アメリカに留学中の関寺 汐音さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。
先日ホストファミリーの家族と一緒にクリスマスを過ごすためシカゴに行って来ました。初日にはたくさんのクリスマスプレゼントを貰ったのですが、想像以上の量に”wow..OMG” の連発…笑 本当に感謝の気持ちしかありません。そして次の日ダウンタウンに行きました。久しぶりに見る都会、それも大都会に高揚感を抑えきれませんでした笑 とっても楽しい時間を過ごせました。たくさん写真も撮れて大満足なシカゴ旅でした。
そして、一大イベントであるクリスマスを終え街は年越し一色に染まるのかと思えばそんな事もなく…まだ街はクリスマスを引きずっています。年越ししたのにも関わらず私の家にはまだクリスマスツリーが飾ってあります。私の家を訪ねてきた人はみんなまだ口を揃えて” Merry Christmas!” と言います。それだけ大きなイベントらしいです。。笑
その後彼女から返信が来て私はとっても内容に驚いたのです。”なんで怒ってるの?” 間違いかと思いましたがそれは確実に私へのメールでした。後に彼女に聞いた所それは”!”の量でした。日本では数なんて気にせずなんと無く気分で付け足す”!” 。あんまり付けると怒ってると思われるから気をつけてねと彼女に言われました。ビックリマークの量を注意されるなんて人生で最初で最後の経験です。きっと。(笑)
明後日1/4から学校が始まります。三が日しか休めないなんて何年ぶりというか初めての経験です。気持ちを入れ替えて今年も精進していきたいです。三週間後にはFinal Exam が待ってます。かなり嫌ですがそれを終えるとカリブ旅。。カリブ海に行きたいなんて今まで考えた事もありませんでした。何をするかはお楽しみってホストファミリーは教えてくれません。想像だけが膨らんでワクワクが止まりません。きっと素敵な忘れられない旅になってくれると思います。私の知らない世界を沢山見させてくれるホストファミリーには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
Happy New Year from Michigan!
How are you guys doing? I feel like I’m still in 2016.
Wish you guys have an awesome year.
It’s been a while to see you guys anyway.
In here, the most important event, Christmas is over.
Last year went so fast. I was thinking that how last year there were many things that I had to learn, so I was in trouble a lot but thanks to that I came to be able to feel like I gotta do myself all the time. I can’t have this feeling if I’m not here .
We went to Chicago during Christmas for see my big host family! I think most of the American spend Christmas with big family and exchange gifts each other usually in here. We played many games and had awesome food…that was awesome night. I got plenty of gifts.. I was so surprised about the number of gifts I got. I got to appreciate everyone.
And then we went to downtown Chicago. That was best city ever I’ve been. We went to see the bean which is most famous statue and Cheesecake Factory and shop..I decided I obviously will be back there already…haha
Let me tell a story happened recently that surprised me.
So one day I was texting with my coordinator, and I asked her whether she can take me to school or not. And I was like “can you take me to school?”, but I didn’t see any reply from her, but I could find other ride so I was texting her like “Never mind!!!!!! My friend’s dad can pick me up so that’s fine. Thanks!!!”.
And then she replied me couple minutes later, asking “why did you get mad?” I was confused about it because I didn’t have any that kind of feeling and I had no idea why I had disappointed . After that I asked why she told me so, “Be careful to use exclamation mark.” I’ve never cared about this things and in japan. Most people don’t care how many “!” use. It depends on how you feel y’know.
Last time my report was in August so 4 months passed since I wrote and 5 months have passed since I came here. Times goes by super quickly. I have only 6 months, every time I’m hoping my English is going to improve.
We will go to “Caribbean” this month! I can’t wait for this trip! One tings I really don’t want to do is packing LOL
I gotta pack again lol but imagining about trip like what we will eat, what we will do is making me so high. I’m really excited! My host family show me many things I’ve never seen. I appreciate my host family.
I would love to repay my host family someday.
Talk to you guys in 2 months!
Thank you for reading my report!