Hello! I am Hinako Nakao. I stay in North Bay ,Canada as an exchange student.
I will share my stories of my exchange life form now.
First, there were a lot of events in Canada, so I want to share with you guys about Christmas and my birthday. A Christmas was so crazy. It is because, I spend super much money for the event and everybody were so busy ,but it was fun actually. That’s why I could get a lot of presents form my host family ,cousins of my host family and grandparents of host family. Moreover, my Japanese family send a Christmas present for me. These years, my family just gave me money as a present even my birth day present. Of cause I was glad to get money as presents ,but to be honest, I wanted stuffs because It is a special day once a year ,so I was so glad to get stuffs of Christmas, and I missed my family at that time. I felt like eating a paella which made by my mother on a Christmas Day.
And, about my birth day. I thought nobody dose not celebrate my birth day. However, my host family said me “ Happy Birth Day~! Hinako~! “ After that, they made lasagna and buy a cake for supper. Moreover, they gave me some presents ,so I was so happy.
Second of all, about study. I had exams of 1 semester. And then, I just had 2 exams. Moreover, 1 semester was easier timetables than 2 semester ,so I could afford to focus on the exams. However, a drama exam was too hard for me lol. It is because, I had to act a character that I chosen in front of other students. I felt like dying at that time. However, before the exam, my host mother gave me some advices for me. And, I did my best by that ,and then I could break out of my shell and move forward by that.
And, nowadays, I started a second semester. I took Math, English, Cooking, Gym. I guess it gonna be tough. Anyway, my English teacher is so strict like teachers in Japan. For example, cannot go to washrooms while the class and cannot drink anything. For personalty, that is sad. And, some of guys in the class are so noisy ,so the class is kinda stress for me now.
Third of all, I went to Ottawa for an ice hokey tournament of my host sister. I enjoyed skirting and eating popular food in there. I will put the pictures on the report!
By the way, the report’s deadline is February 14. I thought Hokusei teachers are such a mean teachers. Defiantly, Nothing happened for me on the day. Oh, I hate the day.
Are you guys OK? I heard influenza so has effected on a lot of schools this year. Actually, some of my Japanese friends had influenza. Take care!
And, I heard Hokusei was on fire ,so an English play cannot play in an auditorium. I guess some people were confused ,but I know you guys will do your best ,so I hope you guys will enjoy the play by yourself. Good Luck 5F!!!!
また、1月末に1学期の学期末テストがありました。カナダは学期ごとに4つの教科しか履修出来ないのですが、こういうテストの時はこの特徴が役に立ちます!笑。正直私は、1学期末テストは、地理とドラマしかなかったです。笑 地理は元々大好きな教科なので、あまりテスト勉強の際支障が起きませんでしたが、ドラマは他の生徒の前で一人で自分の考えたキャラクターで、セリフを覚えた上で、演技をしなければならないという、あまり前には出ない私にとっては地獄のテストでした。でも、ホストマザーが演劇好きな人なので、練習をみてくれたり、沢山アドバイスをくれたおかげでベストを出せたので、本当にホストマザーには感謝しきれませんね笑。
あと、2月から2学期が始まりました!2学期はcooking, gym, English, Mathをとっています。中高で苦手だった数学が、計算の速さを褒められてから、カナダでは一番好きな教科になってしまっています。でも、先生も本当に優しいし、面白くてこのクラスが本当に大好きですね笑。あとは、Englishは先生がイギリス出身と言うことで、とにかにBritish アクセントの癖が強いです。たまに、「そんな、Rの発音強くせんでいい。舌ちぎれてしまうぞ!」と思ってしまう場面が多々ありますね。そして、そのEnglishの先生はとにかに厳しいです。例えば、授業中水飲むな、トイレ行くな。と言った感じです。無茶苦茶日本の教師スタイルですよね笑。あと、このクラスを履修している一部の男子がうるさいです。笑 先生にウザ絡みやら、音楽を爆音でかけたりして、本当にうるさくて正直集中出来ないので、今の所、一番ストレスのかかるクラスですかね。笑