







おせちが無いお正月はすごく新鮮でした。(本当はおばあちゃんのおせちが恋しくてたまりませんでしたけどね笑)あとは何でしょうか、、、、。 あ!テストが終わりました、そして取っていたクラス全て単位をとれました~♥ 年が明けてからは勉強ばかりの毎日でした。お手本になるかわかりませんが私のカナダでの勉強方法をお伝えしますね。 まず私は社会学、起業家思想、数学、英語を取っていました。皆さんもわかると思いますが簡単なクラスが一つもありません(笑)社会学は、社会学と言っても人類学、言語学、心理学などのすべてを含めて社会学なので本当にいろんなことを学びました。一週間で習ったものを全部グーグル翻訳にかけて日本語と英語で勉強してました。(グーグル翻訳はベストな方法だとは思いませんが、一日で進む量がほんっとに多いんですよ、なのでグーグル様の力を借りてました笑)







Hello,guys! I’m Moe Fijinaka and I stay in Ontario, Canada. I’m going to tell you about my life in CANADA!

Halloween, Christmas and New Year’s Day were literally AMAZING!!
I carved into a pumpkin(my hands smelled pumpkiny all day.., stinky ☹ ), dressed up foe Halloween and went to neighbors to get treats. Can you believe 18 girls did these stuff!? Such a cute girl lol

I got a lot of Christmas gift and mashed potatoes!lol My host family gave me a hockey uniform and it has my name on the back! I know it’s super cool… Actually, my host family remember when I said “I want this!” at the hockey game before. Oops, it’s not on purpose, guys!lol this is my treasure in my life.

I did nothing but play card game with my host family and their friends at the New Year’s Day.

It’s really interesting to spend New Year’s Day without OSECHI !! ( to be honest, I was really missing my grandma’s osechi lol)

Ummm….what’s else…. Oh! My exam was over and I got credit!! Congratulations to me!✨

I studied a lot after New Year’s Day. I’m gonna tell you guys how did I study for Canadian exam. I have no idea weather my way is good or not for you guys lol

First, I was taking sociology, entrepreneur, math and English. You know what all classes seem so difficult. I’m going talk about Sociology. Sociology is not just only sociology, it include Anthropology, linguistics and psychology. I had learned so much stuff. So, how to study this class is that I translated what I learned one week English to Japanese by google translation。(I know google translation is not best way but I learned a bunch of thing just one day! Thanks to google translation!lol)

Next, entrepreneur was difficult but I had a lot of reports and presentations so I did good job.

AND, Math! I suffered from math….sigh. I was not good at doing math even I was in Japan and I remembered one memory. I studied math so hard with Ami but I didn’t get only 70 points. Lol honestly, I expected over 80!! (oops, I don’t have to write Ami’s score lol)

LOVE YOU AMI!! MY CUTIE!!  Anyway, the most thing I suffered from is understanding long sentence problems. Math is NIGHTMARE lol

Finally, I took English and my English class is like studying about Native people.

I read 2 thick English book for only 4 months and I had so many home works, reports and presentations. However, I do recommend that you guys who will come to Canada take like this class. They had such a terrible time and they didn’t treat as human being. Their history is worse than I thought. I think people who stay in Canada have to study their history.


So, see you guys next reports! Have wonderful days!

 Moe3-1 Moe3-2 Moe3-3