Hi there! It’s me, Aya. I’m staying Salem which is the capital city of Oregon right now.
It’s been feeling like spring finally after a few snow days, and the smell of cherry blossom is giving me nostalgic flash back
Anyways, let’s get right down to share with you guys the experiences these past two months.
My mid-term exam was over in the end of January.
My grades were not bad at all but I’m by no means satisfied with them.
Now, I’m taking US history, jewelry, drawing, mythology, algebra2, geometry, year book and English. I’m in love with every classes, but especially, I do love mythology. This class offers to learn about Greek myth: make original mythology, research paper, essays and more. Somewhat still hard for me but I’m having fun.
I joined swim club after winter break even though I can’t swim at all. The very first day of practice, I plunged into the pool because I didn’t know the pool was 13 ft. Seriously I thought I was going to die. The practice was really hard for me but I had so much fun! The spring sports has just started from 2 weeks ago and I belong to tennis club. This is my first time, but I’m having a good time with my teammates!
I usually spend time to sleepover with friends or go to my host sister’s house in weekends. Whenever I sleepover with my friend, I always take hot tub with her. We talk a lot of things while taking: our background, feminism and politics and more and more.
It’s been 8 months since I came here and now, I want to share with you guys the tips for those who are going to study abroad this summer. First, I highly recommend to soak yourself with English from now. For example, routinize speaking English to yourself, read foreign books, watch English youtube and so on. There are so many things you can do even though staying in Japan, so have a try!
1week to go before spring break! I have lots of plan with my friend and family. I hope you have a good holiday as well.
Thank you for readingJ
1月の終わりに期末テストがあり、一学期の成績が確定しました。私の二学期のクラスは、US history, Drawing, jewelry, Mythology, Algebra2, geometry, Year book, Englishです。どの授業も大好きですが1番のお気に入りはMythologyです。この授業では神話について勉強します。自分のオリジナルの神話を作ったり、本を読んで質問に答えたり、難しいですが楽しんでいます!!先生がとても上品な喋り方をする人で大好きです。
この前の3連休を利用して、ファミリーと友達とワシントン大学を見にシアトルに行きました! とても刺激を受けました。一番お気に入りだったところは図書館です。天井がとても高くて窓がステンドガラスになっていて素敵でした。