

アメリカに留学中の 下山 めぐみ さんから第四回目の留学報告が届きました。




前回のレポートでは私、授業についていくのが大変で苦労していると書きました。しかし大分ここでの生活にも慣れてきて、今は全教科AとBだけのグレードになっています!自分でも信じられないです笑。それでも少し思い当たることは、自分には積極性が出てきたということ。英語において分からないことは理解できるまで努力すること。授業中分からないことがあったら、「ここ分からなーい!どうしてこうなるの? すごーい!どうしてこんなに勉強できるの?? 今の英語理解できなかったからもう一回言ってもらってもいい?」などとまるで幼稚園児のように弱い立場になって先生やクラスメートに質問攻めします。その名も褒めて質問ミサイル作戦笑。最後にスマイルと日本の小分けできるお菓子をお返しとして渡せば完璧(どや顔)。これから留学する後輩たち、これは絶対に自分にも相手にも最高の方法です笑!!是非やってみてね!


Hey guys!

This report is 4th times in finally. This my studying abroad is coming almost done.

I want to talk you about my International motor show. Actually my host family loves car! So I amazed because when I came here in first time, they told me about car eagerly lol. So the way of when we go to the Detroit, they were so excited, and noisy. But actually I’m interested in Detroit, because Detroit is the worst peace city in America. Japan is the best peace country, so Detroit was a little bit dangerous for me, but I had a good experience to know dangerous city. And in the Motor Show was a very GREAT than I thought! I was a pretty tired. But in the Japanese car company’s corner, it was introducing Japanese culture, and there were Japanese people. And the people who watching Japanese car booth said what a wonderful country Japan is! Or I want to go to Japan! I felt so happy as same Japanese people. And through this my studying abroad, I like Japan again. And I felt that I have to act as model of Japanese people. I will not forget this experience.

In next, I want to talk about Snow Coming.

I thought American dance event in school which is only Homecoming and Prom. But it was wrong. This Snow Coming was my first school event when I came this town. So it was so exiting things! The my school’ s snow coming was chosen person who each grade a boy and girl, and only one person is chosen as snow coming king and queen. By the way, exchange student doesn’t chosen this snow coming king and queen, because exchange student is able to stay this school is only one years. The dance party after the snow coming, I made a many new friends! And I was dancing dancing dancing with them!! I love American school events!

In next, I’m gonna talk you guys about my studying way in America.

I told you in the last report that I’m so hard to study in my school. But its accustomed in this life, I took A and B grade in almost all subjects! I can’t believe it even me lol. However, I felt that I can ask question to my teacher, friends, and my host family in positively. And never give up in everything. If I had some difficult things, I’m gonna question like that ”I can’t understand, how to do that like you? Why you can do so well? I couldn’t understand your English, can you say again please?” so I question to my classmates like a child. The name is Praise and Ask Question Strategy lol. Finally, it’s a perfect that I’ll give Japanese snack as thanks. The future exchange students!! Try my studying way!!
#3下山 shimoyama 下山 photo #1無題