Hi, this is Rina Fujine from Michigan. How are you guys doing?
I just wondering because this is my 4th report, time is going so fast. I had a lot of snow day and ice day in here, but now Michigan is getting warm. I’m very sure I’ll miss snow day and ice day next winter. Anyways I did a lot of things after my 3rd report. The smallest thing was someone broke microwave. It’s sounds like small problem, but microwave is very important stuff for me, because if I lose microwave now I cannot make food to myself. That will be big problem for me. And Wi-Fi was breaking too. I couldn’t use my phone beside Wi-Fi, so that was hard for me.
Last month I had snow coming (dance party) and my 17th birthday. Snow coming was first dance for me, because I couldn’t go home coming (this is big dance party at school). It was fun, I enjoyed it. But weather was bad like a lot of snow and strong wind, so that day was cold. I got sick after snow coming. I got snow day at my birthday, because at weekend weather was bad so school canceled. I was board just stay home all day, but my friends sent me a lot of message that made me happy.
Couple days ago, my host family’s house lost hot water and house got cold too. That happen continue 4 days. Outside is not warm enough, so that happen made me sickness. I couldn’t understand I cannot get shower 4 days, so I was not feel good. Then I asked to my host dad why we lost hot water then he said to me `we didn’t have enough money to pay for it` I couldn’t say anything about that. 3 days later we lost hot water again, I don’t know why, but my host parents paid it, so that’s not from money.
But it’s not normal in America too, so I want to say to people will go study abroad don’t worry about this happen, probably it’s not going to happen to you guys.
A lot of things can change myself but it’s not all. When I feel like hard or something like that I should think I need this experience to grow up myself, and it’ll be make me more stronger too.
Thank you for reading my report.