

アメリカに留学中の石渡秋音さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。




  最初は、10日間の研修があり、毎日色んな所にお出かけって感じです。お家に帰ってもファミリーがいろんなことに連れてくれたりと遊び放題でした!宿題もありましたが1回もやらずに終わりましたね。笑 ホームステイも佐賀から来た日本人の子と一緒ですぐに仲良くなり夜中まで映画見たり一緒のベットで寝たりと、完全に〜修学旅行〜気分な日々でした。 


  そして10ヶ月間過ごすファミリーのお家にうつりました。自分ととても環境が合わずとても辛い日々を今でも過ごしています。シャワーすらなくてびっくりです。寝ていたら体の上をネズミが走って行くぐらいです。新しいファミリーの家に移った4日後は誕生日だったのですがそんな事忘れて1日中泣いて終わちゃってました。笑 でもファミリーはとってもいい人ですしマザーは本当に面白いです!毎日ファストフードで野菜が食べたいといってもファミリーは嫌いなので全く食べられないので帰国が怖いです。



なので毎日男女関わらず全く知らない人が廊下で服を褒めてくれたり 可愛いと言われるので夢心地ですね〜






  Hi, you all. I’m Akine Ishiwatari living in Ohio. This is my commendable first report! I’m so excited.


  First, I enjoyed JFIE camp for 10 days visiting around Ohio so sounds like hanging out after that I always went to outside with my host family. I had assignment homework but I didn’t nothing!haha I stayed with Japanese friend who came from Saga. I could get to know her more so we enjoyed watching movies until midnight and slept my bed with her. The 10 days were absolute school trip. I felt.


  After that, I moved host family’s house which I live for 10 months but I can’t get used to live here yet. Because there is no shower and when I sleep, a

Mouse run across my body. 29th is my birthday but absolute I forgot so I send on the bed while I cried. I love host family and mother is so funny. Every day we eat fast food even I asked mother I want to eat vegetable but she doesn’t like them I can’t eat them so I don’t want to imagine me who before going back to japan.Lol


  September 9th, I started going to school which is very small school and quiet. No one exchange students have come since 2 years ago it means I’m only exchange student! My best friends are younger than me, but my friends who eat lunch together are older than me. It is good like these relationships. My school doesn’t uniform and I love fashion so every day taking long time to choose outfit so ay school boys and girls who I don’t know say “I love your outfit, nice your jeans, you’re so cute and so on” I’m always happy!


  Now, there is not places which I can feel comfortable having hard time, but if I cry, that won’t change anything, in addition I have wonderful friends and family who always support me so I don’t forget positive thinking and give up!!!!


  See you.


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