私の長期のホストファミリーはマザー、ファザー、双子のホストシスターであるエイバとビー、同い年でベトナムからの留学生のキム、ファザーと同級生で仕事に行くためこの家に住んでいるジョンです。兄弟がいない私にとって沢山の家族に囲まれて暮らすのはとても新鮮です。エイバとビーはとっても可愛くて、分からないことがあると教えてくれます。そして、留学生のキムとは正直言うと上手くいってないです。マザーに相談したり、キムと2人で話し合ってみると考え方が真逆な事が分かりました。凄く簡単に言うと私は”Open mind!” という感じですが、キムは”Close mind!”という感じです。彼女の考え方に反論したい気持ちを抑え、理解し、尊敬することは簡単な事ではありませんが頑張って乗り越えます!マザーとファザーはとても頭が良くて勉強をいつも教えてくれます。また、沢山相談に乗ってくれて、心に響く言葉をかけてくれます(笑)とても助かっています。
Hi! I’m Ayane Yamamoto! I finished 3 weeks program in Colorado, and I’m staying in Alaska now.
The program in Colorado was so fun! We basically studied how different between American culture and Japanese culture and how to tell a host family about Japanese culture. Also, every Wednesday we didn’t have a class instead of doing activity. I learned many things which is very important for exchange student. My host family was very funny so we laughed every day. I made slime with my host sister, Shelly and played game with host brother, Dan. Also, I made traditional Japanese food with my host family. These were really good experience. I spent much time with Eden who was my host sister. She taught me many words that I don’t know, and understood my feeling so she was always beside me. Now we are best friend, we could talk about problems each other. Shelly was only 10 years-old but she also helped me a lot, I appreciated her. We went a Japanese restaurant a day before I left. It was very delicious. After came back to home I was very sad because I didn’t want to say goodbye. When I was crying, everyone encouraged me. Then my host father and mother said “We asked your exchange student company to stay longer with you, but they said “No” so…We also don’t want to say goodbye but we have to do that…” It’s impressed me because I noticed that I could stay with this host family as an exchange student, so it gave me courage. When the time to left, everyone gave me a big hug and we cried. However, they told me that they will go to Japan in year so I’m excited now.
Then I had gotten on a plane alone for 5 hours. I started crying when I opened a present from Eden. It was very impressed me, but also I thought that I must not give up!
My host family in Alaska is mother, father, Ava, Vee, Kim who is an exchange student from Vietnam, and John is a friend of father who lives in this house to work. Ava and Vee are my host sisters, and they are so cute. Also they help me if I have problems. However, I don’t built good relationship with Kim yet. I talked with mother and Kim, then I could figure out that my way of thinking and Kim’s way of thinking are completely different. For example, I usually talk my honestly feeling to my mother and friends, but Kim doesn’t. Therefore, I want to argue against her way of thinking, but I know that I have to understand it and respect her. It’s not easy to do that, so I’ll try to do my best. My host mother and father are very smart and kind, so they teach me anything every day. Also, they give me many advises if I have problems, it helps me a lot.
By the way, a school life is very fun. However, I cannot understand what teacher and friends said if they tried to tell me about something. It’s difficult to catch up these classes, especially English seminar and US History seminar are the most difficult class for me. It’s because, basically discussing is a main thing of a seminar. If I don’t understand contents of a class, I can’t discuss, but it’s interesting to know the difference between the viewpoints and thinking of Americans and Japanese. Therefore, I’ll continue taking these classes. At lunch time, I ate lunch with a girl who is very shy so we could not have long conversation. It was kind of uncomfortable for me, so now I usually do my homework with my new friends while I eat lunch. However, I don’t decide who to eat lunch with so every day it changes. That’s little scary, but I can make new friends everyday so I will continue doing it.
My goal for studying abroad is “Having fun”. It’s because, my friend said me “You’re going to Alaska!? Oh, poor thing!”, and some of my friends laughed at me. When I heard this I thought that I have to have fun more than these guys. In addition, sound of my goal is easy, but actually it’s very difficult. It’s because now I’m living in America without my Japanese family and friends, this situation is way harder than I thought. However, I think I’m spending very precious time that anyone can’t have. That’s why I want to enjoy the time while thinking that is valuable. If I could think like this way, my English skill and my minds should be very good and strong. It passed a month since
I came here, but I’m not able to feel yet that my English skill gets better. Therefore, l have my hands full with believing myself. If I have problem, I cannot tell my host family, friends, and teachers very well so my brain is always filled with Japanese. Therefore, I think I’ve been doing my best, I’ll never give up! See you later: )