Salut! C’est Hikari Matt. Ça va?
という冗談は置いておき、人口6万人ほどのdicaturという町からとうもろこしと豆の畑が左右に広がる田舎道を15分ほど走り続けると突如として現れるCerro Gordoという人口1500人に満たないような田舎町に私は住んでいます。ここにくる前はピザ屋さんとドラッグストアしかないというネットの事実に震えてましたが、着いてみると一軒しかありませんが地元のレストラン、アートショップ、小さい図書館、銀行、ペットサロンなどいろいろあり意外と毎日退屈しません。(でもスーパーマーケットは隣町までいかないとないです笑)
きっと次のレポートまであっという間ですね(笑)それでは、a bientot!
Bonjour. Well that was like only French word I can say, so I’m going to write in English from here. I have thousands of things that I want to write to here, but you know that’s impossible and I’m kinda sleepy now. I’ll try to finish this super first, so I guess there will be many grammatical mistakes. Oh well if I’m not sleepy, there will be still many mistakes. haha. It has been three months since I came to United States. I mainly wrote about my stay in Oregon in Japanese, so I’m going to write my high school life here in Illinois. First thing first, my high school is small. Or tiny, “Petit” in French. (I don’t know high school is masculine or feminine) There are only 150 or 160 students including junior high. There are not many teacher either, so English teacher also teaches Spanish which I feel weird and little funny. I’m taking French, art, geometry, P.E, English, US history, and biology. One thing I surprised about high school here is every student can choose what they want to study. I’m taking French1, means it is usually class for freshman. But there is one girl junior except me, so I asked her why she’s taking French1. Then she told me that she took Spanish class for her first year but she didn’t like it so she stops taking it when she was in sophomore. And I don’t know why, but she started taking French class from this year. I think this cannot happen in Japan, though in United States if students want to take the classes, basically grades are not important.
Also, I had presentation in my US history class and was quite interesting so let me introduce some presentation my class mate did. Two boys did their presentation about Boston Tea Party. They filled water tank with tea and made ship pretending like real Boston Tea Party. Another group made Christmas cookie introducing Valley Forge.
And few groups made diorama! Every presentation was really unique and interesting that me in Japan could hardly imagine. I’m getting used to school and having fun with my awesome friends. Still some time I feel lonely but thanks to everyone, I’m still alive and enjoying every single moment of my life in small town!
That is about it and hope to see you soon. Thank you for reading.