皆さん、あけましておめでとうございます。私はアメリカのニューハンプシャーに留学中の淀野ひかりです。前回のレポートから二か月が経ちました。こちらでは札幌並の雪とマイナス気温の日々が続いていますがヒートテックのおかげもあり何とか生き延びています!そしてつい先月アメリカのクリスマスを初めて体験しました!クリスマスの朝にブラザー、シスターとツリーの下に山積みなっているプレゼントを開けキャーキャーはしゃいだりたくさんの美味しいパイを食べたりすごく楽しい時間を過ごしました。幸せな時間は瞬く間に過ぎて、気づけば新年になりました。さて、年越しうどんを打って、除夜の鐘を聞いて新年の朝に箱根駅伝とお笑い特番を掛け持ちで見・・・あれ?? そう、私は今までで一番豪華なクリスマスを過ごしたのと同時に今までで一番質素な新年を過ごしました。一応ファミリーが大晦日に沢山の客を招いて夜中に花火とパーティーをしましたが突然のホームシックと、もともとパーティーが苦手なこともあって個人的にそれどころではありませんでした。朝起きても新年感が何もなさ過ぎてついには日本から送ってもらった茶道セットで一人リビングに座ってお茶を点てました。たぶん今までで一番のホームシックを体験したと思います。学校生活は特に変わりありませんが、以前よりも自分から友達に話しかけることに抵抗がなくなりました。前よりも口数が多くなったのは確かなので少しうれしいです。私の留学生活も分岐点を過ぎ、ホストファミリーや現地の友達との関わりを通して自分が人としていかに世界観が狭く未熟か日々痛感しています。自分が日本で正しいと信じてきた道徳観や人との接し方がこっちで通用しなかったり、新しい事実を知るたびにショックで悩み、ふさぎ込んでしまうことも少なくありません。それでもこうして留学を続けられること、自分のしたいことができる幸せを日々感じています。なので残りの留学生活を悔いなく過ごせるよう毎日全力で頑張りたいと思います!!それではみなさん次のレポートでお会いしましょう!
Hello Everyone! This is Hikari and I’m staying in New Hampshire, America. Time goes so first, this is the third my study abroad report. In here we get lots of snow like same as Sapporo and cold temperature. But thanks to Heattech wear which I brought from japan, I’m still alive in New Hampshire!! And finally, I had a fancy and marvelous Christmas last month. Host brothers, Host sisters and I opened lots of Christmas gifts together in the morning and ate some delicious pies and foods all day. I got many nice presents from friends and my host family. I was so happy! Happiness time was gone very first and New Year was coming. Okey, New Year! Make Udon, listen to the New Year’s Bell. In New Year day, watch Ekiden and Japanese comedy show at same time from the morning….wait a minute. As you know, I’m in America and I had a most fancy Christmas and most simple New Years’ day at same time which is very impressiveness for me. My host family held party in midnight of New Years’ Eve and invited their neighbors. But I had home sick and missed Japanese New Year so much at that time so I couldn’t enjoy. (Basically I still can’t get used to join those party…) In New Years’ day I got up from my bed but nothing was happen. I felt very lonely so I did tea ceremony by myself with sitting in living room in the morning. Because I thought it is the only way to feel New Year for me at that time. Actually the day, I felt the heaviest home sick and culture shock. I’m doing fine in school but I became more talkative than before in school. I don’t feel shy to talk with friends anymore. That is a big progress for me so I’m kind a happy about it but still I need to be strict for my English. It is already the turning point of my study abroad life. Looking back upon this five month, especially since I came to New Hampshire, I’ve had a thousand of hardships and culture shock. Every time I got actual feeling that how my view of the world was small and how I am inexperienced person during spending my time with host family and friends. The moral which I’ve learned and believed in my home county is not exactly same and doesn’t work well in America. Sometime when I know the cases, I shocked and depressed about it. However I am deeply grateful that I’m in America and have opportunities to learn new culture which I had never imagined to know before. SO I have to do my best in next a few month!! I can do that!! Thank you for reading, I hope you like it and see you in next report.