

アメリカに留学中の吉田 果永さんから第三回目の留学報告が届きました。

学校が始まり、後期から授業が少し変わりました。今Ceramics(粘土で色々つくる授業)とDrawing & Painting(絵を描く授業)の2つ美術をとっているのですが、絵を描く授業はマザーがおしにおしまくって勧めてくれて取ることになりました。ファミリーはみんな私の絵をとても褒めてくれます。先日、課題を家で描いていた時ブラザーが「これと同じ絵を自分が描いたら50billion年かかる」と言ってくれました(笑)  
友達や先生、コーチが「いつ帰国するの?」や「え、かえ来年いないの?」と聞いてきた時、私以外の生徒が来年の授業選択の紙を書いているときは1人で泣くのをこらえています(笑) 来年のことや帰国のことを考えるととても寂しくなるので考えたくありません。
Hi! How’s going? Ohio is cold but doesn’t have snow. According to coordinator and my host mom, this is Ohio whether. I feel here is warmer than Sapporo. 
This is my 3rd report. My exchange life in America had passed half of the time. I’m afraid cuz times goes by very very fast.
First,I’m going to write about my school life. After Christmas break, my school started on January 3rd. I was like “omg it’s not the date that we have to go to school…”  Anyway, I took Geometry, Ceramics, Drawing & Painting, American History, Health, and English in this semester. My host mom recommended Drawing & Painting class for me. I can draw pictures that l want to draw, so I really enjoy it. 
In middle of February, basketball season was over. I was so sad because I can’t play basketball with wonderful teammates and coaches in here anymore. They made my exchange year better. I thought that I can spent time on my homework and hobbies. Actually, it’s not true because I can’t focus on my assignment and I have so difficult homework every day:/  When my friends, coaches, and teachers asked me “When will i leave here?” or said “Omg is Kae not here next year? I’ll miss u.” and all students except me choose classes which they are going to take next year, I almost cried. I don’t want to leave America . 
I’m sorry I will stop to write this report right here because I have so many assignments and these are time-consuming. 
I have only 3 months left so I will talk and enjoy every single day. I’m not gonna waste the time. I’ll do my best. 
See ya!