






冬休み明けからSnow Dayが続きに続いて、本来なら学校に行くのですがたくさんの休みがありました。家でだらだらと過ごすのもいいんですが、さすがにだらだらしすぎかなと思ったのでファザーにお仕事一緒に行きたい!と言い、1日だけ連れて行ってもらいました(笑)ファザーは建築家の仕事をしていて、ファザーともう一人だけの作業員で二階建ての一軒家を建てています。ファザーは63歳(?)と、もうかなり歳はいっているんですが、毎日月曜日から金曜日、たまに休日も休みなしに働いていて本当にすごいなと思います。その日私は少しでも力になってあげようと全力で働きまくりました!フロアや階段が木のくずだらけになっていたので全部拭き、床のタイルを正確に測って糸のこのようなもので切り、くぎを打ち、一日働いただけなのに体力に自信のある私でもすごく疲れました。でもこの仕事を毎日朝早くからやっていると考えると頭が上がりません。ファザーに尊敬しますわ、、と言ったらマザーと希のためだからねと笑って言っていました。本当にかっこいいなと思いました。




こちらに来て約7か月が経ちました。本当に時間というのはあっというまで、1日1日が早すぎて怖いです。やりたいこともやらなければいけないこともたくさんあるのに、それを全部終わらせるだけの時間は全然足りなくて困ってしまいます。だからこそ無駄なことに時間を使ってないで効率よくしなければと思います。最近思ったのは、“小さな努力”って地味でめんどくさいかもしれないけれどコツコツ積み重ねると大きな結果になるということです。日本語を見ない聞かない話さない、勉強中は洋楽のかわりにピアノを聴く、いつも笑顔でいる、早く寝るようにする、など一日だけなら変わらない変化も、1週間、一か月、10か月と毎日続ける努力は必ずあとから結果がついてくると思います。今言ったのは私がずっとトライしていることです。英語脳を作るには右脳を使うといいので、勉強中は歌詞が入っている曲よりピアノなどのほうがいいらしいですよ!英語力は以前よりかなり上がったと思います。“自信を持つ”ということが一番影響していると思います。私の学校には留学生と移民のためのALTの先生みたいな人がいます。毎週水曜日と金曜日のStudy Hallとランチの時間にオフィスへ行き、宿題の分からないところを手伝ってくれたり、単語の意味や発音の仕方のレッスンを受けています。その先生は本当に優しくて一番話しやすいし、自信のなかった私も“もっと話したい、伝えたい”と思えます。その先生のおかげで発音は問題なくなったし、何より英語を話す自信がつき、話すことがより楽しくなりました!相手の言っていることを理解できるようになってからは、会話から文法や単語や発音を聞き取り“なるほど、そう使うのか~”と学ぶ余裕も出てきました。英語で日記をつけたり、カルチャーショックやこれ日本と違う!と思ったことをノートに書き留めたり、月ごとに目標を決めて振り返ったりしているのですが、ついこの間見返したときに自分が後悔したことや出来るようになったことがたくさん書いてありました。そこで改めて残りの3か月で自分に何が出来るのか、何がしたいのか分かりました。あとは残りの三か月でどれだけ話して伸ばせるかだと思っています。なので残りの時間を大切に、自分のできる事を頑張ろうと思います!




Hi, I’m Nozomi living in Ohio! How is everyone doing? It doesn’t seem like it’s been three months already since New Year’s Day. Congratulations on your graduation from Hokusei High School. I can’t believe that it’s already the season for graduation and I’ll be senior soon. Recently, I’ve been thinking about what I’m doing after graduation from high school, and I’ve started studying for Eiken. It makes me feel it won’t be long before I go back to Japan. I had my birthday last month. I’m going to write about it and


It was my host mother and my birthday on February 22. We have the same birthday. It’s weird to share the same birthday with her, but she told me it’s one of the reasons why they decided to have me as an exchange student. I got a lot of birthday massages from my Japanese family members and friends before I turned 17 in the U.S. In the morning, I went down stairs for breakfast, and then I gave a huge hug to my host mom and we said, “happy birthday!” to each other. My friends celebrated my birthday and gave me presents at school. My best friend who is famous for skipping school came up to me to say Happy Birthday and gave me a big hug. In government class, everyone sang a birthday song for me. It impressed me deeply. When I was walking down the hall to my next class, I received “happy birthday” from friends, teachers, and a couple of people whom I didn’t even know. I don’t know how many times people said “happy birthday” that day. My host dad took me and my host mom to a restaurant which is kind of far from my house for dinner. I had a big party at the restaurant the next day. We invited our friends for the party. We sometimes laughed very hard. I took pictures with them. I ate a piece of cake which was the biggest piece of cake I had ever had. I opened all the presents I received from them. Host parents gave me a pair of shoes, boots, perfume, and a new alarm clock. It’s because my old one didn’t work anymore. One of my favorite presents they gave me is a board game which we ended up playing almost every night after dinner. I’ve never gotten homesick, and it’s because of my wonderful host family and friends who have always supported me. They are the reason why I don’t want to go back to Japan. I have been having so much fun with them.


I got a lot of snow days since after the winter break. It made me lazy, and I was bored by long day off, so I asked host dad if I could go to work with him, and he said I could do that if I wanted. He is an architect. He has worked on this job for a long time. He has been working for someone’s house with only two people, including him. He works on his job all week, and sometimes even during weekends. I worked hard to help him that day. I cleaned up the floor and stairs. I used a saw to make peace of tile for the floor, and pound on a nail《??》. These tasks made me very tired. I really respect him for what he does every day. When I told him that, he told me it’s all for us. He is such an amazing dad.


The PyongChang Winter Olympic was on TV for about 2 weeks. It began with the opening ceremony at night on February 18. I like watching Olympics games, especially ice skating and snowboarding. I love both watching and doing ice skating myself. I was very excited for that before it started. The host parents were surprised about how much I knew about the ice skaters. I couldn’t watch live broadcast on TV, but I watched it every day after school with mom. One day, there was a competition of speed skating between Japan and U.S.A. on TV. I cheered for Japanese skater and mom cheered for American skater. We enjoyed watching Olympics together.


It’s been already 7 months since I came here. Time passes so quickly. There are many things I have to do and would like to do. However, there is never enough time to do all of that. I don’t want to waste my time, but make the most of opportunities available. It seems like it is kind of hard to make steady effort every day, but it’s the best way to make a great progress with my English. For example, I’ve literally tried not to see or speak any Japanese. I’ve not listened to any music which has lyrics when I’m studying, but sound tracks of piano or something else instead. Using brain on right side is good for making brain which make it easier to remember something in English, and listening to music which doesn’t have lyrics is good for making that brain. My English skill is much better than it was before. I think it’s the most important thing to gain confident in own English to improve English and myself. Every Wednesday and Friday, I usually go to school office at lunch time and the Study Hall to study with a teacher only for exchange students and immigrants. We usually work on my homework which I couldn’t get done myself, and sometime do pronunciation practice. She is very kind and makes me want to speak English more. I had not been able to pronounce “L” until she taught me how to pronounce it, but I finally made it. Since I became capable to understand what people who I’m talking with say, I always learn something from them when they are speaking to me. I can now afford to pay attention to grammar and vocabulary. I know it’s not very important to pay attention to grammatical accuracy when I speak English though. I don’t even know how much my English will be better until I go back to Japan, but one of the biggest things I learned in 2017 is trying new things I never thought I could do. It’s the best way not to regret, to improve my English and grow up myself, although it may sound very simple. It’s scary to do what I don’t know if I could or could not, but I think we should think we’re lucky to be here and take opportunities to try whatever we want. All I want to say to my friends from Hokusei is take an opportunity and just try! It’s not easy to go to other countries, so I want to discover who I really am. I already know what I should do with only 3 months left. I kind of miss my Japanese friends, but I’ll keep doing my best!


Thank you for reading this report. It’s going to be my last report next time. See you guys soon:)

Nozomi4-1 Nozomi4-2