私は7月21日に日本を出発して3週間オハイオ州での現地研修がありました。あれから1ケ月も経ったんだなと考えると1年あっという間だろうなと感じます笑 1回目のレポートではオハイオでの研修をメインに書かせて頂きます。
オハイオ州に到着してから思ったことは室内と屋外の温度差の激しさです笑 行きの飛行機もそうだったんですが、本当に寒すぎるんですよ。なので海外に行く際は夏でも厚着をしたほうがいいですよ。キャビンアテンダントさんもカーディガンを着てお仕事してますからね。
荷物を受け取る所で「Welcome to OHIO Rena」と書かれたパネルを持ってハグで迎えてくれた研修中のホストファミリーに会いました!家族構成は、ファザー、マザーと生まれて10ケ月の女の子です。その時やっと自分の留学が始まるんだなと実感しました。その日の夜はアメリカのハンバーガーを食べてみようということでハンバーガーを食べました。皆さんご存知の通りアメリカは何でもでかいんですよ。そこのハンバーガー、でかすぎて具が挟まりきれてませんでしたよね笑でも味は最高に美味しくて是非食べていただきたいです!!24日から研修がスタートし初日に謎にELTiSを受けました。その後ウェルカムパーティーでそれぞれのファミリーが作ってくれたご飯を皆で食べました。ちなみに最終日もパーティーがあってその日は日本のことについてプレゼンテーションをしました。勿論ELTiSも受けました笑 研修中は授業はもちろんですが毎週水曜日にはオハイオ州の観光地に行って楽しんだりしました。Ohio state, Hocking Hill, Zoombezibayどれも最高の思い出が作れました!毎週金曜日はホストマザーと華金のスターバックス!!TGIF!!ということで、スタバに連れて行って貰ってました。金曜日が待ち遠しくて仕方なかったです笑
あ!!日食!!!全校生徒と先生たちとで外に出てみんなで見ましたよ! 以上です笑
Hello Everyone!I’m Rena Takada. I’m staying in Texas in America. I left Japan on July 21 and I had an orientation in Ohio for three weeks. I thought the program was going to finish too quickly because the first month in America went by fast. I would like to write my report about orientation mainly in Ohio. I felt so hot in Ohio when I arrived there. However inside it was cold from the air conditioning. This surprised me, the airplane was so cold too! I want to recommend that you should wear thick clothing when you go to other countries. The cabin attendants were working while wearing cardigans.
Finally!! I met my host family in Ohio at Baggage claim at the airport. My host mother had a poster, the poster said, “Welcome To Ohio RENA”. At that time, I finally realized that my study abroad had started. The family structure was Father, Mother and 10 months old baby(girl). At night, I tried an American hamburger for dinner. As you probably know, American food is so big compared to Japanese food! Yes the hamburger shop was also so big. The toppings could not stay in the hamburger lol. However, it was so good!! I would eat it!
My orientation started on July 24th. We took the ELTiS test on that day. I don’t know why lol, then we did a “welcome party” that night. Our host family brought the meal and we ate there. The food was so good!! We had another party on the last day of orientation. Of course we took the ELTiS test again lol We also did a presentation about Japanese culture for our host family. I really felt nervous. Every Wednesday, we went to tourist spots in Ohio. Ohio state university, downtown, Hocking Hill and Zoombazibay. Everything was great and fun for me, I made so many memories in Ohio! I went to Starbucks coffee with my host mother every Friday because Friday is TGIF!!! I could not wait for Friday lol
In the morning of August 12, I had to depart from Ohio and fly to Texas. At breakfast, they gave me an album, T-shirt with Minnie on it, socks with pictures of Sushi and a
letter. The neighbor, Sally gave me an Ohio’s T-shirt!! I felt so happy that I was crying while eating breakfast with my host family. We promised to meet again and said see you again at the airport!
I really love host family in Texas too!!! They are very kind and funny! The family structure is Father, Mother, 18years old sister, 16years old sister, 12years old sister, 9years old brother! They are a big family!!! I always go to school with my 16years old sister, Abby. She looks similar to my favorite singer, Avril Lavigne!! My school teachers and students is so kind to me. Therefor I will have a good time at my host school!
I would like to tell you more about my life in Texas and school life in my next report! Please be careful not to catch a cold in Autumn. Have a good Autumn!! p.s. I was able to see a solar Eclipse!!! It was so great and pretty!!
Thank you for reading my report.