突然ですが皆さんご存知の事、私は北星女子そして釧路エリアのディズニー好き代表の髙田玲七なので苦笑 ディズニーランドとカリフォルニア・アドベンチャーにも行ってきました!! アメリカのディズニーランドは本当に広くて東京ディズニーランドと似た雰囲気なんですけど、ディズニーシーにあるインディー・ジョーンズ クリスタルスカルの魔球や、今はもう無くなってしまった、グランドサーキットレースウェイ、スタージェット、そしてカリフォルニア限定のアトラクションがありました。驚いたことに東京にあるプーさんのハニーハント。待ち時間がいつも長くて乗るのを断念してしまいがちなこのアトラクション、アメリカだと待ち時間5分で乗れてしまうので皆さん是非乗ってください~。
そしてついにニューフェイスのミッキーに会えたんです!!!!今までのミッキーの顔に見慣れていた分、初めてニューフェイスのミッキーとミニーの写真を見たときは、まじかああああって感じだったんですけど、実際会ってみたら想像以上に「かあああああんわあああああああい」くて、更にミッキーの神対応。もう最高の時間でしたね…。カリフォルニア・アドベンチャーは、ディズニーランドのすぐ向かい側にあって、雰囲気としてはディズニーシーに近いです。ランドよりは絶叫系のアトラクションが多く私はどちらかというと、こっちの方が好きです。タワー・オブ・テラーがリニューアルして映画、ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシーの舞台に変わっていました。シーのタワーオブテラーより落ちる回数は遥かに多く演出も素晴らしかったです‼1月8日でクローズしてしまったカリフォルニア スクリーミングにも乗れたので悔いなしです笑 ソアリンという世界中をライドに乗って旅をするアトラクションに乗ったのですが余りにも演出と臨場感が凄すぎて、2019年にディスニーシーにも出来上がるのがとても待ちきれないです!!
前回のレポートで紹介したメガランチの事です。麻薬を学校で使用した生徒のせいで大好きなメガランチの時間も普通のABCランチに戻ってしまい、どっかの国から引っ越してきた年下の女の子と毎日ランチを食べています。会話はほぼゼロです30分も無い昼休みなんですけどね笑 Aランチはほぼジュニア以下の子たちの食べる時間なのでそれも仕方ないんですけどね笑シスターのアビーのランチはCランチなので毎日毎日アイミス メガランチって言ってます苦笑 まあ戻ってくることも無さそうですけどね笑
レポートの7割がディズニーの話になってしまいましたが笑 まあそれも私らしくて良きということで、また次回も私のレポートにお付き合いください。最後まで読んで頂き有難うございました!素敵な2018年を過ごしてください。
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! How are you doing? I’m Rena Takada. I’m staying in pearland Texas. I miss Japanese new year’s food and TV show now lol.
How was your 2017? I had so much fun and so much hard time, but that year was special for me. I would like to share about my winter vacation on this report.
We went to California by car during vacation. (22~1/3)American christmas is so cool and so much difference between japanese. Me and my host sisters, brother and host cousins did sing song and pageant!! I was a sheep lol. After that, we played game. Do you know wackee 6? This game is kind of like a UNO but not trump game. We did it; and I’m addicted to it lol, so I always play it with my fost family now ; ) Christmas dinner was so delicious!! We ate turkey! Turkey turkey! This is christmas eve story though. December 25 morning, we opened so many presents!! I was really happy!! And I was surprised to see so many presents lol. It was so much fun christmas!! As you probably know,,, I’m a Disney geek at Kushiro and school lol just kidding but almost it is. So my host family took me DisneyLand in California!!! Also, California Adventure!!!! American disneyland is so huge, similar Tokyo DisneyLand. There are Indiana john, grand circuit raceway, star jet and limited attraction in california! We waited only 5 minutes for winnie the pooh! But we must wait 1 hour for it at Tokyo Disneyland. You should ride it. Guess what!!!!!! I met new face’s Mickey Mouse: ) when I see it first time, I thought “It’s not Mickey!! It’s a fake Mickey!” But, but but but!!! He was super cute!!! I crushed on him lol. I said to him “I love you so much Mickey” and then, he gave me hug!!! Awe, I miss him so much lol. California Adventure was also fun!! We rode California Screamin’, Mickey’s fun wheel, Guardians of galaxy, Monster’s inc, Grizzly river run etc. Those were so much fun! We love guardians of galaxy the most. Of course, we love california Screamin’ we miss it. Because the area is going to change pixar movies area. So California Screamin’ will be gone. Disney parks made us so happy. We had a great time! Also, we went to HollyWood, Beach and Universal Studio! I’ve never been to Universal Studio Japan, but I really had a good time!! My favorite attraction is Mummy; it’s a movie but, I’ve never seen it lol. We left California on January 3. We visited Las Vegas and Grand Canyon. They were so beautiful!!! I want to visit again. I am really thankful to my host family!! 🙂 Thank you for taking me to the trip! I made so many memories!!
I told you guys about Mega Lunch on last report. However, it is gone…because someone bad at school during Mega Lunch, so we are having regular lunch time. I think Mega Lunch won’t come buck never….. ever. I miss it so much. Mega Lunch was my most favorite time at school. I had a friend to eat lunch together but she changed her class schedule, so she has B lunch now. By the way I have A lunch. I have friend to eat lunch together, but she doesn’t talk a lot. She always doing something. But I don’t care because regular lunch time doesn’t have a lot of time. So, I miss Abby(my host sister) and my good friends everyday every at lunch time. Oh… I miss you guys so much!!!
A few days ago in Astronomy class, my friend asked teacher “When will school be finished?”. And teacher answered “May 25 or so?”. Friend said “Oh!! We have a lot of days left !”. However, teacher asked him “Do you know how many weeks in each month? We just have 4 week and half days.” Me and my friend didn’t know that, because we are fools lol. I noticed that I have only 20 Saturday and Sunday or less left. And 100 days or less of school left!! Oh. My. Goodness. I made a goal to finish by my depart day. I’ll smile and laugh more more more more to have a great time on my days left. Even though my English won’t be better than now, but I enough if I could spend great times. BUT I haven’t gave up!!!
70% is about Disneyland. I’m sorry about that. I’m going to be so glad if you will read my report next time too. All right, thank you for reading my report.
See you next time and have a great 2018!!