Hi, this is Rina Fujine from Michigan. How are you guys doing?
Time is going fast, I already spend 5 months here, I can’t believe it.
Michigan is very cold for me, so I always say to my friends, it’s too cold outside, but my friends say, it’s not cold. I cannot understand, but they don’t feel cold, okay fine.
Anyway, did you guys have a dream of the year? I had a dream of the year, I spoke English and I met my favorite band in the dream, but I don’t remember what I said.
I’ll talk about my school life.
I back to school January 8, but I already god ice day, it means is no school. I often got no school day, it is good for me, but before the final exam I got snow day, it was so bad for me. Because I needed teacher’s help, also teacher change exam schedule, so that was hard for students.
After the winter break, I got new schedule. Now I have, English, 2gym, Computer Technology, World History, Business Math.
English is hard for me, because my school doesn’t have ESL, so I have to take normal English class, it means same class with American students, but teacher and my friends help me a lot, so I get little bit better.
Gym class is similar than Japanese gym class.
Computer technology and Business math teacher is my friend’s dad, he is so funny like my friend, he is very nice to me, so I enjoy those class every day. I hate math, but Business math is super easy, so I can do myself.
I love my world history teacher. Semester 1 I had his class, he asked me “Who is the best teacher in the world?”. This answer is my world history teacher’s name, and that question was my final exam in this class.
Now I don’t have same class with my best friend, so I’m so sad, but I could make new friends at new class.
Let’s change topic
At weekend I really have nothing to do at house, so I often hang out with my best friend. We always cooking and talking, also I taught her Japanese. We went shopping, it was so fun. She is still 15, so she always tells me you are old.
Her family is very nice to me, her mom takes me any place, and invite me dinner. Her uncle gave me name, but I forget what it is I’ll ask him when I meet him next time.
Thank you reading my report.
何度かsnow day, ice dayで学校が休みになりました。少し気温が下がるとすぐに学校が休みになります。普段はとてもうれしい事なのですが、Final Examの週のsnow dayはかなり痛かったです。ただ、ice dayのおかげでhalf mile run が延期になった時は大喜びでした。その日は部活もある予定だったので合わせると体育館11周半しなければならない予定でしたが、全部無くなりました。こんなに嬉しいことはなかなかありませんね。
さて、私の学校は1月8日から始まり、時間割も新しくなりました。私はEnglish, Gym, Computer Technology, World History, Business Mathを取っています。
Computer TechnologyとBusiness Mathは同じ先生なのですが、その先生は私の友達のお父さんです。先生はとても面白く、優しいです。授業初日は先生のテンションの高さに圧倒していたら授業が終わっていました。ですが、この2つのクラスはとても楽しいです。
World Historyも先生がとても面白くて好きです。Semester 1でもこのクラスを取っていたのですが、先生は毎時間“Who is the best teacher in the world?” と聞いてきました。この質問は私のFinal Examでもありました。他の先生の名前を言っていたら単位を落としていたかもしれませんね。
彼女はまだ15歳なので私にいつもyou are old と言ってきます。事実なので否定はできませんが私も一応まだ10代です。