




私はホストチェンジをして学校も変わりました。新しい学校も大きな学校で2400人います。2度目の登校初日もすっごく緊張していましたが全ての授業で先生が私をみんなに紹介してくれて、みんな日本のことをきいてくれたり手伝おうかって話かけてくれたり手を振ってくれたり、とても馴染めやすくて友達もすぐにできました。私はラケットスポーツという授業をとっていて、私の大好きなバドミントンができたんです!先生はひなこは強いからと、男子のトーナメントに女子私だけ1人いれさせられました。そして全員に勝ってしまったんです。(笑) そんなこともありみんなと仲良くなることができました。みんな‟ひなー!!一緒にやろー!”って声をかけてくれて毎日一時間目からへとへとでした。(笑) その授業が次のセメスターにはないのでかなしいです。



もうすぐクリスマスです!もうツリーの下には数えきれないほどのプレゼントがあるんです!すごく楽しみです!今年は大好きな日本のお正月を逃すと考えると少し寂しいです。初詣に行って、美味しいお寿司とおせちを食べて、お年玉を貰って初売りに行きたいなって思ったり、、(笑) 日本のみんなも楽しいクリスマスとお正月を過ごしてください! 読んでくれてありがとうございました。また次のレポートで~!


Hi, everyone!! How are you? This is Hinako staying in Colorado. Surprisingly we don’t have snow yet. Yay! But its too cold.

I have passed half of my studying abroad life! I can’t believe it and I don’t want to believe it because I am spending wonderful time with my wonderful family and friends. But also, I really worry about my English. I thought I will be able to speak English fluently when I was in japan, but it is really harder than I thought. My friends who have lunch with me said to me that my English have gotten better. And my other friends she was in same high school before I came here she also said to me same things. It made me happy and have confidence. I try my best to learn English here, and want to speak fluently.


I have changed host family, so I also had to change high school. I was so nervous on first school day, but my every teacher introduced me to everyone, so I could make many friends. They are so nice and always talk to me and help me. I am taking racket sports class, and we played badminton. Guess what!! I beat all boys!! I have a lot of friends in this class, and I had a lot of fun with them! I don’t have this class in next semester, so I am going to miss it.


We celebrated Halloween and Thanksgiving for this two months. I went trick or treat with my friends and got tons of candies. Also, I carved pumpkin as Tinkerbelle. I had a dinner with my all family on Thanksgiving Day. I ate traditional thanksgiving foods such as turkey, stuffing, gravy and mashed potatoes. It was so good.

Christmas is coming!! 4more days! I am so excited for my first Christmas in America. I was surprised because there are already bunch of Christmas presents under the tree. I can’t wait!

But I am going to miss Japanese new year day. It’s sad, isn’t it? I want to go back to japan and get Otoshidama, then I want to go shopping!


Mary Christmas&Happy new year!! Have a wonderful break!!

Thank you for reading my 2nd report, see you on next report!

 HinakoM2-1 HinakoM2-2 HinakoM2-3