




この二か月間にはThanksgiving, Black Friday, Examination, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Dayといういくつかの大きなイベントがありました。Thanksgivingとは食べ物の収穫や健康に対して感謝する日です。その日私はマザーが作ってくれたturkeyなどの色々な料理を食べました。そしてその翌日はBlack Fridayと言ってほとんどの商品が半額か半額以上割引されるというクリスマスセールで、私はマザーとお店へ行き買い物をしました。Black Fridayの次の日の土曜日はマザーとファザーが他の町へイルミネーションを見に連れて行ってくれました!マザーとファザーは若くないしアクティブなことは出来ませんが、休みの日に何がしたい?と聞いてレストランや色々な所へよく連れて行ってくれるのでとても嬉しいです。最近は夕食後にボードゲームUNOジェンガ人生ゲームをして三人で爆笑したり映画を一緒に観たりとても充実した時間を過ごせています。最初は少し怖いと思っていたマザーもすごく優しくて、ファザーは本当に心が綺麗で広くて親切で、二人ともユーモアがあって毎日がすごく楽しいです。日本に帰国した後オハイオの大学のためにまた戻ってくるんだよね?って冗談を言ってくれたり、日本においでと言ったらいつか行きたいねと言っていました。本当に大好きで帰りたくないし、ここを離れることを想像しただけで泣きそうになりました。ここに来れて本当に良かったと思っています。12月に入って初めの日にはバンドのメンバーとオハイオ州の州都コロンバスへ行き、とても大きいスタジアムでアイスホッケーの試合を見ました。スタジアムのロビーでバンドの演奏をした後、約2,3時間の試合を友達と観ました。音楽がガンガンかかってライトもバンバンで友達と叫びながら応援しました!その次の週末は隣の州West Virginiaへ友達と行きイルミネーションを見ました。その次の日はASSEの留学生のクリスマスパーティーがあり久しぶりに5Gの人に会えました!あきねえさんと会ったとき突進する勢いでハグしました♡いろんな国から留学生が来ていて彼らと話すのがとても楽しかったです!留学生の前だと恥ずかしがらないで英語を話せたので、もっと普段から自信をもたなきゃだめだなと思いました。クリスマス前にはいわゆる期末テストのような大きなテストがありました。日本にいた時は二週間前くらいからテスト勉強を始めていたのですが、宿題で手一杯ということもあり忙しくて二日前の土日だけしかしませんでした…。でも暗記が得意なのでほとんど全部覚えられたのでなんとか大丈夫でした(笑)そして驚いたのがこちらの人はテストのために勉強することがあまりなく、私が土日ずっと勉強していたらファザーが驚いて心配もしてくれました(笑)私的には二日しかテスト勉強しないなんてありえないのですが(笑)日本人のいいのか悪いのか分からない真面目さや勉強への態度はすごいなと感じさせられました。テストが終わり冬休みが始まり、クリスマスの前は家の中と外の飾り付けでとても忙しかったです。ファミリーはツリーを4つも持っているのですが全て私一人で飾り付けてやりました。マザーが私の名前の入ったオーナメントを注文してツリーに飾ってくれました!アメリカでは皆イベントを盛大に祝ったり、デコレーションに力を入れているのでどの家もキラキラしていました!クリスマスイブはファザーの兄弟が来てパーティーをし皆でプレゼントを交換しました!クリスマスの朝はマザー特製料理を満腹食べた後マザーとファザーと一緒にプレゼントを開けました。多いので全部は書きませんが、時計、服、スリッパ、香水などなどを貰いました。私が一番驚いたのが、かなり前に他の町に行ったとき可愛い財布を見つけてマザーが買ってあげようか?と聞いてくれたのですが、その時は我慢した財布をマザーがこっそり買ってくれていたことです!素敵なプレゼントをたくさんもらい本当に嬉しかったです。私はマザーにWest Virginiaに行ったときこっそり買ったピアスとすっごくいい香りのろうそくや香水、ハンドクリームなどをあげました。ファザーにはマグカップと両面テープをあげました(笑)二人とも喜んでくれたしとても素敵なクリスマスを過ごせました!そして一年の終わりなので感謝の気持ちを込めて長文のクリスマスカードをあげたのですが、二人共感動してくれてとても嬉しかったです。New Year’s Eveには友達やマザーとファザーの友達が10人くらい来てパーティーをしました。マザーの料理を食べ、踊ったり歌ったりしながらカウントダウンまで皆とふざけました!私の地元の雪の量がはんぱないことを伝えようと、毎年やってる旭川雪祭りの、雪と氷で作られた迫力がすごい城やキャラクターの写真を見せたことをきっかけに、その時日本を紹介するいい機会だと思ったのでパソコンで写真を見せながら皆に日本について色んなことを教えてあげました。雪、桜、温泉、砂丘、日本食、着物、折り紙、スクランブル交差点、富士山、スカイツリー、東京、沖縄、長崎と広島、京都、旭川、札幌、函館。たくさんの写真を見せて、皆が驚いたり行きたい!!って言ってくれたり、こんなに日本は美しいものがたくさんあるんだね、って感動してくれて私まで嬉しくなりました。改めて日本にどれだけ綺麗で伝統的なものがあるかを実感できました。このような素敵な文化がたくさんある国に生まれて、それを彼らとシェアできて良かったです。その日をきっかけにマザーとファザーは友達が来るたび日本の写真見せてあげな!って言ってきます(笑)私には見慣れてる風景だしただの写真なのにと思うのですが、写真を見せる度皆wow!!!!Amazing!!!!とオーバーリアクションなくらい大きな反応で興味を示してくれて、私は彼らの物事に対して感動できる温かい心にとても感動させられました。






Hi, I’m Nozomi living in Ohio! How is everyone doing? I’d like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Did you get any presents on Christmas day? Did you eat Osechi, Soba and rice cake on New Year’s Eve or Day with your family? I care to know which team got win this year, and if my expectation that Matumoto got the more spank than others on his bottom is right. Well, I’ll talk about what is happened during this two months. This report is mainly events, changes of myself and something what I noticed in my life since I came here.


There were a lot of gig events which is Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Examination, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve and Day during this two months. Thanksgiving is a public holiday in the US and in Canada, originally to give thanks to God for the harvest and health. We ate many traditional dishes like turkey that all mom made. It was Black Friday which is the big Christmas sale after the Thanksgiving. On that day, all stuffs have gone down in price. We can get many stuffs for half price or more off. My parents took me to see illumination the next day. They aren’t young, so we can’t do anything actively. However, they have sometimes asked me what I’d like to do, and took me a lot of places I’ve never been to. I sometimes play the both of American and Japanese games with parents and laughed very hard when dad tried to cheat, but mom realized and hit his on the hands. I often watch the movies on TV with them. I’m having so much fun with them so far. I went to the Columbus to watch the ice hockey game and play music with band members early in December. We played some music in the lobby and after that I watched the game and cheered for Ohio team with crying out for excitations. Next weekends, I went to West Virginia to see illuminations with friends. I had a Christmas party for exchange students the next day. The most things made me happy is to have met my friends. I hugged Akine when we met. I also met other exchange students from a lot of countries there. I talked to them without nervousness and it was so fun! I thought I have to get more confidence when I talk to someone. Before Christmas, I had last exam for three days. I usually start to study before two weeks, but I began to study for that before 2 days ago. It’s because I was busy to do homework. I’m good at memorizing somethings quickly, so it was all fine about exam. I was surprised how little they studied for each test. Host dad was surprised how much I studied for the exam and it got him worried. I thought how much diligent Japanese students are. On December, I’ve been so busy at my work for Christmas. They have four trees and I decorated all the trees with shining tinsel and lights. Mom got new Christmas stuff my name on it and put it on the tree. My neighborhoods looked shining with many beautiful stuffs. Host dad’s family came our house and exchanged each present in the afternoon on Christmas Eve. On the Christmas, I got many special dishes that mom made. After ate it, we opened presents together. I won’t write all of that, because it’s too many to write. I got a watch, clothes, slippers, and perfume. The most things made me surprised is that host mom gave me a purse which I wanted to get but I didn’t when I went to other city to go shopping. Then she asked me if I’d like to get it, but I said that I already have one, so I don’t need it. I’m so happy to have more presents than last year, and have such an amazing host parents. I gave her pierced which I got when I went to West Virginia, big candles which smells sweet, a perfume, and a hand cream. I gave him a cup and a both side tape. They seemed that they like that. I also gave them a long letter that I wrote in gratitude. They seemed to be moved. I had a big party on New Year’s Eve. My friends came to my house. I ate special dishes mom made, and sang and danced with them until New Year’s Day comes. I showed pictures of the castle and some characters made up of all snow and ice to let them know how much snow are there right now in my hometown. Then I seized an opportunity to talk about Japan. It’s because all other people came out to see the pictures. I showed them a lot of pictures of snow, cherry blossom, hot spring, sandhill, Japanese food, Kimono, origami, Shibuya Scramble crossing, Mr. Fuji, Tokyo sky tree, Tokyo, Okinawa, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Kyoto, Asahikawa, Sapporo, Hakodate. They were surprised how much beautiful things there are in Japan. They said I’d like to go to Japan if I could. I thought we can rightly take pride in Japanese cultural tradition. I’m proud of being bore in the county that have wonderful cultures. I’m so glad to have shared cultures in my country with them who have lived in different country. Mom and dad have always let me show some pictures of Japan to people who came my house. When I showed them some pictures, they have always reacted exaggeratedly like AWWW!!!! AMAGING!!!! I like how they see beauty in everything. It always made a deep impression on me.


I’d like to talk about changes of myself and something what I noticed in my life. Recently, I talked about politics and world history with my friend. He is interested in World War Ⅱ.It‘s rare to meet student who says that I’m interested in war, especially World War Ⅱ. They have understood what their own country has been doing and everybody has their strong opinions. They agree to disagree. I went to a middle school that is situated opposite my school after examinations for three days. Then I was asked if I could talk about Japan, so I did. On the question time, a boy asked me about relationship between Japan and north Korea. I was reminded how little conscious Japanese people has about their own country. I admired them for their concern and I was surprised that even primary school student is interested in history. I’ve been impressed how broad minded they have and how tender they are since I came here. They have always respected each other’s personality, opinions, and racial differences. They never made mock of me when I failed in something. Then, I thought I would be made a fool of by people if I was in Japan. I think Japanese people is indifferent to other people whom they don’t know. American people is always kind to everyone even if they don’t know who the person is. They are friendly, irrespective of race, age, or gender. I love how they care of other people. However, Japanese people think other people is just other people and never try to communicate to know little bit about each other. Japanese is profound language and there is some word doesn’t translate well. It’s convenient language to tell their own feelings in detail. However, we can hurt someone’s feelings easily. I think English is just the language to convey to someone what we want to tell. Japanese is too complicated, but English is simple to tell. I mean English is just for communication. I was surprised how different personality they have when I compared Japanese and American, but both languages have both merits and demerits. That’s what I wanted to know. I mean I came here to learn how differences are there btw Japan and other country. I’ve learned many new things I’ve never thought I could realize since I came here. It’ really interesting to know new things. I realized what most important things in my life is always having tender heart and caring each other. Speaking of my English ability, It has improved little by little. I realized that It’s usual not to be able to speak English fluently and accurately. Nobody want me to speak completely. It’s hardest things to try to talk even if I don’t know what to say, but it’s steady progress to progress my English. It’s very hard to become to be able to speak English fluently like them, but I’m going to push myself to the limit all the time to accomplish my goal. I’m done with half of my study abroad program. Let’s keep it up to meet my target. This year will be hard and busy but that is when I have to give it all I got. We all go through hard times, but our troubles make us stronger and we learn from that. I just try my best!


Thank you for reading my report. See you soon!

Nozomi3-1 Nozomi3-2