


              (みなさんがこのレポートを見るころには)明けましておめでとうございます。New Jersey州に留学中の田中美羽です。気づけば今年もあっという間に終わってしまいまいます。皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。私は12月23日~1月1日のほんの1週間程度の冬休み中です。1月2日からは学校があります。短すぎて驚きです。正月休みもくそもありません。しかしとても短い冬休みに予定がぎゅうぎゅうに詰め込まれて充実した楽しい冬休みを過ごしております。クリスマスイブは友達のドイツ人一家とNYCに行きドイツの教会に行って来ました。讃美歌も聖書もドイツ語で手も足も出ませんでしたが、なかなかできる体験ではないので新鮮でした。クリスマス当日はホストファミリーと過ごしプレゼントも沢山頂きました。日本ではクリスマスにKFCを食べると言ったらawesome! うちもやろうと、フライドチキンにケーキを食べたクリスマスでした。ほかにも友達家族が日本のスーパーに連れて行ってくれて、久しぶりに本格的な日本食を食べました。NYCには紀伊國屋書店もあるんですよ。毎晩友達の家に行っては一緒にstranger things を観ています。まだまだ予定があって楽しみですが、あっという間に冬休みが終わってしまうので悲しいです。(お気づきでしょうか、私のレポート提出日は23日であるはずなのに、クリスマスなどの話をしているということは…ごめんなさい)













              Happy New Year! I’m Miu Tanaka staying in New Jersey. I found out this year ends soon. How are you doing, guys? It’s during winter break which is only about a week from December 23 ~ January 1st. My school begins January 2nd. I can’t believe it. However, I have a lot of plans for this break, so I’m spending busy, but I’m enjoying. On Christmas Eve, we went to German church in NYC with my friend’s family from German. All things in German such as hymn or bible. Of course,

I couldn’t understand anything. But it was valuable experience and very interested.  On Christmas, I spend with my host family. I got many presents. I told my host family that many people eat KFC in Japan on Christmas. They were surprised but also said ”that’s awesome!”. So we ate KFC and a cake which I made like Japanese style Christmas. Besides, my friend’s family took me to Japanese grocery store and I could eat real Japanese food for the first time in ages. There is Kinokuniya in NYC! I have been going to my friend’s house to watch stranger thins together every night during this winter break. I have more plans for this winter break, so I’m excited but I also sad because this break ends soon. (Did you notice? This report is due 23th but I wrote about Christmas etc… I’m sorry to late to hand in this report)

              Well, I’m going to talk about around this 2 month. Honestly, I have been spending hard time from 2nd and half month to 4th month of this studying abroad. On first 1, 2 months, I didn’t get used to American life. But recently, I have been getting used to American life or I became to be able to catch English, so I can afford to think about a lot of things. Then I think negative things. Such as  “oh? Can’t I speak English?” or “when host family is enjoying the conversation, I can’t join a conversation” or “When I’m with my friends, I can’t roar with laughter like with friends in Japan.”. Then I come to the thinking like “Don’t I do effort? Ah, I’m bad” as a result. I worried over and over again about it. Now I think about these still. But my view is changing. 4 months are big number within 10 months. But it’s impossible to feel comfort American life if I compare the American life that I spend only 4 months and Japanese life that I growing up for 17 years. I can’t be close with friends like people who have relationship for longer time. I was also like it in Japan. People have their own each life in America. They have bond since I’m not here. They have relationship with people who I don’t know. They have been growing up with American TV show. Teenager have their pace, fashion, trend, popular things. They are with their family, friends. They grow up in English, study in English. Through, I who was born in Japan and grow up in Japan get in this community,

it can’t be that I don’t feel alone.  Since when I have this view, I could find my growth, my feel better. I can be stronger. I want to keep working hard.


              I hope everyone have great new year. See you next report!

 MiuT3-1 MiuT3-2 MiuT3-3