カナダプログラムには研修がなく、すぐに約10か月お世話になるホストファミリーの元へ行きます。私がサスカトゥーンにある空港に着いたら早速ホストファミリーとの初対面でした。荷物を受け取り空港の出口に向かっている最中とても緊張しましたが、ホストシスターとブラザーがすぐに私の元に駆け寄ってきて“WELCOME MAYUKA”と書かれてある紙を持って「この絵私が書いたよ!!」「これは僕が書いたよ!!」言って駆け寄ってきてくれて緊張がすぐにほぐれました。私のファミリーはマザー、ファザー、7歳のシスター、9歳のブラザーがいます。
Hi, everyone. I am Mayuka Shinojima and I’m in Prince Albert in Saskatchewan. I will tell you about life in Canada. This place is so cold. Every winter, it will be minus 40 degrees.
Canada program has no training. So, I went to meet host family who is living together about 10 months soon. After I arrive at the airport in Saskatoon, it was first time to meet with my host family. While I got my bag pack and after I was going to exit, I was getting so nervous. But, my host brother and sister ran up to me and show me the paper that is written “welcome Mayuka”. And, they said that “I drew this pic.” “I drew these one, too.”. Anyway, I could get comfortable. By the way, I will tell basically information about my host family. I have a host mother, father, younger sister who is 7 years old and younger brother who is 9 years old.
I had a school after a week from first day in here. This week had a lot of differences of life. Especially, eating habits has. Cause my host family is Began. I was afraid to be able to live almost 1 year in this situation. But I’m familiar to live here. Someday, I talked with my host family about my purpose to come here and what do I want to do in here. My purpose is improving my English skill, getting independent and being able to solve any problems myself. Also, having fun in Canada is also and most dream I want to grant. In this way, week was pasted suddenly.
Finally, School was started. I had already known that there are many differences at the school. That is thing beyond my imagination. Some students are smoking, and some students attend class once a month. Almost students have a child and the most thing I was surprised is there is a place to left their children at my school. The parents left their child there and go to receive them after school. The kindergarten has a time to walk around the school. I sometimes see them, and they are so cute. I’m taking ELA, Music, Band, Catholic Studies, Choral, Math, Physical Education at 1st semester. All of class is not difficult for me. If I’m forced to say, I think Catholic studies class is the most difficult. I make sense only the story I learned at Hokusei. I have to put together a report on my opinion. And there are many terminologies. That things makes me hard. Also, in music class, I play the guitar and it is difficult to play it. If I ask to my teacher, they teach me gently.
And about holiday. In every Saturday, I go to farmers market that is held by local peoples and some clothes by handmade are sold and some vegetables, too. Also, my host mother, sister and I started Yoga. In every Sunday, I have a karate and go to the Gym. And I make Japanese food for them. I wish my cocking skills will be improved. We sometime go to far away and we enjoyed looking aurora and catching wild owls.
The day like this is keeping and one month is passed already. It was like a moment. I keep thinking of the all people in Canada are so kind for me and I talked with shop clerk and stranger. Some people said to me “You can be here forever!”. They are awesome people. I love them. I am so comfortable to be here. That’s all I want to say to everyone! Thank you for reading.