一番アメリカに来て驚いた事は、生徒が先生方やコーチの方に” What did you say?” と言う事が失礼に値しない事が私にとっては一番衝撃的でした。
Hello. I’m Juri Masuko from Eureka, Montana. Happy New year. How are you doing everyone? This is my third report. My school had two weeks holidays during Christmas. We did not have to go to the school except basketball practice and we didn’t have homework during Christmas break so I really enjoyed. On Christmas, I got a lot of gifts and had delicious food. I had such a fun time. I was really surprised that we did nothing in New Years Day. It was completely different from Japan. Christmas was the main event. My school life is really busy. I always leave home at 7:30 and go to school, take classes, and we have basketball practice almost everyday. Sometimes I come back home at 9. After that I do my homework and watching some movies with my host family. Classes are still really hard for me. It is really difficult both successful study and basketball. The fun time flies really fast but the hard time don’t. I have a friend who is Spanish and sixteen years old. We belong to basketball club together. Her name is Elena, she has been studying English more than for 10 years so she can speak English fluently. Her English pronunciation is not good actually but she real doesn’t care about making mistakes. I’m having a hard time because of her but my host father gives me some really good advices. Actually, he has studied in Japan for 2 and half years which is 25 years ago. So he can still speak Japanese. Moreover, he is understanding Japanese culture a lot so we talked about the education difference between America and Japan and the English that considers rude in Japan. He can understand our feelings. I don’t even talk to people at all. I’m always trying to talk to people but I cannot do that due to shyness. So I asked my host father about this and he said Juri, I think you are perfectionist. I was really surprised that I heard it from him. And he also said this is a good thing but don’t be afraid of making mistakes. You should do some making mistakes, Japanese people really care about another’s feelings and they don’t say their feelings. This means they are respectful to people so this is a good thing too but here is America not Japan so don’t worry about it so much. I’m so glad to have met him and I really appreciate. I don’t think my English is improving at all but I will keep studying English hard. I don’t give up.
Thank you for reading my report.
See you on next report.