プレスコットバレーからこんにちは! 莉央です。みなさんお元気ですか?これが私の最初のレポートになります。今わたしはとても変な感じがします。だって、今まで先輩のレポートを読む側だったのに、今は私が書いているんですから!時間の流れは早いですね。
遊んでばかりではありませんよ。学校も頑張っています。私の学校は生徒が2000人程いるとても大きな学校で、学校に大きな公園やフードコートがあって最初はとても驚きました。授業はLife connection、Japanese, Algebra, English, U.S. History, Biologyをとっています。1番大好きなのはアメリカ史です。先生やクラスメイトが最高におもしろくて優しいんです。毎日楽しみにしています。Japanese?と思った方もいると思いますが、私は生徒ではありません。アシスタントをしています。日本文化を紹介したり、テストの採点をしたり、成績をコンピューターに打ち込んだりしています。英語で日本語を教えるのは難しいですが、友達は代わりに英語を教えてくれるし彼らは日本にとても興味をもってくれているので話すことがつきません。そして私のJapaneseとEnglishの先生は日本人なんです!毎日放課後、彼女と居残りをしています。彼女は本当に親切です。おかげでなんとか授業についていけています。他の授業でも先生や友達が私のことを助けてくれます。彼らに本当に感謝しています。大変ですが、苦ではありません。ホストマザーからもらった大量の本を毎日読んで勉強しています。早く友達ともっと色々な話がしたいんです!
Hello from Prescott!! This is Rio. How are you guys doing?? This is would be my first report. I feel like so weird I’m writing this report cuz I was always reading the reports. I feel time goes by so fast.
Anyways, I’m gonna talk about the past month. About a month ago, I came to the U.S. and spent 10 days in Minnesota as training. That was so amazing days. I was able to have a good time like a dream. I still think about my host family in MN from time to time.
And now, I’ve been living here since two weeks ago in Arizona. It’s super hot here. The temperature is always over 30 degrees. The host family who is I’m living together is really nice. I’m talking lots of things with my host family everyday and I can tell them anything. Especially my host sister who is one year older than me was in France last year so she always understand my feelings. We go out to lots of different places by her drive . That is my favorite time the best. She is my host sister rather than a good friend who can telling anything.
Last week, I went to Utah and Las Vegas in the state of Nevada with my host family. I watched a musical of beauty and the beast. It was seriously than I thought so I was remain surprising. In Las Vegas, I enjoyed shopping. I’ll be back there in Christmas so I’m looking forward it now on.
Of course not only this but also I’m doing my best in my school. My school is so big which has a little less than 2000 students and it has a huge park and a food court so I was surprised at first. Now, I’m taking Life connection, Japanese, Algebra, English, U.S. History, and Biology. U.S. History is the most favorite cuz the teacher and classmates are super funny and kind to me. I know someone thought “you are taking Japanese?” But actually I’m not “student.” I’m her assistant. In the class, I often introduce about Japanese culture, scoring tests, and typing the result of the test using by computer. It’s so hard to teach Japanese in English but they teach me English, and they are interested in Japan so we have no end of things to talk. And also my Japanese and English teacher is Japanese! So I study after school every day with her. She is really kind. Thanks for the help, I’m OK about the classes.
Also in other classes, the teachers and classmates always help me. I really appreciate them. It’s so hard to study here, but not suffering cuz I wanna talking about more many things with my friends. So I’m studying every day using by the books which my host mom gave me.
I’ll join the basketball team but the season hasn’t started yet. It’ll be start at November so I’ll take part in the practice till that season. I’m so excited!!
Now, my school is Homecoming Week so we’re dress up every day like Santa Claus and soldiers. Today, my school was looked like the season of Christmas lol. I don’t know why either. And I had a Homecoming dance for the first time last night. That’s different from what I had imagined but I had a good time.
Of course there are not all roses. But I’m pretty good. I know that my classmates are fighting under the same sky so I can do my best. I’m really looking forward to seeing them again in a year.
So, see you in next my report.