





ところで、私は今バレーボール部に所属しています。学校はまだ始まっていませんが、練習は毎日あります。練習は大変ですが楽しいです。メンバーの人たちもみんな良い人で、私がミスをしても「Nice try!」と言って励ましてくれます。私はバレーボールが得意ではありませんが、これからたくさん練習して、きっと上手くなるはず!(笑)そう願っています。あ、そう言えば皆さんにお伝えしたいことが。バレーボール部のメンバーの中に、「たーにゃ」という名前の人がいます(笑)分かる人には分かるはず!


Hi from the U.S. This is Manami. I’m staying in Washington state. It’s not Washington D.C.

First, I’m going to talk about English camp. I had it for three weeks in Colorado. Of course, I learned English during the camp but every Wednesday was a special day so I went to the zoo, shopping mall, and amusement park with my friends. At the zoo, I touched a giraffe. Can you believe it? The tongue of the giraffe was very long! lol The giraffe is my favorite animal so I was excited. Anyway, I had awesome days in Colorado and I was able to make lifetime friends through the camp.

Let’s change the topic to Washington. About three weeks have passed since I arrived here. I feel I have lived here for a long time because it’s very comfortable to live here. School hasn’t started yet so I’m spending time with my host family every day. Last weekend, I went to Seattle. Seattle is a big city and overflowed with many people. Seattle is famous for the first shop of Starbucks. I visited there, but I wasn’t able to enter inside because it was crowded very much. The most fun thing in Seattle is the Mariners game. It was my first time to watch a baseball game so I was sooooooooooooooooo excited and they won!

By the way, I joined volleyball club now. I said school hasn’t started yet but I have volleyball practice every day. It’s hard although I enjoy playing it. Volleyball club’s members are nice. If I make a mistake, members say to me `”Nice try!”. I’m not good at playing volleyball but I will be a good player. ( I hope ) Oh! I have a thing to tell you, there is a person named “Tahnya” in the volleyball club Haha

Anyway, I’m doing great! So see you soon!


