




最後に学校について話したいと思います。私の学校はとても小さな学校です。初日は、みんなの英語の話す速さなどに圧倒されてなにもできませんでした。でも、何かしなきゃ!って思って次の日はいろんな人に話しかけました。そうしたら、次の日からすれ違うたびにHi,Mai!!って言ってくれる人ができました。私の友達はみんな親切です。私が授業で困っていたら、”何か手伝おうか?” と必ず声をかけてくれる子がいたり、”あなたの~が好き!”って毎日言ってくれる子がいたり、学校の送り迎えをしてくれる子がいたりと、本当に感謝しかないです!私は、バンドに参加しています。中学校の時にチューバを吹いていたので、部活は必ずバンドに入ろうと決めていました。みんなに ”なに吹けるの?” って聞かれて ”チューバ!” って答えたらすごいリアクションで驚いてました(笑)でも、中学校の時は座って弾けるコンサートチューバというチューバを使っていて、マーチング用のチューバは使ったことがなくて、いざ使ってみたら重くてマーチングができませんでした。なので、みんなマーチングしてる時、私は前の方に立って弾くっていうことになりました。みんなと一緒にマーチングしたかったんですけどね(笑)



Hi, how are you doing? I’m Mai from Illinois. I can’t believe that 2 months has already passed since I’m here. I’m doing great. Is Hokkaido getting cold? Maroa, Illinois where I’m living is getting cold. I’m going to write about an orientation in Oregon, my host family, and high school.

First, I would like to talk about an orientation in Oregon. Actually, I had the orientation which has 4 weeks, but I got sick before I go to the America, so my orientation changed to about 10 days orientation. On orientation, I studied English and sometimes I went out. I could make great memories there. I stayed with two host families. Both of them were so kind to me, so I love them immediately. I went camping with my second host family. Actually, It was the first time to go camping to me. It was a lot of fun. The day was the best day ever. What I was doing almost everyday in second host family was to swim in their pool with a host sister and brothers. It made me tired, but it was so much fun, so never mind! Time has passed so fast, then I’ve realized that it’s time to say goodbye. To be honest, I wanted to stay with them more. But my sick didn’t allow it. Although it was too short for me, I could make special memories and experience many things that I’ve never experienced before.

Next, I’m going to talk about my host family in Illinois. There is a mother who is 62 years old. She has two sons, but they all grown up. And her husband died 15years ago. She is from Singapore, so her English has accent with Singapore. At first, I couldn’t catch her English, but I came to understand what she is saying. She works 3 of weeks and comes back to home so late. Because of this, I got hard homesick the other day. Now I’m used to it tho! Every Sunday, I go to the church with her. We do same thing like I always did at Hokusei. Sing a song, read the Bible and listen at pastor’s speaking. By the way, my host mother is really good at cooking. I love the dishes she makes for me. I always eat her dishes until I’m stuff. So I’m sure that I go back to Japan with big body!

Finally, I will talk about my high school life. My high school, Maroa-Forsyth, is a small high school. When I went to the school for the first time, I couldn’t do anything, because everybody talks English so fast! But I thought I had to do something. Next day, I tried my best, I talked to everybody I met. So  I could make friends who says to me “Hi, Mai!”. My friends are so kind to me. Some friends always tell me that they like my outfits, smile, and things like that everyday, and others always help me when I need help. I always appreciate their kindness. I belong to band. Everybody asked me that what can you play?, then I answered I can play the Tuba. Everybody who asked me this question were surprised about it! But I used to play the Tuba called concert Tuba, now I’m using Tuba called Sousaphone. I’ve never tried it before. It is so heavy than I thought. So I found out that I can’t marching with holding it. I told my band teacher about it so that I could join playing without marching. I really wanted to march with my friends, but too heavy to march for me!

That’s all! I am excited because this is my first report, so I wrote a lot! Sorry! Thank you for reading my long report. See you next report!

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