Hi, guys!I’m Ririka from California. How time flies!!!!!! It is already February.
I will stay here about 3 more months?? It is going to be so fast. Anyway, how was your Christmas? I went to Las Vegas again and then I got tons of present from many people SANTA !SANTA! SANTA! I have never received so much present at one time! I was so surprised and happy I went to church on Christmas eve. I was feeling like I was participating in the Christmas service in Hokusei. I participated last Christmas service as a reader.
Next! New Year! It was my first time spend without my relatives. But it was pretty good. I got otoshidama from my host sister’s friend’s grandma. She is really nice. She made Japanese food for us, it was really good. Smells like my grandma’s house. She also made sushi! Can you believe it? It was such a good sushi.
You know what? I went to Disney land FINALLY!!!!! Obviously, this is such a dreamland. Everything is amazing!!! I got to meet many characters and take some pictures with them. It was one of my nice memories here. However, I couldn’t see fireworks.. it was really unfortunate, but it’s alright, I could see snow( Disney made fake snow though.) but it was really beautiful.
On Valentine’s day, I had to make a card for my favorite teacher. I made a card to my ELD class teacher. I said “ You are o“fish” ally the best teacher!”!!!!!! and I drew a few cute fish. I think she looks happy!
In the last few weeks, I’m really miss Japan. Like I wanna go back to Japan right now, but I’m thinking about when I’m going back to Japan. It is extremely sad. I almost cried. So, I decided to I’d like to thank for my host family, friends and all people around me. Even though I want to go back to Japan.
こんにちは!アメリカのカリフォルニア州に留学している木村莉花です。時間が経つのはとてもはやいですね~。もう三回目のレポートです。さておき、クリスマス!!!皆さんはどう過ごしましたか?私はラスベガスにまた行きました~笑 信じられない量のプレゼントをもらいました。生涯これ以上のプレゼントを一気に貰うことはもうないと思います。(写真見てね~↓)協会に行ってクリスマス礼拝をしました。その時に北星女子のクリスマス礼拝にものすごく出たいな~って思ってました。4年生の頃に朗読隊だったので思入れが強いんです。なぜか笑 おせちを食べないお正月は初めてでした。あと家族のいない
お正月!でもシスターの友達のおばあちゃんが日本人で手料理をごちそうしてくれました。においが親とかおばあちゃんの作る料理のにおいがしてちょっと泣きそうになりました笑 それよりもお年玉!もらえたので良かったです。
1月にディズニーランドに行きました。まあほんとに楽しかったです。Matterhorn 以外は笑 最後の花火中止になったんですよ~ショックでしたほんと。みーんなブーイング笑
バレンタインの日に海洋生物?のクラスでカードを作ったんですよ。それで先生に渡すんです。私はELD の先生に渡しました。“You are o”fish“ally the best teacher!” ってあげました。喜んでました!友達とたくさんチョコの交換をして食べきれなくて捨てました~。終わり!