


Hello Everyone, My name is Hikari Yodono. I’m staying in Bristol, New Hampshire. I have lots of things to share with you in this time. First is about school, last month, the season of soccer was over, I’m kind of missing the season. Now I’m doing cheerleading with new teammates as winter season sports. The practice is very herd and takes long time. We are doing jump, stand, cheer and tumbling, especially stand is very scary for me because I’m flying in stand. Every night I come home after 8 so I cannot have dinner with my host family on weekdays. It’s kind of sad for me actually. I couldn’t be a member of competition team. Coaches said that I’m talented and they are excited to have me this year. I’m very sad but I’m going to work harder and harder to steal other position of compe team members. In school life, I’m doing okey. I mean I have friends in each classes and cheer but they don’ talk a lot with exchange students. Most of them say just hi when we see each other in school it is kind of dry. Because the school is hosting exchange students every year and they know that we are going to leave there in end of the year. I feel kind of sad sometime. But I know I have to do action and I should not wait, want them to ask me something and pay attention to me. I have to show about me by myself.

Everything is depends on my effort!!!!!  Second, a few weeks ago I had a trouble with my youngest host brother. It was that he thought I’ m treating him like a baby. Of cause I did not do on purpose because he is already 9 years old. But honestly I was thinking a lot about him since when I came here for the first time, how to be closer with him. He really likes Suez who came from Hong Kong and staying with us from last year. I’ve hoped to be good family with him. I don’t have any younger siblings and I’m not good at little boys because they are too active for me. I couldn’t work well and made him very uncomfortable for long time. I felt so bad and shocked deeply when I heard from my host dad. I apologized to him but at that time he didn’t look at me and just say “I know you don’t have younger family in japan and you are not on purpose” I was very worry about it after but now he sometime holds my hund, sometime trys to sleep on my shoulder in car and does something silly things. I’m having happy time with him actually these days.

Last, oh my! it’s gonna be very long report but I cannot cut anything anymore lol  Anyway, this week I felt kind of culture shock. It was that Japanese still hunts and eats wheal meet. According to my host family, Japanese does wheal watching but eat wheal meats!!!!! OMG!!!!! It was difficult to explain but I know that Japanese is not hunting wheal to waist them or doing as a sports. Actually It makes me wanna make cultural presentation about food.


I’m having good time in here with my lovely host family and friends. Not everything is perfect, but still I can fix it better to have a wonderful year in USA. I know it’s depends on my effort, how hard I worked for it. Thank you for all of opportunities that gives me in here. Also thank you for reading my long long report I hope you enjoy that! So see you soon!


こんにちは、ニューハンプシャー州に留学している淀野ひかりです。最初のレポートから二か月がたち色々なことが嵐のように過ぎ去っていきました。皆さんとシェアしたいことが山ほどありますよ! 先月サッカーのシーズンが終わり今月からチアリーダーをやっています。練習はとてもハードですがやりがいがあって好きです。ジャンプやアクロバット、スタンドの練習を毎日していてあちこち筋肉痛が絶えません、なんせ私は人を持ち上げる方とあげられる側どちらもやっているので。意外なことにコーチやチームメイトからあなたのジャンプは美しいわ!と褒められます。毎日のように5Gの教室でチアのジャンプを生意気にもまねしていたおかげなおかもしれないと思ったりなんかしています。笑 残念ながら選抜メンバーには選ばれませんでしたがこれからもっと努力すればちゃっかり昇進できるのではないかと思っているので一肌脱ぎます。実を言うと13人中3人は選抜に入れないという状況で落ちたので死ぬほど悔しくてこの17歳、ぎゃん泣きしてコーチとキャプテンにハグをもらう始末。ともかくまず痩せたいと思います。

次に学校生活について。授業にも慣れてもうあの先生何言ってるんですか状態はぬけだせました。なのであまり苦労していません、むしろ北星にいた時より成績がいいぐらいです笑。 最近思ったのですが来年留学する皆さん、ぜひ難易度より興味のある分野を意識して授業を組むことをお勧めします。事実、わたしもはじめ政治の授業と宇宙科学の授業を受け始めた時、日本語での専門知識もほとんどなかったため、ちんぷんかんぷんでした。ただただ興味があってダメだったら変えればいいかーって感じで初めて、分からない単語とか片っ端から調べて理解していくうちにすごく授業に意欲が入るようになりました。合衆国憲法100問クイズはえぐいですが、、、今では毎晩のように星座を観察して、あ!オリオン座♥とかはしゃいだり、アメリカの政治や憲法についてホストマザーやファザーと話したりしています。なので、参考にしてみて下さい。


追伸 かれん、お誕生日おめでとう。(先月)

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