次に、私の誕生日について書きたいと思います。私の誕生日は11月1日でハロウィンの次の日でした。誕生日の前日の夜は、私のマザー私の誕生日知ってるのかなと疑問に思いながら寝ました。私のマザー、私に誕生日のことを一切聞いてこなかったので、忘れているんじゃないかと少し不安になっていました。しかし、誕生日の朝リビングに行くと”Happy Birthday!”とお祝いしてくれました、更にテーブルの上に誕生日プレゼントが用意されてありました!本当に嬉しかったです!学校では、バンドの時間にすごく驚くべきことが起こりました。バンドのクラスの時間に、オフィスの人が白い箱を持って入って来て、バンドの先生に一言残してその箱を置いていきました。そうしたら ”これ、あなたのよ!” とバンドの先生に言われて、私はなんのことかさっぱりわかりませんでした。よくよく箱の中身を見てみるとHappy Birthday MAIと書かれた誕生日ケーキがありました!本当に驚きました。更に、バンドのみんなにとカップケーキまで用意されていました。マザーの行動力のすごさに驚きました!ケーキを食べる前に、バンドのみんなが、私にバースデイソングを歌ってくれました。本当に嬉しくて涙が出そうになりました!そして、放課後、マザーが私を食事に連れて行ってくれるということで、ピザ屋さんに行ったら、教会のメンバーがみんないて”Surprise!!” と私を出迎えてくれました!テーブルの上にはたくさんのバースデイカードと風船が置いてあって、本当に感動しました。ここでしか、味わえない誕生日を過ごすことができました。素敵な誕生日を作ってくれた、マザーと教会の人と友達に感謝です!
最後に学校について書きたいと思います。前回、私がなんのクラスを取っているのか書いていなかったので、主に授業などについて書きます。私は、English, American History, Geometry, Art, Band, PE, Chemistryの授業を取っています。私の学校は、一コマ40分制度で北星より少し短いです。なんとか、寝ずに集中して授業を受けることができています!私の好きな授業は、BandとGeometryです。何と言っても、Bandのクラスは私の好きな時間です。私の好きなチューバが弾ける唯一の時間ですから!Geometryは、どのクラスよりも簡単でクイズやテストで毎回いい点数を取れるので好きです!先生に、”あなたの数学のスキルはピカイチだよ”ってよく言われるので日本で頑張っておいてよかったなって何度も思います。私にとって難しい教科はやはりEnglishです。たくさん分厚い本を読み、読み終わったらRevew Testと言ってちゃんと理解しているか確かめるクイズを受けます。これが、大変です。でも、今まで絶句するような点数は取ってきてないので大丈夫です!4ヶ月経った今でも、分厚い本を読むのはまだまだ難しいことです。でも、先生はいつでも頼りにしていいんだからねと言ってくれます。なので、わからなかったら先生のところに行って聞くようにしています。それぞれの教科の先生はみんないい先生です。私が留学生でまだ難しいことがあることをちゃんと理解してくれています。それは、本当にありがたいことだと思っています。まだまだ難しいことや壁にぶち当たることだってありますが、友達や先生の助けでなんとかうまくやっています!
Hi, everybody! I’m Mai from Illinois. How are you doing,guys? I’m doing great as same as last time. I cannot believe that I’m writing my second report right now. The time passes so faster than I imagine. Anyway, I’m going to write about a Halloween, my birthday, and my school.
First of all, I’ll write about a Halloween. I’ve envisioned that the American Halloween was so big event for American people, so I believed that everybody were going to wear something for it, But it was not true in my area. Nobody wore a costume to the school on Halloween. I was so sad about it. And I became more sad when I heard that my friends didn’t go out to get some snacks any more. But I thought I don’t want to spend the time with doing nothing on Halloween, so I decided to give some Japanese snacks out to children with my friend. Many children wearing their costume came to my friend house. They were so adorable. I’ve been wondering what do they think about the Japanese snack that I gave out to them. If they like it or not, I’m so glad to have this opportunity, because at least they could know some Japanese snacks. After all, I ate dinner with my friend and her family. It was so good dinner, and also I had some desserts. They treated me as a real family, so I was so happy about it. We had a great time! At first, I was really disappointed about that my high school didn’t do anything for Halloween, but I spent great time with my friend and her family.
Next, I’ll talk about what happened on my birthday. My birthday was November 1st after the Halloween. Before my birthday, I was not sure whether my host mom knew my birthday or not, because she has never asked even about when my birthday is. So I thought she probably forgets my birthday. BUT! In the morning on my birthday, she surprised me with presents and said “Happy birthday!!’. I was so happy about it! At the school, more bigger things happened to me. When I was taking the band class, a woman from office who were holding a white box came into the band room, and left some words to my band teacher, put the box, and she was gone. Everybody were confused about it including me. And then, she said to me “ it is for you!” I was more confused what was going on here. Then I looked at what inside of the white box. I could not believe that. There were two big cakes in the white box. First one was for me which is written “Happy Birthday Mai” and second one was for band from my host mom! Can you believe that?! I’m so happy for being her foreign exchange student!! Everybody sang a birthday song for me before we eat those cakes! I almost cried when I heard that! I’ll never ever forget what happened to me on my birthday at the high school. Let me explain next thing that happened to me. After the school, she wants me to go out and eat, so we went to a Pizza restaurant. When I entered the restaurant, there were so many church people gathering for me! They said “ Surprise!!!” Oh my gosh, I love it!!!! And also I found out that there were so many birthday cards for me! Oh, how lucky I am I though. I’m blessed. I could spent my special time with my special host mom, church people, and friends. I can’t tell them how thankful to them.
Finally, I would like to talk about my school. Although I wrote about it on my first report, I didn’t write about what classes I took and so on, so I’ll write mostly about my classes. I take the class of English, American History, Geometry, Art, Band, PE, and Chemistry. Each classes has 40 min, so it is shorter than Hokusei. I don’t sleep during the class, by the way! I’ve never fell asleep during the class before! My favorite class is Band and Geometry. I love band class because it is the time that I can play my lovely instrument,Tuba, during the whole class. Geometry is the most easiest subject for me. And also I’m able to get the good score on geometry test or quiz. Geometry teacher always says to me that my math skill is the best.. When I heard it for the first time from her, I thought because I tried it hard in Japan!. As you know, English is the most difficult subject for me still now. We have to read many thick book in a day or 3 days, and have to take a kind of quiz called Review test after finishing reading the book. It is tough for me even it is difficult to read a thick book in a day or whatever. But my English teacher said to me “ You can come and ask me any questions you have any time!” So I always ask some questions I wonder. Every teacher each classes is very kind and nice to me. They all understand me that I have still some difficulties. I’m so glad about it. Still, I have many difficulties of classes, but I make it with some help from my teacher and friends!
That’s it! How was my second report? I hope you guys enjoyed it. So see you on next report!!