私は一時間目から七時間目まで、Algebra2 (数学)、Chemistry(化学)、US history (歴史)、Psychology(心理学)、Florida college Pre (国語みたいなやつ)、Economy(経済学)、Marching Band (音楽) で真面目に授業を受けています笑 数学は高1レベルなので全く難しくなくて余裕です笑 先生に特別問題を用意されるくらいです笑 化学と歴史はひたすら先生の話を聞いて、板書している感じです。心理学は調べ学習が基本で、たまにYouTubeの心理学に関する動画をみんなで見て勉強しています。国語の時間は物語を読んで自分の意見をプリントに書いて提出したり、たまに自分の意見を発表する機会があります。経済学も基本は板書ですが、先生が日本との事を絡めながら授業してくれるので面白いです。バンドではみんなで楽器を使ってセッションしています。私はフルートを担当していますが、今まで楽器を弾いたことが無かったので、はじめの方はついていけてなかったけど、今ではみんなと同じ曲を楽しく演奏できています。と、こんなかんじの繰り返しです。
話は変わりますが、家族と友達に日本食を作る機会があって簡単なものを作りました。家族のみんなも友達も気に入ってくれて、本当に嬉しかったです。今では、シスターからリクエストされるので、定期的に作っています笑 日本食を美味しいって食べてくれるのは、すごく嬉しいことです。ちなみに、箸も使ってくれています笑
Hello! It is Sarii Takeuchi in Florida! Around 100 days have passed since I came to America. It seems that snow is piled up already in Hokkaido. The Florida state is also over the summer, it is not hot all day, it is very cold in the morning and it is gradually getting warmer. The evening is the hottest. Aside from that, I would like to talk about school lessons.
From 1 hour to 7 hours, Algebra 2 (mathematics), Chemistry, US history, Psychology, Florida college Pre (languages), Economy, Marching Band(music), I am taking classes seriously. Mathematics is a easy for me, so it is not difficult at all. Math teacher prepares more difficult questions foe me. Chemistry and history are just listening to the teacher’s speaking. Psychology is basically researching, sometimes studying videos on YouTube’s. In language class, I have the opportunity to read the story, write my opinion on the print, submit it, and publish my opinion occasionally. Economics is basically write down words, but the teacher is interesting because it teaches classes with Japanese things. In the band, we all are using instruments and do session. Although I am playing flute, I have never played instruments so far, so the first one could not keep up, but now I can enjoy the same songs as everyone else.
On Friday night there are almost football games, sometimes home games, sometimes go to the other school and play games. When I go to the other school, we are traveling by bus, but inside the bus is warming up, because turn music and everyone is singing loud, so this moment is awesome. Since I am in the band, I will perform at half time every time. I am acting in front of a lot of people (I am doing a baton) and I am still nervous every time. But when performance ends, people get a lot of applause, so there is a sense of accomplishment very much.
Although the story will change, I had the opportunity to make Japanese food for my family and friends, so I made something simple. I was pleased that my family and my friends liked it. It is now requested by Sister, so I regularly make it. It is a pleasure to eat Japanese food delicious. By the way, they also use chopsticks.
After all, when I was in situation with more three months no Japanese, only English ,so my ears got used to English, now I no longer have to worry about listening. I feel that speaking is also improving, I can talk to about a lot of things with good friends, and I can talk a lot about every day with friends who can talk about it as a joke and it is fun. Until a while ago, if I had only two people with no one, the conversation did not continue or was silent, but now it is not such a thing. I’m glad that I can calm down and talk while having fun. If I add more vocabulary skills, I think that the repertoire of the way of speaking increases, the conversation gets more excited, I can make more friends. I will continue to do my best without satisfying with the present situation now.
Well, see you again soon!! Bey guys!