お買い物もして、Top of the Rock、Times Square、Central Parkなど観光名所もたくさん行きました。あ、あとトランプタワーにトイレをしに行きました!(笑)3日目の夜にはナイトクルーズがあって、自由の女神の目の前を通って、本当に綺麗でした…..
それに旅行で出会った人たちが本当に素敵すぎて大好きすぎて…. アジア人はシャイで子どもっぽいイメージだったけど、萌衣たちはオシャレでカッコいいよってみんなが言ってくれてすっっごく嬉しかったです。
あまりにも離れるのが嫌で、みんなと別れる時号泣してました(笑) 離れて一人でバスに乗ってる時でさえ悲しすぎて泣いてました(笑)
Hi, guys!! I’m Moe Fujinaka and I stay in Canada,Onario. I’m so sorry to hand in this report lately. But there is the reason why I was late! I went to NY!! if somebody saw my instagram, you know how much fun it was…. that was the best trip I’ve ever had. I had done a bunch of amazing stuff…. so I have no idea what should I write first.
I went to shopping and I went to Top of the Rock, Times Square and Central Park… and….! I went to Trump Tower to just go to washroom lol it’s kinda fancy, isn’t it?
We had a night cruise and that was amazing… that cruise past in front of Statue of Liberty.
Moreover, people who I met in this trip is AMAZING. they said “Asian people is usually shy and kinda childish but you guys are not, you guys are so cool and fashionable” I was really happy to hear that. I do appreciate everybody who I met in this trip. Honestly, when I had to say goodbye to my friends, I was crying and crying. You know that’s too sad. And even I got the bus by myself, I cried. That’s kinda embarrassing lol I hope I can see them at some point.
If somebody will study abroad in Canada, definitely I recommend you to join the trip!
Anyway…. There is only 2 months to finish my exchange year…Time flies!!
I hope my English skill would be better. And honestly 2 questions stuck in my head. One is “Who I am” and “what I want to be” I hope I could answer this questions when I leave here.
I appreciate my teacher, family and friends who always support me.
See you next report!