こんにちは、アメリカのコロラド州に留学している松井ひなこです。ここでは3日前にもう雪が降りました。札幌ももう寒いのかな?? 今回のレポートでは1か月のCHI研修のこと、学校のこと、そしてファミリーのことについて書こうと思います。
次に学校のこと。私の学校はとっても大きな学校で2600人近くいます。初めは毎日すべてが不安でしたが、私と同じ留学生仲間とアメリカ人の友達が面白くて優しくていつも私を助けてくれるおかげで楽しく過ごすことができています。私の学校は90分授業で、math、 earth environment science(天文学や地質学のようなもの)、humanities(アメリカ史と英語)をとっています。どれもとても難しいですが先生の優しさで何とかなっています。(笑)Showdownやhomecomingなどの楽しい行事があったので写真を貼っておきます。
Hi, everyone. I’m Hinako staying in Colorado. It has already snowed in here 3 days ago. Is it starting get cold in Sapporo too?? I would like to talk about orientation in Oregon, My school and My host family.
First, I am going to talk about the orientation. I had orientation in the very little town, Lebanon, Oregon with 10 Japanese girls including 4 hokusei girls’ student. We didn’t have so many lessons, and we went many places. My host family is mom, dad, 8,11,14 years old sisters, so it made me feel like I was big sister. They are very cheerful and really kind to me. They get along with Ayane’s family, so we had a barbecue together! They had plan to go to trip, so I had to stay with other family only 1 week. They are also very kind to me, and they relative to Mai’s family. I truly realized how little the town is. But I really love this town because everyone is very kind and that is peaceful place.
Next, I’ll tell you about my host school. My school is so big, and the number of students of this school is about 2600. I really worried about everything because American high school is completely different to Japanese school. But I have American friends and friends who are exchange student, so I can spend happily school life with them. I take Math, Earth Environment Science and Humanities. These are not easy for me, but I could good grade because my teachers always help me.
Finally, I talk about my family. I changed host family recently. I also had to change host high school. That was very hard decision for me because I lose my friends. But I tried to think that changing school is not big deal and I can make new friends. I thought host family is more important than high school for me, so I decided to move. Now, my host family is so nice, so I have no regrets. I try to do my best in here. Thank you for reading my first report.