


Hi,everybody! How’s going? This is Mai from IL. I’m doing great. I apologize that I’m late to turn in my 3rd report, I was kind of busy lately. But anyway, I have lots of things that I gotta tell you on this report! I would like to write about Christmas and my host family.

First, I want to share with you about what I did on Christmas Day. Actually, I really do love Christmas in here. Before Christmas, lots of presents were put under the Christmas tree, and the number of the presents were getting more and more day by day. I almost open the presents, but I didn’t wanna be in trouble so I didn’t. On Christmas Eve, my host mother’s son and his fiancé came over to our house and had dinner together. We, I and my host mother, made a lot of dishes! I think we did a great job. They loved the dished that we’ve made. After having the dinner, we opened the presents! This was the time that I’ve been looking forward to! At first, her son opened his presents. He got warm pajama, clothes, and his favorite snacks. I think he got more, but I don’t remember what he got. Sorry! I got some clothes, ornament which is written 2017 to remember this year, Christmas sock which is nice, and SNOOPY! I was so happy. I gave some presents that my mother sent me from Japan. She loved it, so I’m glad. After that, we headed to the church to attend the candle service. At first, we sang some songs from hymn. And afterward, we listened the pastor’s talking. After he finished his talking, we made a circle so we could see each other’s face, and also we were holding candle and then we sang “silent night”! Oh my gosh, I loved it. That’s beautiful moment that I’ve ever had in here. On Christmas Day, however, her son got work, so we didn’t do so much as we did on Eve, but delivered some dishes to his working place. As you can see, I had a great day on Christmas Eve.

Finally, I’ll write about my host family. Actually, I changed my host family. I didn’t have any problems between I and her. But she got a problem that her sister who’s living in Singapore was not doing good, so she told me she had to go to Singapore. So I had to move to another host family, because she was the only person of my host family. So I moved to one of church members’ house. She is 75 years old. Her husband passed away about… sorry I don’t remember. And her sons are all grown up, so they don’t live together. That means just only me and her! Same condition as last time. I’m so happy to stay with her. On 2/10, we said to my host mother, who are going to go to Singapore, Good bye and she went there. It was so sad, because we’ve spent together for 6 months and the thing happened suddenly. But now I enjoy staying with her. I’ve already known her, so I don’t have any concern. She is so nice to me. Although I changed my host family, I didn’t have to change my school. So same as usual!

That’s it! I hope you guys enjoyed my 3rd report. So see you on next report!



最後に、ファミリーについて。実は、ホストファミリーを 変えることになりました。特に、私とマザーとの間では問題なかったんですけど、私のマザーのお姉さんの具合がよくなくて、シンガポールに行かなきゃいけないと言われ、変えざるを得ませんでした。今は、教会のメンバーの家にホストしてもらっています。私の新しいホストファミリーは、75歳のマザーのみです!前と、同じ状態です!学校も変わることなく、前から知ってる人だったので、落ち着いて生活できています。突然ことは起こったので、違う家に移った今でも自分がホストチェンジしたなんて信じられません。あと約3ヶ月のステイなので、新しいマザーと仲良く楽しくやっていきたいと思います!


Mai3-1 Mai3-2 Mai3-3