸せです 沢山甘やかされて生きてます。何でも言葉に出してくれるので伝わり方が全然違うし、ちゃんと直接褒めたりするのも素敵だな〜と思ってます。



私はこっちに来てからフィールドホッキーのチームにノリで参加しました フィールドホッキーの子達めっちゃスウィートなんですよ〜 なのに先日のゲームでシーズン終わりました悲しすぎる(TT) 友達の車で夜に野外映画館行ったりみんなでフェアに行ったりとか!!










  そして色んな事に気づかされる、こんな素敵な経験 留学をさせてくれて本当に親には感謝で頭が上がらないし、何気に応援してくれてる弟が刺激を受けてくれてるのも嬉しいな! という事で後悔しないように今日も頑張ります!




  Hi! I’m Hina from Mountain Valley High School in ME. How’s the weather in Sapporo? Maine has It’s finally October. How time flies! And, it means 3 months have already passed since I came to America! Who can believe it? It’s like a dream, but at the same time, I’m upset this situation lol

Recently, I really miss homemade stew my mother made because Maine is extremely cold even still October…

 Okay, I should start writing main stories.

Today I’m going to write about 2 things; my life in America so far and my goals of study abroad. My English is still terrible, so please please PLEASE go easy on me;) lol


 First, me and some 5G students have  stayed in Arizona 3 weeks to take lectures of English with other exchange students from Japan. Midsummer Arizona was extremely hot and dry, so I literally couldn’t breathe! That was my first experience in my life.

 Other exchange students from Japan were really cool and awesome!! They’ve been inspiring me everyday, and my host family was very nice. Everything went well!!

 However, permanent host family and host school have suddenly changed a day before leaving Arizona. I was really distraught in this issue because I got hit with strong anxiety, but after all, it makes me stronger lol


 I’m good at getting used to the new environment and new things, but at first, I couldn’t get used to a new family in Maine and new environment at first . I was stressed out from everything, so I always had a stomach ache, headache and felt nauseous. Because of these, I couldn’t eat food at all, and then, I actually lose weight lol

 There are 5 children, mother and father in my host family. It’s really difficult to get used to everything in my family, you know, there are a lot of children, but I know my host family is kind.


 I really like my school! In my high school, there are more than 10 exchange students from different countries, so I can feel new culture from them everyday:) Also, I could join the field hockey team and make a lot of friends. Girls from field hockey are so sweet. They always help me a lot!!!!


 I had already experienced a bunch of things not only good things but also bad things, but I believe all experience makes me strong and big,so I want to try new things a lot and I want to improve myself!!!


Sorry I can’t come up with anything. Love u guys<3 See u soon;)

21 大川日菜子 #1 21 大川日菜子 #2 21 大川日菜子 #3

アメリカ合衆国 アーカンソー州 Atkins High Schoolに留学中の村越 陽さんからの第1回目のレポートです。








私の生活は月~金曜日は教会で一緒に来た日本人と授業、土曜日は家でゆっくり、日曜日は教会に行くというスタイルでした。平日の授業は9:0014:30までで、主にスラングや単語、発音の練習をしていました。ELTiS2回受けました。授業の内容はそんなに楽しいものではなかったですが、今思えば大切なことを教わってたのかなと思います。また週に1回息抜きのような感じで観光もしました!グランドキャニオンとセドナは圧巻の景色だったし、ホテルでは3時まで起きていたり、JACE’S UNLIMITEDでは食べ遊びまくったりと、どれも最高な思い出です! !あたりまえですけど、日本人と一緒にいるのが一番楽しい時間でした。アメリカに来て何回もあ~日本人に生まれてよかったなと思えたし、日本のことがより一層大好きになりました!!日曜日の教会は日本とは全く違うスタイルで、とても新鮮でした。なにを言っているのかはほぼ理解できませんでしたが、良い経験になりました。






リトルロックの空港に着いたときは、どの人がホストファミリーなのかわからなくて少し戸惑いました。私の勝手な想像ではwelcome to America!みたいなプラカードを持ってるかなと思っていたのでその後すぐに見つけられ、家族全員とブラザーの奥さん計6人が迎えてくれました。


平日は朝7時くらいに家を出て学校に行っています。学校のことについては次回書きたいのであまり触れないでおきますね。休日の過ごし方は、土曜日はどこもいかないで家でゆっくりしています。ファザーとマザーはガーデニングやDIY的なことが好きなので、いつも外に出て何かをしています。なので私も一緒に外に行って手伝ったり、映画を見たり、宿題をしたりという感じですかね。この前は庭の草刈りの手伝いをしました。日本にいたときにも似たような機械に乗って手伝っていたので、役に立てたかなと思っています。最近はバドミントンのラケットとネットのセットみたいなのをわざわざ買ってくれて、ほぼ毎日ファザーとブラザーとブラザーの奥さんと遊んでいます。私がバドミントン過去にやってて、アメリカでもしクラブあったらやりたかったと言ったら、いつの間にか買ってくれたんです!もしあったら入りたいだけだったので、本当に申し訳ないです。ファミリーは私のことをバドミントン大好き少女みたいな感じに思っています() ちなみに日曜日はファザーの教会にマザーと一緒に行っています。








Hello everyone! This is Hinata Murakoshi from Arkansas, U.S.

How’s it going guys? I lead a full life and I’ve gotten used to life here. I feel the day finally has come that I write my report. I am confident that I spent the longest time in class writing this report!! It’s doesn’t matter.

This time the topic is home life and goals while studying abroad, so I’ll write about my lifestyles in Arizona and Arkansas. I think there are a lot of mistakes, but I would be glad if you can read through this to the end!


First, I’ll write about my lifestyle in Arizona.

I stayed in Arizona for about 3 weeks. My host family is father, mother, Daphne who is granddaughter and Elena who is an exchange student from Germany. Also, there is a parakeet and 2 dogs. My mother is the coordinator of group with Greenheart, so this family is experienced who has accepted about 100 exchange students in the past. The long-term family was decided 3 days before departure, and I think it was thanks to my host mother. I emailed that my next family wasn’t decided yet and then my host mother contacted the office. I appreciate my mother.

Daphne who is granddaughter likes Japanese anime, so I gave her an anime character T-shirt and she was very happy. Elena who is an exchange student from Germany can speak English very well and she speaks actively with family, so I was stimulated by her. They were so kind to me and I was happy. I watched movies, went shopping and played games, and so on with my family. I had a good time with them!

I took a class at a church with Japanese who came to America together from Monday to Friday, relaxed at home on Saturday and went to church on Sunday. The class was from 9:00 to 14:30. I was mainly learning slangs and words and practicing pronunciation. I had ELTiS test twice. The content of the class was not so much fun for me. Now that I think about it, I think I was learning something important. Once a week, I went to do some sightseeing. The Grand Canyon and the view of Sedona were great and we were up until 3 o’clock at the hotel and we ate and played at JACE’S UNLIMITED.

All of these are the best memories!!! Of course, it was the best time to be with my Japanese friends.

The church was a very different style from Japan. I almost couldn’t understand what they were saying, but it was a good experience.

The impressive memory in Arizona was that the air conditioner in my house was broken, so I spent about a week in a room over 30. The chocolate that I brought from Japan was melted. What surprised me more than that was eating out almost every day. Sometimes we ate out all meals. Thanks to that, I could try a lot of new foods, but I had a heavy stomach. Because all American food is fried!! I think it’s really bad for my health! I thought that Americans who eat this kind of food every day are amazing.


Next, I’ll write about current life.

My host family is father, mother, 28 years old sister, 25 years old brother and 19 years old sister. However, everyone have already married, so they don’t live with us. Except for 19 years old sister, they all live near my house, so I often meet them. By the way, my father is a minister and my mother is an elementary school teacher. They are kind to me! They have a lot of animals. For example two dogs, cats, horses, a rabbit, and chickens. Sister and brother like dogs, so they have their own dogs. I was really surprised that brother has a Shiba!! I don’t know that Shiba is popular in America. I live in a rural area and the atmosphere is similar to my hometown. There are cows, there is rich in nature, it is quiet, so here is a good place for me. The temperature is not as hot as Arizona, but it is over 30 almost every day. Recently it has become cooler.

When I arrived at Little Rock airport, I didn’t know who my host family was, so I was a little confused. In my imagination, I thought they had a placard like Welcome to America! Soon after, I could find them and everyone welcomed me with smiles.

4 days after I arrived in Arkansas, the school started, so I went shopping to buy clothes and I went to the creek to swim! I jumped into from about 4 meters rock. It was really scary, but I could enjoy. I had a great time with them!!

On weekdays I leave home at 7:00 and go to school.  I want to write about school next time, so I won’t write this time. On Saturday, we stay at the house and relax. My father and mother like gardening, so they always go outside and do something. I sometimes go outside with them. I helped my father to mow grass in the yard. I have driven a similar machine when I was in Japan, so I could drive easily. Recently I play badminton with my family. I told them I like to play badminton, they bought it for me. I appreciate them! On Sunday, I go to church with my mother.

I miss Japanese food since I came here. I have already gone to a Japanese restaurant three times, but the taste is fake. The person who makes it is not Japanese, it can’t be helped. I was surprised that Japanese foods are very popular in America! My brother likes sushi, so we made California roll. My father likes udon, so I will make it for him.  I think that it will become very popular if a Japanese restaurant is launched in the US in the future. I think it is good business. I want Americans to eat a real taste, so I decided to make a lot of Japanese food for this family! Maybe I just want to eat that. I made curry and rice the other day. I’m glad they liked it!!


Finally, I’ll write about my goals. My goal is having confidence in oneself. It might be surprised to be too simple, but this is what I need.  Usually, I don’t have confidence in oneself, so I’m struggling with that in America. However, I will not be here this time next year, so I don’t care what other people think about me.  I am not going to regret it later, so I want to do my best little by little every day.


Thank you for reading through this report! See you next time!

17 Murakoshi #1 無題 17 Murakoshi #2 無題 17 Murakoshi #3無題                                                                         

アメリカ合衆国テネシー州 Jefferson County High School に留学中の 橋立 愛音さんからの第1回目のレポートです。



 私は、クラスの中で一番出国が遅い留学団体だったため、夏休みも終わろうとしている8月15日に日本を発ちました。札幌を出発する日の朝、両親の友人夫妻が札幌駅まで来て、サプライズで“Good luck!”と書かれた大きなバスタオルを広げて見送ってくれました。新千歳空港には、中学生の頃からの友人達(通称:橋立民族)が、早朝にも関わらず来てくれて、最後の最後まで手を振って見送ってくれました。「本当に私は留学するんだな」という実感をもったとともに、こうやって、心から私のことを応援してくれている大切な人たちや親友がいることに、大きな幸せと感謝の気持ちで胸がいっぱいになりました。





 ここから、①オハイオ州での研修 ②本拠地テネシー州の生活 ③留学の目標 について分けて書いていきます。

  • オハイオ州での研修




  • 本拠地テネシー州での生活








  • 留学の目標







Hello from Tennessee! I’m Ano Hashidate. It’s still hot in Tennessee and I got sunburn.

I will talk about my time in Tennessee, and my goal. I left Japan on August 15, the summer holidays are ending. My mother’s friend came to Sapporo station to wish me luck. They showed me a bath towel with a message that said “Good luck!” My friends from junior high school came to the new Chitose Airport in the early morning and waved their hands and I realized once more “I will learn many things from Americans.” Many people cheered and supported me, so I feel very thankful.

I traveled with my mother for a few days in Tokyo. It was unusual for us to not fight. We smiled and laughed the whole time. My father came to the airport too, to say goodbye to me. I wondered about the day I would leave for America, but at the time I was full of uneasiness. My mother and father wanted to say goodbye with smiling faces, so they didn’t cry. I cried when I saw how small Japan had become as I strayed further and further away on the plane. This information is very long, but I wanted to include it in the report, because I want to say thank you once again.


From here, I will talk about

1)           Visiting Ohio

2)           A life in Tennessee

3)           My goal of study abroad


1)           Visiting Ohio

              In Ohio, I learned about basic American history and how to communicate better with my host family. After that, we went to the Zoo and shopping center.  My host mother, father, two brothers and one sister were very nice to me. They were a very busy family, but they took me to a restaurant and water park. The day I was supposed to fly to Tennessee my host father skipped work and joined us at the airport. My host sister and brothers were crying and said “we will see you again. My host mother bought tickets to come to the boarding gate and said “I was glad to have you stay with us, and your English will get better, so don’t be afraid.” The first time I arrived in Ohio I couldn’t understand anything from their conversations and I couldn’t say much with my English. I was afraid to speak in English. But I could be like a real family with my host family, so I was very grateful about that. I was encouraged to study in Tennessee, and I want to say thank you to my host family in Ohio again.


2)           Life in Tennessee so far

              There is not many Asians in the area that I’m staying. We have a large student body at the high school I attend; however, I am the only Japanese student. The student body is majority white and I am the only Japanese. At times I feel discriminated against when they call me slang for Asians. There are lots of kind people though, they invite me to sit with them at lunch and showed me how to get to my classes. I joined the marching band and I play the saxophone that I played in Japan. Every day I go out to the football field and practice my instrument. It still is very hot outside and I got sunburn. I am still getting used to the hot weather but I feel happy to play at the football games every Friday. My grandmother who likes music told me music is international and I remind myself of that to motivate me.

              I will talk about my host family. My host mother likes jokes and music. My host father enjoys science and he is very kind. I have a younger host sister who likes Japanese characters and she is very cute. My younger host brother likes to play soccer and he is very energetic. I went to New Orleans with my host family and I had a very good time. My English is still improving, but they are patient with me. I think I will have a good time at Halloween and Christmas with my host family.


3)           My goal of study abroad

              I have a lot of things what I want to try during this school year. In short, “Be a worldwide Japanese” is my goal of study abroad. I will not forget this is a big chance to improve myself and be thankful to a people who support and encourage me.


Thank you to read my report!

See you at the next report

9 Ano #1無題 9 Ano #2 9 Ano #3

アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州 St. James High Schoolに留学中の 藤田 愛永さんからの第1回目のレポートです。




まずはオハイオ州での研修についてお話しします。研修では教会の一室を借りて主にアメリカの政治や学校のことについて学びました。これは今の学校の授業で役立っていると思います。勉強以外には、街の施設見学や観光をしました。ホストファミリーはマザー、ファザー、ブラザーです。また離れて暮らしている息子さん2人、娘さんがいます。一番年上の息子さんは音楽が好きで日本の曲も聴いているそうで、お気に入りの曲の動画を見せてくれました。そしたらなんと、私の母が好きな歌手の曲でした!そこから会話が弾み、さらには曲に合わせてダンスもしてくれたので楽しい時間を過ごせました。私はオムライスと卵焼き、西先生が教えてくれたSoy Dipをファミリーに作りました。卵づくしになってしまいましたが喜んでくれたので嬉しかったです。あ、ちなみにオムライスは日本の洋食です(笑)Soy Dipはかなり好評でしたよ。また私はファミリーと一緒に教会のボランティアに参加させてもらいました。トルネードの被害に遭った隣町の手助けをしに行き、ゴミを協力して片付けました。日本も震災の被害に遭ったとき世界の国々に助けてもらっていたので今回こうして活動できて、地域の方々と関わることができてよかったです。私は研修期間中、何度か体調を崩して一日中家で休むこともありました。私が体調を崩したときマザーはフルーツやラーメンを用意してくれて、ファザーは仕事を途中で抜けて家に帰ってきてくれました。心配して治るまで気にかけてくれたのは本当にありがたかったです。そしてファミリーとのお別れは辛かったです。いつかまた再会したいです!










Hello, everyone! This is Manami stay in Louisiana state. It has been more than two months since I came to America. Two months…It’s early.  I have read my senior’s reports so far and its feel strange to write. In this report mainly introduces Ohio’s study training, Louisiana’s family and the most important future study abroad goal for me.


First, I’ll talk about Ohio’s study training. In the study training, we learned American government and school rules. I think this is helpful in my school class now. Other than studying, we visited the city’s facilities and toured. My Ohio’s host family is my host father, mother and a brother. Also, they have two sons and a daughter who living away. The oldest son loves music and he listening to Japanese songs, so he showed me to his favorite song’s video. And then, it was my mother’s favorite singer’s song! After that, the conversation became lively and had great time because he danced with the song. I cooked omelet containing fried rice, rolled omelet and Soy Dip taught by Ms. Nishi for my host family. Also, various kinds of egg dishes but my host family was happy, so I’m glad. By the way, omelet containing fried rice is a Japanese Western food. Soy Dip was a good reputation. I participated in a church volunteer with my host family. I went to the neighbor town where the tornado was damaged, and cleaned up the garbage. Also, Japan was helped by the countries of the world when was damaged by the earthquake, so it was great time to work in this way and worked with local people. During the study training period, I sometimes got sick and rested at home few times. When I got sick, my host mother gave me some fruit and ramen, and my host father got away from work and came home. They worried about me until my feel better, so I was very thankful.

It was really hard for me to say goodbye to my Ohio’s host family. I want to meet again someday!


The study training was finished, so I headed to Louisiana. I was with several students before change planes, but after that was the only one. On the plane, I was full of anxiety and tension because I was worried about could go and meet host family. At the airport, I was really relieved when my host family welcomed me. My Louisiana’s host family is my host father, mother and Anna from Ukraine in double placement. On weekdays, wake up at five o’clock because mother is a middle school teacher. It was hard at first, but finally getting used to it. I wasn’t good at get up early, but I might be a little good at it from now on. Also, difficult classes are really difficult. English is particularly difficult for me. Sometimes, we have discussion class. Almost students say their opinions, but I say… It took a while to understand the meaning of the question, so I couldn’t say anything, and the students also helped me. I want to be able to say my opinion firmly from my mouth.


Finally, I’ll talk about my goals. This year’s goal is to challenge everything and do my best until my feel done it. And, I really want to think glad to study abroad! Anna is speaking English fluently than me. Honestly, I’m envious of her. But from now on, I’ll try my best without frustrating. I think that’s why conversation with the host family everyday is important and indispensable. Always tell myself will not be frustrated whatever happens.


Thank you for reading until the end.

I’m glad you will read the next my report too.

See you next time!

4 藤田 #1  4 藤田 #2 4 藤田 #3

アメリカ合衆国 ミズーリ州 Monett High School に留学中の 芳田 杏咲 さんからの第1回目のレポートです。



去年とかめっちゃ宿題提出遅れてたんですけど、結局やっぱりレポートも遅れてます、時間割のやつも遅れててほんとにごめんなさい。じゃあ書きます。最初はウィスコンシン州に行って研修を10日間しました。あゆなとか他の日本人もいてまだ全然アメリカ感無くて、楽しかったです。最初コロンバスだったのにギリギリでウィスコンシンに変わったんです。しかも短期の家族が日本離れる日に変わってすごいバタバタしました。いっちゃんとかコロンバスの人はすごく研修が緩かったらしくて、ウィスコンシンは毎日ハードワーク(ハードってやろうとして”ハー“って打ったら””こんなにかわいいやつでてきた)でほんとに教会行きたくなかったです。でも家族はすごいいい人で若い夫婦だったんですけど、日本にめすごく関心あってすごい盛り上がりました。大きい犬がいてすごいフレンドリーでとてもかわいかったです。台湾の女の子と仲良くなって今もたまに話してます。ウィスコンシンはすごく綺麗なところで空が莫大で星が光ってました。離れるときはめっちゃ泣いて悲しくて空港で一人で泣きながらポテチ食べました。そしてダラスで乗り換えてミズーリに着きました。家族に会ったらアクセントの違いすごすぎて何言ってるか意味わかんなくてチューターつけるとか言われて日本の携帯使うなって言われて新しい携帯かわされました。結構厳しい家族ですがおもしろい人たちです。他には犬がいっぱいいてかまれました。猫はすごいかわいいです。アレルギーのせいで家族決まるの遅かったのに結局ここにはたくさんアニマルがいてよくわからないですけどアレルギー症状は何もでてません。日本は恋しいです。特にご飯が。でも生きてます。かえるがたくさんいてまじで気持ち悪いです。背が低いのと英語がたどたどしいのとかえるが嫌なのとスパイシーフード食べれないことをめっちゃいじられます。英語わかんなすぎてほんとびっくりです。もみじと電話したの楽しかったです。なんか懐かしすぎておもしろかったです。日本語の歌はずっと聞いてるけどホームシック対策にいいと思います。目標はもっと友達を作ることと太らないこと、あとは違う言語を学ぶことです。大学はできるならアメリカにきたいのとスタイリストか先生になりたいです。アメリカの生活はすごく楽しいけど日本が恋しいです。おっきいくまのぬいぐるみを2千円で買って毎日一緒に寝てます。これはおすすめします。癒されるからです。学校についてはあとで書きますけどほぼパソコンでイケメンたくさんで昨日ホームカミングでした。女の子と行きました。全然もてません。夢をみるのはやめましょう。コーディネーターはすごくいい人です。米はおいしくないです。じゃあ終わります。スニッカーズがおいしすぎてとまらない。留学サポートしてくれてる全員に感謝します。写真はウィスコンシンの犬と空とホームカミングとファミリーです。5Gの人、色々あるけど楽しもうね~、太らないようにね。Go for it. Whether it ends good or bad, it was an experience.  じゃあまたね~


Hello, I am Asaki and I am in MIssouri state now. This report is really late. I am so sorry. I stayed at Wisconsin for 10 days at first. The family was really kind and nice. And there was a big dog called Elliott. He was super sweet and good guy. I love him and miss him. The sky was huge and stars sparkled in Wisconsin. I really like there. That was very sad to separate with the family. I cried a lot and ate Potato chips at the airport. The family in here, Missouri is also nice. I am so happy to stay with them. There are one sister, one brother, one exchange student from Palestine and me. That is not silent and someone speaks every time. But that is really fun. There are 4 dogs and bite me so they are scary for me. That is lazy to write same thing in Japanese and English. I really don’t like this so I am writing different things. I always eat chips and snickers and became fat. But I don’t care because they are really tasty. I don’t know this is enough or too short. I am looking forward to seeing this on Hokusei Homepage. How about typhoon? Are you okay? I am so tired so I will finish writing. I miss Japan so much and I love Japan. My love for Japan became bigger after leaving there. Japan is the best country in this world. I really love Japan. Thank you for supporting me to everyone. Especially my family and Nishi sensei, friends. I love you. My homecoming just finished last night. It was fun but I had no boy. That was sad but I danced with my female friend. There are bunch of handsome guys here but I am not popular. Don’t think like Japanese are popular in America. That is a LIE. Okay then, see you. The pictures are Wisconsin dog, sky, homecoming and family. Love you, miss you.

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アメリカ合衆国アイダホ州 Mountain View High Schoolに留学中の 松山 優月さんからの第1回目のレポートです。








  次に、アイダホ州での生活についてです。私のファミリーは、マザーとブラザーです。マザーは手芸が趣味です。ブラザーは野球が好きです。アイダホに着いてから、学校が始まるまで2週間あったので、ほぼ毎日、映画を見たり、野球を見に行ったりして過ごしました。日本人が誰一人といない学校の初日は、とても緊張しました。私の学校は約3000人の生徒がいます。私は、Math, Photo , History, German, Speech, Walking, Geology, Englishを選択することにしました。日々の授業は、付いていくのが大変ですが、先生や隣の人に聞いたら優しく教えてくれるので、何とかやっていけています。





Hi! I am Yuzuki from Idaho. This time I will write about life in Colorado. In Idaho, and my goal.


First, I will tell you about my life in Colorado. An incident occurred shortly after arriving at Denver Airport. Actually, my suitcase was stolen. It was very sad that I was depressed for a few days after finding out that it was stolen, but I was really happy that my family bought me clothes and my friends shared daily necessities and souvenirs. I was very sad because my suitcase was stolen,but when I talked about troubles ,many people helped me. I had English class with Japanese and Thai students. I went to movie on the weekend. I had a great time with my host family.


Next, I will talk about life in Idaho. My family is mother and brother. They are very kind and always help me. My host mother likes sewing. My host brother likes baseball. After arriving in Idaho, two weeks after school started. I went to watch movies and watch baseball. There are 3000 students in my school. I became junior and I take photos, mathematics, history, German, speech, walking,geology,and English. The classes are difficult,but I want to learn many things.


I’d like to talk about my goals. I try hard at everything because I don’t want to regret. Thank you for reading!

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アメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州 Rogers High School に留学中の 眞鍋 ひよのさんからの第1回目のレポートです。


皆さんこんにちは!ミネソタ州に留学中の眞鍋ひよのです。今回のテーマは「家庭生活と留学目標」です。1年前は私がこのレポートを書くなんて考えられなかったので不思議な気持ちです。笑 まだ未熟な英語ですが最善を尽くすので最後まで暖かく見守ってくれるとありがたいです。

最初に家庭生活についてお話しします。私はミネソタに来る前に隣のウィスコンシン州のEau Claire(オークレア)で研修に参加しました。そして、Menomonieというところの同性愛の女性2人のお家に滞在しました。最初同性愛ということを知った時正直驚き動揺して10日間の生活が不安になりました。元々LGBTについて理解はあったと思っていましたがいざ実際に会うと本質的には理解していなかったことに気が付きました。しかしそんな心配もあっという間になくなりました。結婚、愛に性別は関係ないのです。好きだから、愛しているから一緒にいる。それだけです。このことに気付いた時初めて理解出来ました。日本でももっとLGBTへの理解が深まることを願っています。

研修は教会の一室を借りてアメリカ史や政治、英語の文法を勉強したり、教会の周りの警察署や大学を見学したりしました。またミネソタにあるMall of Americaというアメリカで一番大きなショッピングモールに遊びにいきました。

そして今となっては大好きな2人に別れを告げて25日にミネソタ州へ移動しました。ミネソタではマザーとイタリア人の留学生の3人で暮らしています。あと猫のベラとソフィ。笑 はじめダブルプレイスメントとの生活は先輩から聞いていた通りめちゃめちゃ大変でした。笑 なんせ3ヶ国の見知らぬ人達で一緒に暮らし始めるので習慣、文化がバラバラで…(^^;; でもマザーが私たちそれぞれと面談みたいに話してくれてルールなどが決まり今は統一された生活を送っています。またこの間からItalian nightとJapanese nightという日を設けディナーをそれぞれのレストランで食べて家でそれぞれの国についてYoutubeなどで紹介をするという文化交流の時間を設けています。イタリア人は既に英語が困らないくらい話せるので負けないように日々頑張っています。


最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます。私は月一の部活にしか所属していないので帰国後ダンス部に復帰出来るか心配です。笑 毎日大会のダンスを家で踊ろうかな…笑



Hi, everyone! I’m Hiyono Manabe and I’ve stayed in Minnesota since on August 25th for study abroad. This theme is about my family life and goal for studying abroad.

It’s strange to think that I’m writing this report because I couldn’t think about it a years ago. My English skill has not been perfect yet, but I’ll do my best. So, I would be happy if you go easy on me until the end. Let’s start!

At first, I’ll talk about my family life.  I went to Wisconsin next to Minnesota and joined the camp in Eau Claire. And, I had stayed a house which two women who are homosexual have lived in Menomonie until the camp finished. I had been worried about the stay for 10 days when I knew they are homosexual. I had thought I understood about LGBT until I experienced it, but I realized that I haven’t really understood it so far at that time. However, my worries were gone very fast. The gender doesn’t relate to get married in the love. They have been together because they love each other. That is enough. I could really understand them for the first time when I realized that. I hope the Japanese understand about it more in the future.

I studied about us history, us government, and English grammar and visited the police office and the university around the church in Eau Claire. In addition, we went and enjoyed in Mall of America, the biggest shopping mall in the US, in Minnesota.

Then I said goodbye my lovely host moms and moved to Minnesota on August 25th. I’ve lived with my host mom and an exchange student from Italy. And two cats, Bella, and Sophie. At first, it was so hard for me to live with a double placement. I thought it was a rumor, but it was true. Because we started the life with people from 3 countries. However, my host mom had figured out the best ways to spend times by talking one by one each other and we’ve spent the unity life so far. Also, the times called Italian night and Japanese night have started recently and we have understood each culture by going each restaurant and watching Youtube about each hometown. The Italian double placement can speak English without help yet. So, I have been studying so that I won’t lose to her.

     Finally, I’ll talk about my goal for studying abroad. My goal is “not to waste this precious chance and experience that means studying abroad.” I could experience my former goal, “to be a person who can think by learning different cultures and values and broadening my horizons,” without a lot if efforts and I felt that I have been decreasing to make efforts because I got used to the life and spoiled kindness people and environment around me. That’s why I changed my goal. Studying abroad is precious chance and it isn’t chance like everyone can experience, so I won’t make times I’m free and I’d like to learn always in limited times because I don’t want to waste this chance. It’s important to even communicate, therefore I’ll cherish a lot of meeting and mingling with people in MN and I’d like to do my best to enjoy from bottom of my heart without feeling guilty and regret.

     Thank you for reading until the end. I‘m worried if I’ll back to dance club because I don’t belong to a club activity except activities which have twice a month. Hmmm, shall I dance work that I danced in the competition at home every day? Lol

     Let’s meet in 2 months. Bye!

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アメリカ合衆国テキサス州に留学中の橋本 栞さんからの第1回目のレポートです。













Hi, guys. I’m shiori Hashimoto in TX, Marshall. I was reading the reports that written by seniors until recently, but it’s already my turn. Anyway, I’m going to talk about English camp, my American life at the moment, and objectives.


I left Japan on August 15, arrived in Ohio, and 10days of English camp was begun. Ohio host family were mother, father, brother, and double placement from Taiwan. At the camp, I went to the church to study. After that, go back to home and watching movie or TV every day. Sometimes I could go to water park or shopping so it was fun! I could get along with her better than I thought, and mother and father cried when I leave Ohio. It was short time but I learned many things and got many memories.


I’m gonna talk about Texas from here. Texas host family is only mother and father but they are dependable and treat me like a real family so I’m glad. I live in the pretty countryside so my school is small. Whole high school student is about 2-300. When I go to school at the first time, I was really nervous but the students were very very kind for me so I thought “What a great school here!” “I want to stay here ever!”. But!!!! I’ll change school in a week…There is no problem, just my host family will move to Arkansas so I will move with them. Moreover I knew that in a car heading from the airport to the house on the first day. Why now?! I thought that I finally got used to this school, but I have to start from the beginning at the new school again… But if I change my mindset, American family’s moving is precious experience and I can say that I have lived in three states, including Ohio so I think it’s special now. I should be go to the new school by this time this report is published.


Finally, I’m gonna talk about my objectives. There are two objectives. First, don’t reply without understanding. I often do this. It’s not good because both of partner and me will confuse. Second, always speak from me.I hate being said to be “ You are quiet.” So I really want to do my best. Anyway, it’s frustrating that I can’t say what I want to say.


I hope I achieve these by next report. Thank you for reading to the end. Bye: )

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アメリカ合衆国 ネバダ州 Shadow Ridge High Schoolに留学中の 羽生 杏珠さんからの第1回目のレポートです。

Bonjour ネバダ州ラスベガスからごきげんよう~羽生杏朱です^^ みなさんお元気ですか?私 はこっちに来てから「お前はもう死んでいる」を連呼されまくってますが普通に健康に生きていま
まず目標は自分らしくいることですね。なんかほわっとしてるように見えますけど、実はこ れが私にとって一番難しいことだって気づいたんですよ。英語で表現できる幅が狭いから、私が言 いたいこととかシェアしたいことができなくて静かだねって言われるんですよ。心の中は常にガヤ 芸人なんですけど、基本的に怖くて受け身みたいな自分の中で一番ダサいことして最初の2,3週 間無駄にしたなって思ったんですよ。だから最近は文法なんて気にしないって頑張って伝えようと
頑張っています。相手も滅茶苦茶聞いてくれるし、逆に話さないの失礼じゃん!!って感じですよ ね。頑張ります。 私はホストマザー、ファザー、一つ下と一つ上のシスターと暮らしています。最初はモン ゴルからの子もいましたがいろいろあってその子は引っ越しました。私の家族は日本大好きで日 本語の授業とってるし、服も日本語いっぱい書いてあるし、ジブリの映画もほぼ持ってます。。そし てなによりワークアウトが大好きなので、週3でジムに行ってほぼ毎晩近所走って、帰ってきたら YouTube見ながら筋トレとダンスしてます。ご飯も栄養あるものばっかりでプロテイン !ビタミン! ってかんじです。マジでアスリートみたいな生活です。あとkpopが大好きなのでいろんな韓国のイ ベントとかにも連れて行ってくれました。時間があるときはみんなでアイロンビーズしたり、映画見 てます。ほんとに来年行く子たちはプロフィールのやつ好きなものいっぱい書いたほうがいいで す。趣味が合うとホストファミリーともいっぱい会話できるし全然苦にならないです。あと私のファミ リーはモルモンです。なので平日は学校の前に朝6時くらいから教会で聖書とたまにモルモン書
の勉強もします。内容は北星で勉強したのばかりなので余裕です。最初はモルモンって知らずに 教会行ってたんですが、家でモルモン書って日本語で書いてある本渡されて、あ、モルモンなんだ みたいな感じでした。正直警戒していましたが今は教会に行ったらみんな暖かく迎えてくれるし友 達もできて楽しいです。たまになんで?って思うこともあるし、家族にいろいろ聞いたら白熱して二 時間くらいはなしてたこともあります。映画見るのかと思ったらモルモンの再現VTRみたいなのひ たすら見せられたこともあります。こないだは2年に1回のテレビ放送礼拝みたいなやつでほぼ1 日中えらい人のテスタモニ聞いてました。普段の教会の時はみんな話しながら泣いてます。ジー
ザスへの愛がとにかくすごいです。違う宗教について学ぶのっておもしろいなって思いました。最 近は私もお祈りできるようになって、いつもみんな褒めてくれます。こっち来ていっぱい褒められて うれしいです。だから日本帰ってもみんな私のこといっぱい褒めてほしいなって思いました(笑) どのくらい書けばいいか全くわかんないのでここでやめまーす!!!!!みんなのレポートみて は来年会うのが楽しみになってます。英語のほう研修についてと学校について書きますね !! ではまた次のレポートで~!

Hi from Las Vegas. I’m Anju Habu. How are you guys doing? I really enjoy this life in Las Vegas and I feel like I’m a Vegas Girl lol Today, I’m going to write about my life in Oregon and my school life in Las Vegas. I studied in Oregon for a month with 6 students from Japan, we learned a lot of idioms, U.S. history, manners and words. At first, I couldn’t talk with them a lot, but they always listened to me and made me feel comfortable. I slept over with a girl rom Tochigi, we went to amusement park and had dinner. Also, we did Taco Tuesday! She and her host family were really nice to me and I had awesome time with them. And I spend time with a boy from Mie, he’s funny but sometimes annoying so, we used to quarrel, but we are good friends now. I can’t thank you enough to all of the people I met.
My mom and dad loved me and I spoiled by them lol I loved the time we spend together and meals made by dad. I gained lots of weight but I didn’t care at all. When I left Oregon, I cried so bad, my face was messed up and my t-shirt was wet, I was really sad and I didn’t want to say good bye to my mom and dad. My dad kissed my cheek and my mom held me tight and cried, I felt their love. I called them my butterflies because I love butterfly. I was really happy to be their family, I miss them so much. I will never forget them and my lovely pets. I can’t wait to see them and eat American food with them again. Love them so much. So, now I’m going to write about my school life! I go to Shadow Ridge as a senior. I’m so happy with that, but I can’t wear gown and hat! When I heard that, I was like “what the heck!? Nevada, please explain why!” That’s the one thing that’s disappointing lol Anyway, I’m having a good time. I like my school. My classmates, teachers and friends are awesome and I like them so much. And many people praise my outfit and makeup, I like that.
I took Japanese class, my classmates are shy but some of them talk to me in Japanese and they are kind to me. It’s kinda hard to explain and teach Japanese but the teacher and classmates said that my English is pretty good and I can teach English too! And they always write something on the whiteboard. Yesterday one of my classmates wrote ブラ and I taught him that it means underwear. We laughed so bad. My favorite class is journalism class, I and my classmates write articles for the school newspaper. Last week, I was in a small trouble, and they helped me during the class and after class, I’m so happy that I have such awesome and overprotect teachers and friends lol The next day they protected and encouraged me again. The teachers said they love me, I was just so happy to hear that. And yesterday (10/5/19) was my first and last HOCO!! I had good time with my host sisters and my friends. We watched football game and then we went to karaoke on Friday. I sang some Japanese songs, it was fun!!! On Saturday, we went to art park it was like Saturday market,
my host family bought an art works of butterfly. That was really beautiful. After that we took a
bunch of pictures, and went to dance. I danced crazy. After the dance we had dinner at sushi restaurant called Sapporo!!!!!! I love the restaurant, but I couldn’t eat at all because my toe was super tired and hurt. Anyway! I had wonderful time! That’s all! Thank you for reading and sorry for my terrible grammar!!

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