こんにちはー。私的には、まだ”3回目”のレポートって感じですが、たった3個のレポートでもう4カ月たっちゃてることが信じられないです。 この前のレポートはきっとハロウィーンとか学校のこと書いて終わってましたよね。
今回はサンクスギビングのこととクリスマスのことを中心に書いてきますねー。あとはその間にあったちょっと楽しかったエピソードもちょいちょい挟んできます( ˘ω˘ )
朝はホストマザーが若干いつもより豪華なごはんをつくってくれましたよ! ワッフル、シナモンロール、ソーセージ…なんかもう絵にかいたようなアメリカンな朝食でした。
家に帰ってからは家族みんなで夜ご飯をたべました。サンクスギビングデイの伝統的な料理のターキー、マッシュポテト、パイ、コーン、あとはバースデイケーキも手作りしてくれました泣 マザーが、売ってあるケーキは私には甘すぎて苦手なことを分かってて気遣ってくれたみたいでホントに感謝です。 ケーキを食べる前に皆がバースデーソングを歌ってくれたのですがみんな「はるか」の発音の仕方がバラバラで面白いことになってました笑
誕生日プレゼントはマザーから化粧品、ベッキーからはガガのお父さんのやっているレストランのレシピ本、おじさんのアレックスからはチェス、スマホ対応手袋、そしてなぜかアナの好きなk-popアイドルグループ GOT 7の靴下でした。
帰りの車の中でジョーダンがとあるアメリカ人youtuberの動画をみせてくれて、彼の動画の内容は面白おかしく日本語を教えるという感じで、ホントにしょうもない言葉ばっかでおもわず爆笑しました笑 暇なときにfilthy frankで検索して観てみてください。
クリスマスの日は家族で家に集まってプレゼントの開封から始まりました。 もう日本では考えられないくらいの量をもらいました。そしてさらに驚いたのはガガのグッズ率が高めだったことでした。 ガガのジャケット2枚、パーカー、tシャツ、CD…もうこれ1週間ガガコーデできますね笑 自分が元々持ってたのも合わせて衣類の4割くらいガガになったきがします。
アナは大好きなアイドルのBTSのCDと大好きなメンバーのtシャツをもらえてかなり嬉しそうでした。 学校初日は2人で推しファッションでキメていこうとおもいます
それではまた次回のレポートであいましょう!!! 良いお年を(^^)
Hey guys! I feel it’s still “3rd” term but already 4 month have passed in 3 of my terms. I’ve wrote about halloween and my high school before, right?
This time, i’m going to write about my thanksgiving day and christmas also some episodes which I enjoyed( ˇωˇ )
On Nov,24 was thanksgiving day and also my birthday, ALSO MY BIRTHDAY( I said 2 times cuz it’s important)
In the morning, my host mom made holiday cooking! waffles, cinnamon
rolls, sausages… it looked so nice:))
After that, we went to aunt Becky’s and we were eating and watching football games on TV, just like relaxing. Especially my host dad looks super excited about the game and he screamed once in 20 min haha.
When we arrived, we started eating thanksgiving dinner. There were turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, corn and also my host mom made me birthday cake because she known I don’t like store’s cake because it’s too sweet for me.
Before eating the cake, everyone sang me the birthday song and in the part where we sing my name, it heard funny cuz everyone pronounced my name different haha.
i got makeup stuff from host mom, lady gaga’s dad’s cookbook of his restaurant from Becky and chess, touchscreen gloves and i don’t know why but there are GOT 7’s socks from uncle Alex. This is the K-pop group which Anna loves. Not me haha.
I’m really enjoying this exchange year but actually my host dad got heart attack on first of December and he has entered the hospital like 2 days. This was because he took too much salt.(´・_・`)
Alex, Anna, my brother Devlin, Jordan and I went to the hospital at the night. He looked fine at the hospital and I’m glad this period of hospitalization was short.
There was a Japanese restaurant near by the hospital and we went to there for dinner. When I watching the menue, Jordan asked me “what is the KATSU meaning?” and I answered it means something fried and then, he made the word “boy katsu”. i don’t even know why but he made this word. i thought “is it something anime things?” but it’s not. it’s meaning just “fried boy”. Well, if he understand the katsu meaning, I’m glad
On the way home, he showed me some videos of an american youtuber. His video was like teaching Japanese words and he teaches us only weird or funny japanese and I laughed hard with his video. If you are bored, check “Filthy Frank” on you tube.
Thanks to him, Jordan can speak japanese a little bit. like “die” “I wanna die” “My name is boy katsu”
I joined a winter activity which ASSE michigan group planed. We went to the Henry Ford museum and it was amazing!! It mainly display old transportation, like cars, aircrafts and trains.
There was a huge black train, and we tried to have some picture with it and asked a women to take us pictures. After that, the woman returned us a camera and said “This is so old things and you guys might not touch it. you should respect old stuff(`Δ´)!” and we were like I’m so sorry but thanks for taking pictures for us. I’ll show you this valuable picture lol
Also i and Anna did christmas party with exchange students which in same high school at our house. We can’t meet together so often so I was glad to meet every exchange students in the long time. There were german, Austrian, Danish, Finnish, Kazakh, Swiss and Japanese and I felt studying in the U.S. means not only interact with American, it means interact with all countries.
The other day was Christmas!!! before christmas, I was asked by people “Do you have christmas in your country?” million times. some of my friend who are exchange student were asked same question, either lol
I think eating KFC christmas day is the only things japanese to do. Everyone was like “Eating KFC!!???” I think this is because Japanese doesn’t eat big turkey or huge chicken but they like to do something American so they make do with KFC.
On the eve day, I and Anna decorated cookies and it we really enjoyed decorating first few minute but when we finished decorating 4 or 5 cookies, we got bored with doing it.
On the Christmas day, family gathered at our house and we opened christmas presents each other and I got too many stuff also I was surprised because most of them were lady gaga goods!! There were 2 lady gaga jacket,a sweater, a t shirt and a CD. Maybe i can coordinate with only lady gaga stuff haha.
Also Anna got a BTS’s album and some their goods. They are also her favorite K-pop group and she looked super happy. Maybe we have to go to school putting on their stuff;)
These are my experiences during Nov and Dec. Temperature is getting cold but other day was so warm and there is no snow now but then it’s getting cold again. I know Sapporo has too many snow now and I hope you guys don’t get cold.
In next term, I would like to write about new year and Florida trip and now what am I excited about is…… Super ball!!!! I mean, half time show cuz this time, lady gaga will perform at super ball!!(((((└(:D」┌)┘)))))))
See you next my term and happy new year(^^)