Hi from Canada! I’m Ayano Sakurada and this is my third report. I’ve been here for 6 months and I feel like everything around me and myself is going really fast. I like new way of my life in Canada. Any ways the weather was pretty gloomy but now that February has arrived(actually February is almost over ), I feel like finally start getting excited for the warmer season ahead and also my new semester has started and new friend, new class, new teacher and new experience. I really like doing new things because it’s always making me excited and feel like I’m totally different person like I can do anything and things are going well. I take four classes during this semester. I like new classes especially anthropology class. It’s kind of fun to learn about human being. It’s difficult though but I try as much as I can.
By the way how was your Christmas? Did you have a great time with your family or someone special? My first Christmas in Canada was fun. Japanese Christmas and Canadian Christmas were really different. For example they cut a Christmas tree from the forest, eat turkey, and they buy lots of Christmas presents for children. I got lots of nice presents from my host family, and friends also real tree was cool and made me feel more Christmassy. Many relatives gathered at the house and we did secret Santa. Guess what happened to me?? I got a shave kit for men but fortunately my host dad’s grandpa got a skincare products for women so we switched. It was really funny. After Christmas was of course New Year’s Day. As you know New Year’s Day is a pretty important day for the Japanese people and we have many events and customs to celebrate New Year’s Day. However Canadian people thinks it is not important as we think so we didn’t do anything special but it was okay.
I will join badminton club because I’ve got used to live Canadian life and I want to try something new and interesting. I have played badminton only in gym class so it’s going to be hard for me but I’m actually really excited about it!!
That’s all for this report!! Thank you for reading my report!! BYE GUYS ☆
話は変わりますが、日本のクリスマスはどうでしたか?家族や特別な人と素敵な時間を過ごせましたか?カナダでの初めてのクリスマスは楽しかったです。日本のクリスマスとカナダのクリスマスはとても違います。例えば、森からクリスマスツリーを切りにいったり、七面鳥を食べたり、子供たちのためにクリスマスプレゼントをたくさん買ったりすることです(ほんとにたくさん!!!!!!笑)。私はホストファミリーや友達からたくさんの素敵なプレゼントを貰えました、本物のツリーはよりクリスマス感を味わえました。(日本でも本物のツリー飾るべき!!笑)。たくさんの親戚が家に集まって、Secret Santaというゲームをしました。そのゲームで男性用のシェービングキットが当たりました笑、ラッキーなことに私のホストパパのおじいちゃんが女性用のスキンケア製品が当たったので交換出来ました笑。 そしてみんなめちゃくちゃ笑ってました。クリスマスの後はもちろんお正月です。お正月は日本人にとっては割と重要な日ですよね??新年を祝うイベントとか風習がたくさんありますが、カナダ人は、日本人の私たちが思ってるようには考えていなくて、特にスペシャルな感じなことはしませんでしたが、それはそれで良い経験でした。カナダの生活に慣れてきたので何か新しいことに挑戦してみたいと思いバドミントンクラブにはいります。日本にいたときは授業でしかやったことがないので多分きついとは思いますが楽しみです!!!!!!
短いですがここら辺で終わりにしたいと思います。レポートを読んでくれてありがとうございます!!! ☆さようなら☆