





一つお知らせしたいことがあります。なんと、グリークラブに入部しました!具体的に何をするのかは分からないけれど、とてもわくわくしています。金曜日に教会で歌いましたよ。皆素晴らしい歌声だったので感動しました。今までよりも、もっと歌うのを練習できます。さらに、マザーを一緒に歌うのも楽しいです。マザーも歌うのが好きなんですよ。私もいくつか英語の歌を知っているので、一緒に歌えるんです。‘You are my sunshine’っていう歌がお気に入りです。それと、ここに来てから何回かピアノを弾く機会がありました。8月に通っていた学校の英語集中プログラムであった、さよならパーティー(先生も’sayonara’ partyって呼ぶんですよ)が最初でした。パーティーの5日前に、ピアノを弾けるかと言われて、インターネットで楽譜を探して1週間以内で練習しなければなりませんでした。それに、時間もないし1週間で仕上げるなんて不可能だと思いました、が、挑戦してみることにしました。結局、国歌と讃美歌と「旅立ちの日に」を弾きました。そこで、もし自分が挑戦しなかったら、カナダの友達に日本の文化を共有できない、ということに気づきました。あと、マザーのマザー(笑)が住んでいる老人ホームでも弾きましたよ。耳のほとんど聞こえないお爺さんが近くに来て演奏をきいてくれました。リズムにのって、とても笑顔でした。かわいいです。マザーはそこに住んでいるご老人たちのためにピアノを弾きにくるべきだ、って提案してくれました。本当にそうしたいです。きっと楽しんでくれます。





Hi, it’s Rio. About one month has passed since I’ve been here. I am pretty busy now as my new school has started.

First I will tell you about my host family. I live with my host mother Liza and my host sister Nikki. I have a host brother, but he lives in Saskatoon. Liza works at Christian school and teaches children French. She can speak both of English and French, so I can learn them here. On weekends, we often do something fun like watching movie, making cookies, going shopping and visiting many places. Among them, watching movie is one of my most favorite activity as she knows a lot of good movies. My favorite movies are Step Up, Pitch Perfect, and The Fosters. My host sister, Nikki is a Registered Nurse and works at the hospital near my house. I do not see her very often, but she is really kind to me. Not only to me, but to everyone.

I am going to St. Mary High School as of September 1st.  I am happy as some of my Japanese friends are going to the same school. I take 5 classes: ESL, Food studies, Drama, Christian ethics, and Math. Some of the students spoke to me and I have many friends now. Though I hardly understand what they say, they try to choose easy words for me. Also, when I make a mistake they try to figure out what I want to say and show me the right way to say it.  Oh, I love them.

There is one thing I have to tell you. Guess what. I joined the glee club! I’m not sure what I am going to do specifically, but I am so excited. We sang at the church on Friday. It was amazing as everyone has wonderful voices. I will be able to practice my singing even more. In addition, I enjoy singing with my mom at home. She also likes to sing. I know some English songs, so I can sing with her. For example, ‘You are my sunshine’ is my favorite. And you know what, I had some opportunities to play the piano since I came here. The first time was at the Sayonara party at the end of our intensive English class during the first two weeks of August.  Five days before to the party, my teacher asked me if I could play the piano.   So I had to look for the music on the Internet and practice in a week. I thought it was impossible to have enough time to be ready for the presentation but I tried.  In the end, I played the Japanese anthem, hymn, and “Tabidatino-hini.” I realized that if I did not try, I would not get to share my Japanese culture with my new Canadian friends.  I also played the piano at the nursing home, where my host mother’s mother lives.  One old man, who can hardly hear, came closer and listened to my playing. He was following the beat and had such a big smile.  He’s cute. My host mother suggested that I should go play the piano for the elderly people living there. I would absolutely love to. It would make them so happy.

The city I am living at is pretty cold.  I have seen the geese flocking together to make their way down south.  I now know that winter is coming to Prince Albert.   I am used to living in a cold place as Sapporo, my home town, has much snow. However, we will have more heavy snow here and it will be as cold as -40 degrees in winter. I will die. Seriously.

Anyways, I am really enjoying my life here. The school is nice, the friends are great, and the host family is awesome. It’s perfect! (That’s my favorite phrase). I will write another report in two months if I am not frozen to death.  Until then, see you guys. Take care.

P.S. I started volunteering at SPCA, the animal shelter. My task is to brush the cats. It is amazing. I love cats.




