皆さんこんにちは!明けましておめでとうございます!!本木ふらのです。最近は冷凍庫の中で暮らしているのか!というくらい寒い日ばかりで、-20度や-30度は当たり前になってしまいました。-35度の日に試しに濡らしたタオルをブンブン振ってみたらカッチコチに凍ったんです!!これには驚きを隠せませんでした(笑) それでは前回のレポートからたくさんの出来事があったのでお話ししますね。
Hi guys! I’m Furano. How are you doing? Happy new year!! Canada is so cold these days as if I live in a freezer. That is no wonder, the temperature is between twenty and thirty degrees below now. I tried to shake a towel which I wetted when the temperature was thirty-five degrees below. It was frozen solid! I was so surpried by that. Anyhow, I’m going to talk about my life in Canada that I am having these days.
First, we had our last volleyball game in the early part of December. This meet would decide a champion for Manitoba. I played in a few games, and the gymnasium was full of tension. We went on to the finals. We played three games in the finals until we won a close game with the opposing team to became the champions of Manitoba! I will never forget that moment. I got a gold medal for the very first time in my life. Thanks to my teammates, my coach, and my host family, for with their help and support I was able to get it. It is sad that I can’t play volleyball with my teammates any more in Canada, but I will never forget this experience.
Second, December 18th was my birthday. My family is so big. About 20 people celebrated my birthday with me. Baba made me many dishes. For example, we had lasagna, ham, jelly, and salads. I couldn’t move because I ate too much. My face was about to burst. When I blew out the candles, just one candle was left burning. In Canada, it stands for the number of boyfriends. I learned a unique thing. Moreover, I got so many presents from everyone, so I was happy.
Third, we celebrated Christmas which I had been looking forward to. It was the best. Santa gave me presents. What a relief, I was a good girl. The day before Christmas, I was so excited when I saw all the presents under the Christmas tree with my host brothers. My spirits made me feel like I was a child. That day, all of the family came to my house, we ate a good meal, we talked about a lot of things, and played card games. All of the people are kind and have a sweat heart. I shared a hug more than 30 times in just this one day. I am so happy to be a member of this family. Christmas was a precious memory in my life.
Lastly, I’m going to talk about the day I was asked to sing the national anthem of Canada at a high school hockey game. I am usually quite at ease when I do something, but this day my legs were trembling. The person in charge asked me, “Which one do you want to do. Do you want to sing in the box or sing on the ice?” I decided to sing on the ice because this was my big chance. I got nervous, but I knew I could sing confidently. When I finished I felt such a huge sense of achievement, which I had never felt before. I was worried about singing O Canada in front of a lot of people, but I learned about courage in an instant. That courage gave me a wonderful passion. After singing and at school, my host family, my friends, my teachers, and the players said me “Good job, Furano! That was so good!” I was so happy to hear that! In Japan most people don’t say what they are thinking. This is one of the things I realized about this culture that is so awesome!
2016 was a fulfilling and satisfying year for me. My life in Canada is half over. I want to work hard in school, experience lots, and have fun with the short time that is left here. Thank you for reading my journal. See you soon!